Introduction ============ Log4cxx is a port to C++ of the log4j project. The goal is have the same functionnalities and interfaces of log4j. Features ======== It's a flexible and highly configurable logging framework Main features : - Configurable logging destinations (appenders) - Configurable logging format (layouts) - Categorized logging statements through a hierarchy (loggers) - Advanced filtering (filters) - Thread safe library - UTF-16 Unicode support * Appenders: AsyncAppender, ConsoleAppender, DailyRollingFileAppender, FileAppender, NTEventLogAppender, ODBCAppender, RollingFileAppender, SMTPAppender, SocketAppender, SocketHubAappender, SyslogAppender, TelnetAppender, XMLSocketAppender * Layouts: HTMLLayout, PatternLayout, SimpleLayout, TTCCLayout, XMLLayout * Filters: DenyAllFilter, LevelMatchFilter, LevelRangeFilter, StringMatchFilter * Configurators: BasicConfigurator, DOMConfigurator, PropertyConfigurator * Java like objects with dynamic cast and instanciation. Custom objects can be configured through the DOMConfigurator and PropertyConfigurator classes Supported OS ============ * Linux (tested on Linux Mandrake 10.0) * FreeBSD * Windows (MSVC 6.0, MSVC 7.1 or Cygwin) * Other POSIX OS should be supported but were not tested Installation ============ ./ ./configure make make check make install See INSTALL file for further details. Visual Studio .Net 2003 and Visual Studio 6.0 considerations ============================================================ For projects linking with log4cxx static library, the macro LOG4CXX_STATIC must be defined (tab C++, textbox Preprocessor in the project properties) and "log4cxxs.lib" must be passed to the linker (tab Link,textbox Object/Library Modules in the project settings). For projects linking with log4cxx dynamic library (dll), "log4cxx.lib" must be passed to the linker (tab Link,textbox Object/Library Modules in the project settings). Unitary Tests ============= You will need to install * cppunit ( * boost regex ( Unix : run "make check" Windows : run msvc/tests/runtests.bat Performance Tests ================= Just run performance/ The result are expressed in micro-seconds. Links ===== Log4cxx project page Log4j project page Contacts ======== See AUTHORS file License ======= This library is licensed under the Apache Public License. Please read the included license.apl for details.