/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #define _WINSOCKAPI_ // prevents the inclusion of winsock.h #include #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/Singleton.h" #include "ace/Min_Max.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_arpa_inet.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_ctype.h" #include "ace/Thread_Manager.h" #include "ace/Thread_Mutex.h" #include "AudioCapturePlugin.h" #include "AudioCapturePluginCommon.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "VoIpConfig.h" #include "pcap.h" #include "PacketHeaderDefs.h" #include "Rtp.h" #include "RtpSession.h" extern AudioChunkCallBackFunction g_audioChunkCallBack; extern CaptureEventCallBackFunction g_captureEventCallBack; extern OrkLogManager* g_logManager; #include "LogManager.h" static LoggerPtr s_packetLog; static LoggerPtr s_rtpPacketLog; static LoggerPtr s_sipPacketLog; static LoggerPtr s_skinnyPacketLog; static LoggerPtr s_sipExtractionLog; time_t s_lastHooveringTime; static ACE_Thread_Mutex s_mutex; VoIpConfigTopObjectRef g_VoIpConfigTopObjectRef; #define DLLCONFIG g_VoIpConfigTopObjectRef.get()->m_config #define PROMISCUOUS 1 // Convert a piece of memnory to hex string void memToHex(unsigned char* input, size_t len, CStdString&output) { char byteAsHex[10]; for(int i=0; iversion == 2) { u_short source = ntohs(udpHeader->source); u_short dest = ntohs(udpHeader->dest); if(!(ntohs(udpHeader->source)%2) && !(ntohs(udpHeader->dest)%2)) // udp ports must be even { if(rtpHeader->pt <= 34 ) // pt=34 is H263 and is the last possible valid codec { result = true; u_char* payload = (u_char *)rtpHeader + sizeof(RtpHeaderStruct); u_char* packetEnd = (u_char *)ipHeader + ntohs(ipHeader->ip_len); u_int payloadLength = packetEnd - payload; RtpPacketInfoRef rtpInfo(new RtpPacketInfo()); rtpInfo->m_sourceIp = ipHeader->ip_src; rtpInfo->m_destIp = ipHeader->ip_dest; rtpInfo->m_sourcePort = ntohs(udpHeader->source); rtpInfo->m_destPort = ntohs(udpHeader->dest); rtpInfo->m_payloadSize = payloadLength; rtpInfo->m_payloadType = rtpHeader->pt; rtpInfo->m_seqNum = ntohs(rtpHeader->seq); rtpInfo->m_timestamp = ntohl(rtpHeader->ts); rtpInfo->m_payload = payload; rtpInfo->m_arrivalTimestamp = time(NULL); if(s_rtpPacketLog->isDebugEnabled()) { CStdString debug; rtpInfo->ToString(debug); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(s_rtpPacketLog, debug); } RtpSessionsSingleton::instance()->ReportRtpPacket(rtpInfo); } else { // unsupported CODEC if(s_rtpPacketLog->isDebugEnabled()) { CStdString debug; char sourceIp[16]; ACE_OS::inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void*)&ipHeader->ip_src, sourceIp, sizeof(sourceIp)); char destIp[16]; ACE_OS::inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void*)&ipHeader->ip_dest, destIp, sizeof(destIp)); debug.Format("Unsupported codec:%x src:%s dst:%s", rtpHeader->pt, sourceIp, destIp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(s_rtpPacketLog, debug); } } } } return result; } bool TrySipBye(EthernetHeaderStruct* ethernetHeader, IpHeaderStruct* ipHeader, UdpHeaderStruct* udpHeader, u_char* udpPayload) { bool result = false; if (memcmp("BYE", (void*)udpPayload, 1) == 0) { result = true; int sipLength = ntohs(udpHeader->len); char* sipEnd = (char*)udpPayload + sipLength; SipByeInfo info; char* callIdField = memFindAfter("Call-ID: ", (char*)udpPayload, sipEnd); if(callIdField) { GrabToken(callIdField, info.m_callId); RtpSessionsSingleton::instance()->ReportSipBye(info); } LOG4CXX_INFO(s_sipPacketLog, "BYE: callid:" + info.m_callId); } return result; } bool TrySipInvite(EthernetHeaderStruct* ethernetHeader, IpHeaderStruct* ipHeader, UdpHeaderStruct* udpHeader, u_char* udpPayload) { bool result = false; if (memcmp("INVITE", (void*)udpPayload, 1) == 0) { result = true; int sipLength = ntohs(udpHeader->len); char* sipEnd = (char*)udpPayload + sipLength; SipInviteInfoRef