This file describes how to build the C++ part of the oreka capture system ===================================== Build on Linux Prerequisites: install these packages first using your linux distribution packaging system or download sources tarballs from the listed websites. * log4cxx 0.9.7 - It is important to use this precise version for now * ACE 5.4.2 * libpcap 0.7.2 (only needed if you want to do VoIP recording) * boost 1.31.0 * xerces-c 2.6 * libsndfile 1.0.10 * portaudio v18 (only needed if you want to do sound device recording) Redhat/Centos specific * yum install boost-devel * yum install libpcap * Download orkaudio-0.4-centos4.2-i386-rpms.tar from sourceforge * rpm -i xercesc-2.7.0-1.i386.rpm * rpm -i ACE-5.4.8-1.i386.rpm * rpm -i log4cxx-0.9.7-1.i386.rpm * rpm -i libsndfile-1.0.13-1.i386.rpm Debian/Ubuntu specific * apt-get install libace-dev * apt-get install libboost-dev * apt-get install liblog4cpp-dev * apt-get install libpcap0.7-dev * apt-get install libxerces26-dev * apt-get install libsndfile1-dev Build orkbasecxx on the command line: * Go to the root directory of the orkbasecxx * autoreconf -i * ./configure * make * make install Build orkaudio on the command line: * Go to the root directory of the orkaudio * autoreconf -i * ./configure * make * make install For debug binary: modify above as follows * ./configure --enable-debug=full * CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g3" * make -e Build using Kdevelop * Project/import existing project (libtool based c++ project) ===================================== Build on Windows/MSVC6 (SP6) * Download the c++ win32 external library pack and unpack into c:\devExt (if you change this location, you need to change all references in the dsp files) * Load orkaudio\OrkAudio.dsw into MSVC * Select orkbase as active project, build * Select orkaudio as active project, build * Select rtpmixer as active project, build * Select desired capture plugin, build