/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "ConfigManager.h" #include "BatchProcessing.h" #include "LogManager.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" #include "audiofile/LibSndFileFile.h" #include "Daemon.h" #include "Filter.h" BatchProcessing BatchProcessing::m_batchProcessingSingleton; BatchProcessing::BatchProcessing() { m_threadCount = 0; struct tm date = {0}; time_t now = time(NULL); ACE_OS::localtime_r(&now, &date); m_currentDay = date.tm_mday; } BatchProcessing* BatchProcessing::GetInstance() { return &m_batchProcessingSingleton; } void BatchProcessing::AddAudioTape(AudioTapeRef audioTapeRef) { if (!m_audioTapeQueue.push(audioTapeRef)) { // Log error LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("BatchProcessing: queue full")); } } void BatchProcessing::TapeDropRegistration(CStdString& filename) { MutexSentinel sentinel(m_tapeDropMutex); CStdString absoluteFilename = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath + "/" + filename; if (ACE_OS::unlink((PCSTR)absoluteFilename) != 0) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "Could not deleted tape: " + filename); m_tapesToDrop.insert(std::make_pair(filename, time(NULL))); } else { LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "Deleted tape: " + filename); } } bool BatchProcessing::DropTapeIfNeeded(CStdString& filename) { bool shouldDrop = false; MutexSentinel sentinel(m_tapeDropMutex); std::map::iterator pair; pair = m_tapesToDrop.find(filename); if(pair != m_tapesToDrop.end()) { shouldDrop = true; CStdString absoluteFilename = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath + "/" + filename; if (ACE_OS::unlink((PCSTR)absoluteFilename) == 0) { LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "Deleted tape: " + filename); m_tapesToDrop.erase(filename); } else { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "Could not deleted tape: " + filename); } } TapeDropHousekeeping(); return shouldDrop; } void BatchProcessing::TapeDropHousekeeping() { struct tm date = {0}; time_t now = time(NULL); ACE_OS::localtime_r(&now, &date); if(m_currentDay != date.tm_mday) { // another day has passed away ... clear possible leftovers m_currentDay = date.tm_mday; m_tapesToDrop.clear(); } } void BatchProcessing::ThreadHandler(void *args) { CStdString debug; BatchProcessing* pBatchProcessing = BatchProcessing::GetInstance(); int threadId = 0; { MutexSentinel sentinel(pBatchProcessing->m_mutex); threadId = pBatchProcessing->m_threadCount++; } CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("Created thread #") + threadIdString); bool stop = false; for(;stop == false;) { AudioFileRef fileRef; AudioFileRef outFileRef; try { AudioTapeRef audioTapeRef = pBatchProcessing->m_audioTapeQueue.pop(); if(audioTapeRef.get() == NULL) { if(DaemonSingleton::instance()->IsStopping()) { stop = true; } } else { fileRef = audioTapeRef->GetAudioFileRef(); if(pBatchProcessing->DropTapeIfNeeded(audioTapeRef->GetFilename()) == true) { // The tape we have pulled has been dropped in the meantime. just delete the capture file if(CONFIG.m_deleteNativeFile) { fileRef->Delete(); } } else { // Let's work on the tape we have pulled CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("Th") + threadIdString + " processing: " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier()); fileRef->MoveOrig(); fileRef->Open(AudioFile::READ); AudioChunkRef chunkRef; AudioChunkRef tmpChunkRef; switch(CONFIG.m_storageAudioFormat) { case AudioTape::FfUlaw: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_ULAW | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case AudioTape::FfAlaw: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_ALAW | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case AudioTape::FfGsm: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_GSM610 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case AudioTape::FfPcmWav: default: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); } CStdString file = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath() + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier(); outFileRef->Open(file, AudioFile::WRITE, false, fileRef->GetSampleRate()); FilterRef filter; FilterRef decoder1; FilterRef decoder2; bool firstChunk = true; bool voIpSession = false; while(fileRef->ReadChunkMono(chunkRef)) { AudioChunkDetails details = *chunkRef->GetDetails(); if(firstChunk && details.m_rtpPayloadType != -1) { firstChunk = false; CStdString filterName("RtpMixer"); filter = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(filterName); if(filter.get() == NULL) { debug = "BatchProcessing - Could not instanciate RTP mixer"; throw(debug); } decoder1 = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(details.m_rtpPayloadType); decoder2 = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(details.m_rtpPayloadType); if(decoder1.get() == NULL || decoder2.get() == NULL) { debug.Format("BatchProcessing - Could not find decoder for RTP payload type:%u", chunkRef->GetDetails()->m_rtpPayloadType); throw(debug); } voIpSession = true; } if(voIpSession) { if(details.m_channel == 2) { decoder2->AudioChunkIn(chunkRef); decoder2->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); } else { decoder1->AudioChunkIn(chunkRef); decoder1->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); } filter->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkRef); filter->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); } outFileRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkRef); // Give up CPU to make sure the actual recording always has priority ACE_Time_Value yield; yield.set(0,1); // 1 us ACE_OS::sleep(yield); } fileRef->Close(); outFileRef->Close(); if(CONFIG.m_deleteNativeFile) { fileRef->Delete(); CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("Th") + threadIdString + " deleting native: " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier()); } pBatchProcessing->DropTapeIfNeeded(audioTapeRef->GetFilename()); // maybe the tape was dropped while we were processing it } } } catch (CStdString& e) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("BatchProcessing: ") + e); } //catch(...) //{ // LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("BatchProcessing: unknown exception")); //} } LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("Exiting thread #" + threadIdString)); }