Welcome to Oreka, an open media capture and retrieval platform Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC http://www.orecx.com This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This package is a binary distribution of the oreka audio recording service. Source code and documentation can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/oreka/ =========== Quick start -------- Features * VoIP recording capability by sniffing on a network device (default configuration) * Audio device recording (by default, records all devices in the system) using the Sound Device plugin * Generates "tape" (recordings) details records The VoIP plugin supports the following protocols: - Bidirectional SIP sessions recording with SIP metadata extraction - Bidirectional Cisco skinny (aka SCCP) session recording with Skinny metadata extraction - Bidirectional Raw RTP session recording with limited metadata extraction (when SIP and Skinny both fail) -------------- How to install * Download and install winpcap 3.1 (choose the windows installer version). This is a network packet capture library. http://www.winpcap.org * Unzip this package in a folder of your choice. * Open a cmd box, navigate to the install directory * To run on the command line, open a cmd box, navigate to the install directory and issue the following command: c:\oreka\orkaudio> OrkAudio.exe debug * To run as a service, issue the following command: c:\oreka\orkaudio> OrkAudio.exe install * To uninstall service, issue the following command: c:\oreka\orkaudio> OrkAudio.exe uninstall * For VoIP recording on an entire LAN, you need to tap an ethernet link carrying all the voice traffic you want to monitor. There are three methods: 1. Ehternet tap 2. Ethernet Hub 3. Switch SPAN port For more info on those options, see: http://www.snort.org/docs and more specifically: http://www.snort.org/docs/iss-placement.pdf ---------------- How to configure * General configuration is found in config.xml * Logging configuration is found in logging.properties ------------------------------------------------- Where to find generated "tapes" and "tape detail records" * Point the windows file explorer to the OrkAudio install directory. Files are stored in subdirectories using the following path scheme: YYYY\MM\DD\HH\ * "tape details records" can be found in tapelist.log