/*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*\ File: oct6100_playout_buf_priv.h Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Octasic Inc. Description: File containing all private defines, macros, structures and prototypes pertaining to the file oct6100_playout_buf.c. All elements defined in this file are for private usage of the API. All public elements are defined in the oct6100_playout_buf_pub.h file. This file is part of the Octasic OCT6100 GPL API . The OCT6100 GPL API is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The OCT6100 GPL API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the OCT6100 GPL API; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. $Octasic_Release: OCT612xAPI-01.00-PR43 $ $Octasic_Revision: 22 $ \*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*/ #ifndef __OCT6100_PLAYOUT_BUF_PRIV_H__ #define __OCT6100_PLAYOUT_BUF_PRIV_H__ /***************************** INCLUDE FILES *******************************/ /***************************** DEFINES *************************************/ /* Playout buffer list pointer macros. */ #define mOCT6100_GET_BUFFER_LIST_PNT( pSharedInfo, pList ) \ pList = ( tPOCT6100_API_BUFFER )(( PUINT8 )pSharedInfo + pSharedInfo->ulPlayoutBufListOfst ); #define mOCT6100_GET_BUFFER_ENTRY_PNT( pSharedInfo, pEntry, ulIndex ) \ pEntry = (( tPOCT6100_API_BUFFER )(( PUINT8 )pSharedInfo + pSharedInfo->ulPlayoutBufListOfst)) + ulIndex; #define mOCT6100_GET_BUFFER_ALLOC_PNT( pSharedInfo, pAlloc ) \ pAlloc = ( PVOID )(( PUINT8 )pSharedInfo + pSharedInfo->ulPlayoutBufAllocOfst); /***************************** TYPES ***************************************/ /************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *****************************/ UINT32 Oct6100ApiGetPlayoutBufferSwSizes( IN tPOCT6100_CHIP_OPEN f_pOpenChip, OUT tPOCT6100_API_INSTANCE_SIZES f_pInstSizes ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiPlayoutBufferSwInit( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance ); UINT32 Oct6100BufferLoadSer( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_LOAD f_pBufferLoad, IN BOOL f_fReserveListStruct, IN UINT32 f_ulBufIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100BufferLoadBlockInitSer( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_LOAD_BLOCK_INIT f_pBufferLoadBlockInit ); UINT32 Oct6100BufferLoadBlockSer( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_LOAD_BLOCK f_pBufferLoadBlock ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiCheckBufferParams( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_LOAD f_pBufferLoad, IN BOOL f_fCheckBufferPtr ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiCheckBufferLoadBlockParams( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_LOAD_BLOCK f_pBufferLoadBlock, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufferBase ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiReserveBufferResources( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_LOAD f_pBufferLoad, IN BOOL f_fReserveListStruct, IN UINT32 f_ulBufIndex, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufIndex, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufBase ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiWriteBufferInMemory( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN UINT32 f_ulBufferBase, IN UINT32 f_ulBufferLength, IN PUINT8 f_pbyBuffer ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiUpdateBufferEntry( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_LOAD f_pBufferLoad, IN UINT32 f_ulBufIndex, IN UINT32 f_ulBufBase ); UINT32 Oct6100BufferUnloadSer( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_UNLOAD f_pBufferUnload, IN BOOL f_fReleaseListStruct ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiAssertBufferParams( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_UNLOAD f_pBufferUnload, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufIndex, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufBase ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiReleaseBufferResources( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN UINT32 f_ulBufIndex, IN UINT32 f_ulBufBase, IN BOOL f_fReleaseListStruct ); UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutAddSer( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_ADD f_pBufferPlayoutAdd ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiCheckPlayoutAddParams( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_ADD f_pBufferPlayoutAdd, OUT PUINT32 f_pulChannelIndex, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufferIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiWriteBufferAddStructs( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_ADD f_pBufferPlayoutAdd, IN UINT32 f_ulChannelIndex, IN UINT32 f_ulBufferIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutStartSer( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_START f_pBufferPlayoutStart, IN UINT32 f_ulPlayoutStopEventType ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiCheckPlayoutStartParams( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_START f_pBufferPlayoutStart, OUT PUINT32 f_pulChannelIndex, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufferIndex, OUT PBOOL f_pfNotifyOnPlayoutStop, OUT PUINT32 f_pulUserEventId, OUT PBOOL f_pfAllowStartIfActive ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiWriteChanPlayoutStructs( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_START f_pBufferPlayoutStart, IN UINT32 f_ulChannelIndex, IN UINT32 f_ulBufferIndex, IN BOOL f_fNotifyOnPlayoutStop, IN UINT32 f_ulUserEventId, IN BOOL f_fAllowStartIfActive, IN UINT32 f_ulPlayoutStopEventType ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiUpdateChanPlayoutEntry ( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_START f_pBufferPlayoutStart, IN UINT32 f_ulChannelIndex, IN UINT32 f_ulBufferIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutStopSer( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_STOP f_pBufferPlayoutStop ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiAssertPlayoutStopParams( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_STOP f_pBufferPlayoutStop, OUT PUINT32 f_pulChannelIndex, OUT PUINT16 f_pusEchoMemIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiInvalidateChanPlayoutStructs( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_STOP f_pBufferPlayoutStop, IN UINT32 f_ulChannelIndex, IN UINT16 f_usEchoMemIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiReleaseChanPlayoutResources ( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN OUT tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_STOP f_pBufferPlayoutStop, IN UINT32 f_ulChannelIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiReserveBufPlayoutListEntry( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, OUT PUINT32 f_pulBufIndex ); UINT32 Oct6100ApiReleaseBufPlayoutListEntry( IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance, IN UINT32 f_ulBufIndex ); #endif /* __OCT6100_PLAYOUT_BUF_PRIV_H__ */