info(new SipInviteInfo()); char* fromField = memFindAfter("From: ", (char*)udpPayload, sipEnd); char* toField = NULL; char* callIdField = NULL; char* audioField = NULL; if(fromField) { if(s_sipExtractionLog->isDebugEnabled()) { CStdString from; GrabLine(fromField, sipEnd, from); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(s_sipExtractionLog, "from: " + from); } char* fromFieldEnd = memFindEOL(fromField, sipEnd); char* sipUser = memFindAfter("sip:", fromField, fromFieldEnd); if(sipUser) { GrabAlphaNumToken(sipUser, fromFieldEnd, info->m_from); } else { GrabAlphaNumToken(fromField, fromFieldEnd, info->m_from); } toField = memFindAfter("To: ", fromField, sipEnd); } if(toField) { char* toFieldEnd = NULL; if(s_sipExtractionLog->isDebugEnabled()) { CStdString to; toFieldEnd = GrabLine(toField, sipEnd, to); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(s_sipExtractionLog, "to: " + to); } char* sipUser = memFindAfter("sip:", toField, toFieldEnd); if(sipUser) { GrabAlphaNumToken(sipUser, toFieldEnd, info->m_to); } else { GrabAlphaNumToken(toField, toFieldEnd, info->m_to); } callIdField = memFindAfter("Call-ID: ", toField, sipEnd); } if(callIdField) { GrabToken(callIdField, info->m_callId); audioField = memFindAfter("m=audio ", callIdField, sipEnd); } if(audioField) { GrabToken(audioField, info->m_fromRtpPort); info->m_fromIp = ipHeader->ip_src; RtpSessionsSingleton::instance()->ReportSipInvite(info); } CStdString logMsg; info->ToString(logMsg); logMsg = "INVITE: " + logMsg; LOG4CXX_INFO(s_sipPacketLog, logMsg); } return result; } void HandleSkinnyMessage(SkinnyHeaderStruct* skinnyHeader) { bool useful = true; CStdString debug; SkStartMediaTransmissionStruct* startMedia; SkStopMediaTransmissionStruct* stopMedia; SkCallInfoStruct* callInfo; switch(skinnyHeader->messageType) { case SkStartMediaTransmission: startMedia = (SkStartMediaTransmissionStruct*)skinnyHeader; if(s_skinnyPacketLog->isDebugEnabled()) { char szRemoteIp[16]; ACE_OS::inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void*)&startMedia->remoteIpAddr, szRemoteIp, sizeof(szRemoteIp)); debug.Format(" CallId:%u %s,%u", startMedia->conferenceId, szRemoteIp, startMedia->remoteTcpPort); } RtpSessionsSingleton::instance()->ReportSkinnyStartMediaTransmission(startMedia); break; case SkStopMediaTransmission: stopMedia = (SkStopMediaTransmissionStruct*)skinnyHeader; if(s_skinnyPacketLog->isDebugEnabled()) { debug.Format(" CallId:%u", stopMedia->conferenceId); } RtpSessionsSingleton::instance()->ReportSkinnyStopMediaTransmission(stopMedia); break; case SkCallInfoMessage: callInfo = (SkCallInfoStruct*)skinnyHeader; if(s_skinnyPacketLog->isDebugEnabled()) { debug.Format(" CallId:%u calling:%s called:%s", callInfo->callId, callInfo->callingParty, callInfo->calledParty); } RtpSessionsSingleton::instance()->ReportSkinnyCallInfo(callInfo); break; default: useful = false; } if(useful && s_skinnyPacketLog->isDebugEnabled()) { CStdString msg = SkinnyMessageToString(skinnyHeader->messageType); debug = msg + debug; LOG4CXX_INFO(s_skinnyPacketLog, debug); } } void HandlePacket(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data) { EthernetHeaderStruct* ethernetHeader = (EthernetHeaderStruct *)pkt_data; IpHeaderStruct* ipHeader = (IpHeaderStruct*)((char*)ethernetHeader + sizeof(EthernetHeaderStruct)); int ipHeaderLength = ipHeader->ip_hl*4; u_char* ipPacketEnd = (u_char*)ipHeader + ipHeader->ip_len; if(ipHeader->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP) { UdpHeaderStruct* udpHeader = (UdpHeaderStruct*)((char *)ipHeader + ipHeaderLength); if( ntohs(udpHeader->source) > 4000 && ntohs(udpHeader->dest) > 4000 ) { u_char* udpPayload = (u_char *)udpHeader + sizeof(UdpHeaderStruct); MutexSentinel mutexSentinel(s_mutex); // serialize access for competing pcap threads bool detectedUsefulPacket = TryRtp(ethernetHeader, ipHeader, udpHeader, udpPayload); if(!detectedUsefulPacket) { detectedUsefulPacket= TrySipInvite(ethernetHeader, ipHeader, udpHeader, udpPayload); } if(!detectedUsefulPacket) { detectedUsefulPacket = TrySipBye(ethernetHeader, ipHeader, udpHeader, udpPayload); } } } else if(ipHeader->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP) { TcpHeaderStruct* tcpHeader = (TcpHeaderStruct*)((char *)ipHeader + ipHeaderLength); if(ntohs(tcpHeader->source) == SKINNY_CTRL_PORT || ntohs(tcpHeader->dest) == SKINNY_CTRL_PORT) { u_char* startTcpPayload = (u_char*)tcpHeader + TCP_HEADER_LENGTH; SkinnyHeaderStruct* skinnyHeader = (SkinnyHeaderStruct*)(startTcpPayload); // Scan all skinny messages in this TCP packet while( ipPacketEnd > (u_char*)skinnyHeader && (u_char*)skinnyHeader>=((u_char*)tcpHeader + TCP_HEADER_LENGTH) && (ipPacketEnd - (u_char*)skinnyHeader) > SKINNY_MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE && skinnyHeader->len > 1 && skinnyHeader->len < 2048 && skinnyHeader->messageType >= 0x0 && skinnyHeader->messageType <= 0x200 ) // Last known skinny message by ethereal is 0x13F, but seen higher message ids in the field. { if(s_skinnyPacketLog->isDebugEnabled()) { CStdString dbg; unsigned int offset = (u_char*)skinnyHeader - startTcpPayload; dbg.Format("Offset:%x Len:%u Type:%x %s", offset, skinnyHeader->len, skinnyHeader->messageType, SkinnyMessageToString(skinnyHeader->messageType)); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(s_skinnyPacketLog, dbg); } MutexSentinel mutexSentinel(s_mutex); // serialize access for competing pcap threads HandleSkinnyMessage(skinnyHeader); // Point to next skinny message within this TCP packet skinnyHeader = (SkinnyHeaderStruct*)((u_char*)skinnyHeader + SKINNY_HEADER_LENGTH + skinnyHeader->len); } } } time_t now = time(NULL); if((now - s_lastHooveringTime) > 5) { s_lastHooveringTime = now; RtpSessionsSingleton::instance()->Hoover(now); } } void SingleDeviceCaptureThreadHandler(pcap_t* pcapHandle) { if(pcapHandle) { CStdString log; log.Format("Start Capturing: pcap handle:%x", pcapHandle); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, log); pcap_loop(pcapHandle, 0, HandlePacket, NULL); log.Format("Stop Capturing: pcap handle:%x", pcapHandle); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, log); } else { LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, "Cannot start capturing, pcap handle is null"); } } class VoIp { public: VoIp(); void Initialize(); void Run(); void Shutdown(); void StartCapture(CStdString& port); void StopCapture(CStdString& port); private: void OpenDevices(); void OpenPcapFile(CStdString& filename); pcap_t* m_pcapHandle; std::list m_pcapHandles; }; typedef ACE_Singleton VoIpSingleton; VoIp::VoIp() { m_pcapHandle = NULL; } void Configure(DOMNode* node) { if (node) { VoIpConfigTopObjectRef VoIpConfigTopObjectRef(new VoIpConfigTopObject); try { VoIpConfigTopObjectRef.get()->DeSerializeDom(node); g_VoIpConfigTopObjectRef = VoIpConfigTopObjectRef; } catch (CStdString& e) { LOG4CXX_WARN(g_logManager->rootLog, "VoIp.dll: " + e); } } else { LOG4CXX_WARN(g_logManager->rootLog, "VoIp.dll: got empty DOM tree"); } } void VoIp::OpenPcapFile(CStdString& filename) { CStdString logMsg; LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, CStdString("Replaying pcap capture file:") + filename); // Open device char * error = NULL; if ((m_pcapHandle = pcap_open_offline((PCSTR)filename , error)) == NULL) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, "pcap error when opening file:" + filename + "; error message:" + error); } else { logMsg.Format("Successfully opened file. pcap handle:%x", m_pcapHandle); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, logMsg); m_pcapHandles.push_back(m_pcapHandle); } } void VoIp::OpenDevices() { pcap_if_t* devices = NULL; pcap_if_t* defaultDevice = NULL; s_lastHooveringTime = time(NULL); CStdString logMsg; char * error = NULL; if (pcap_findalldevs(&devices, error) == -1) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, CStdString("pcap error when discovering devices: ") + error); } else { if(devices) { LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, CStdString("Available pcap devices:")); for (pcap_if_t* device = devices; device != NULL; device = device->next) { if(!device){break;} CStdString description = device->description; LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, CStdString("* ") + device->name + " - " + description); CStdString deviceName(device->name); deviceName.ToLower(); if( deviceName.Find("dialup") == -1 && // Don't want Windows dialup devices (still possible to force them using the configuration file) deviceName.Find("lo") == -1 && // Don't want Unix loopback device deviceName.Find("any") == -1 ) // Don't want Unix "any" device { defaultDevice = device; } if(DLLCONFIG.IsDeviceWanted(device->name)) { // Open device if ((m_pcapHandle = pcap_open_live(device->name, 1500, PROMISCUOUS, 500, error)) == NULL) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, CStdString("pcap error when opening device; error message:") + error); } else { CStdString logMsg; logMsg.Format("Successfully opened device. pcap handle:%x", m_pcapHandle); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, logMsg); m_pcapHandles.push_back(m_pcapHandle); } } } if(m_pcapHandles.size() == 0) { if(DLLCONFIG.m_devices.size() > 0) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, "Could not find any of the devices listed in config file"); } // Let's open the default device if(defaultDevice) { if ((m_pcapHandle = pcap_open_live(defaultDevice->name, 1500, PROMISCUOUS, 500, error)) == NULL) { logMsg.Format("pcap error when opening default device:%s", defaultDevice->name); LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, logMsg); } else { logMsg.Format("Successfully opened default device:%s pcap handle:%x", defaultDevice->name, m_pcapHandle); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, logMsg); m_pcapHandles.push_back(m_pcapHandle); } } else { LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, "Could not determine the default device to monitor. If you want a specific device listed above, please specify it in your config file"); } } } else { LOG4CXX_ERROR(s_packetLog, CStdString("pcap could not find any device")); } } } void VoIp::Initialize() { s_packetLog = Logger::getLogger("packet"); s_rtpPacketLog = Logger::getLogger("packet.rtp"); s_sipPacketLog = Logger::getLogger("packet.sip"); s_skinnyPacketLog = Logger::getLogger("packet.skinny"); s_sipExtractionLog = Logger::getLogger("sipextraction"); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, "Initializing VoIP plugin"); // create a default config object in case it was not properly initialized by Configure if(!g_VoIpConfigTopObjectRef.get()) { g_VoIpConfigTopObjectRef.reset(new VoIpConfigTopObject); } if(DLLCONFIG.m_pcapFile.size() > 0) { OpenPcapFile(DLLCONFIG.m_pcapFile); } else { OpenDevices(); } } void VoIp::Run() { for(std::list::iterator it = m_pcapHandles.begin(); it != m_pcapHandles.end(); it++) { if (!ACE_Thread_Manager::instance()->spawn(ACE_THR_FUNC(SingleDeviceCaptureThreadHandler), *it)) { LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, CStdString("Failed to create pcap capture thread")); } } } void VoIp::Shutdown() { LOG4CXX_INFO(s_packetLog, "Shutting down VoIp.dll"); #ifdef WIN32 pcap_breakloop(m_pcapHandle); #endif } void VoIp::StartCapture(CStdString& port) { ; } void VoIp::StopCapture(CStdString& port) { ; } void __CDECL__ Initialize() { VoIpSingleton::instance()->Initialize(); } void __CDECL__ Run() { VoIpSingleton::instance()->Run(); } void __CDECL__ Shutdown() { VoIpSingleton::instance()->Shutdown(); } void __CDECL__ StartCapture(CStdString& capturePort) { ; } void __CDECL__ StopCapture(CStdString& capturePort) { ; }