/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #define _WINSOCKAPI_ // prevents the inclusion of winsock.h #include "Utils.h" #include "serializers/Serializer.h" #include "VoIpConfig.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_arpa_inet.h" VoIpConfig::VoIpConfig() { // Standard LAN internal IP range masks m_asciiLanMasks.push_back(""); m_asciiLanMasks.push_back(""); m_asciiLanMasks.push_back(""); m_sipDropIndirectInvite = false; m_pcapRepeat = false; m_pcapSocketBufferSize = 0; m_pcapFastReplay = true; m_pcapFastReplaySleepUsPerSec = 0; m_rtpSessionTimeoutSec = 10; m_rtpSessionWithSignallingTimeoutSec = 10; m_rtpSessionWithSignallingInitialTimeoutSec = 5*60; m_rtpSessionOnHoldTimeOutSec = 1800; m_rtpReportDtmf = false; m_pcapTest= false; m_rtpDiscontinuityDetect = false; m_rtpDiscontinuityMinSeqDelta = 1000; m_iax2Support = false; // Disabled by default m_rtpDetectOnOddPorts = false; m_sipOverTcpSupport = false; // Disabled by default m_sipLogFailedCalls = false; m_sipUse200OkMediaAddress = false; m_sipReportFullAddress = false; m_sipDynamicMediaAddress = false; m_useMacIfNoLocalParty = false; // Uses IP address by default m_localPartyForceLocalIp = false; m_localPartyForceLocalMac = false; m_skinnyIgnoreStopMediaTransmission = false; m_skinnyIgnoreOpenReceiveChannelAck = false; m_skinnyDynamicMediaAddress = false; m_skinnyAllowCallInfoUpdate = false; m_skinnyAllowLateCallInfo = false; m_sangomaEnable = false; m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart = 0; m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart = 0; m_skinnyTcpPort = 2000; } void VoIpConfig::Define(Serializer* s) { s->StringValue(DEVICE_PARAM, m_device); s->CsvValue("Devices", m_devices); s->CsvValue("LanMasks", m_asciiLanMasks); s->CsvValue("MediaGateways", m_asciiMediaGateways); s->CsvValue("RtpTrackUsingIpAddresses", m_asciiRtpTrackUsingIpAddresses); s->CsvValue("BlockedIpRanges", m_asciiBlockedIpRanges); s->CsvValue("AllowedIpRanges", m_asciiAllowedIpRanges); s->StringValue("PcapFile", m_pcapFile); s->StringValue("PcapDirectory", m_pcapDirectory); s->BoolValue("PcapRepeat", m_pcapRepeat); s->BoolValue("PcapFastReplay", m_pcapFastReplay); s->IntValue("PcapFastReplaySleepUsPerSec", m_pcapFastReplaySleepUsPerSec); s->BoolValue("SipDropIndirectInvite", m_sipDropIndirectInvite); s->IntValue("PcapSocketBufferSize", m_pcapSocketBufferSize); s->IntValue("RtpSessionTimeoutSec", m_rtpSessionTimeoutSec); s->IntValue("RtpSessionWithSignallingTimeoutSec", m_rtpSessionWithSignallingTimeoutSec); s->IntValue("RtpSessionWithSignallingInitialTimeoutSec", m_rtpSessionWithSignallingInitialTimeoutSec); s->IntValue("RtpSessionOnHoldTimeOutSec", m_rtpSessionOnHoldTimeOutSec); s->BoolValue("RtpReportDtmf", m_rtpReportDtmf); s->BoolValue("PcapTest", m_pcapTest); s->StringValue("PcapFilter", m_pcapFilter); s->BoolValue("RtpDiscontinuityDetect", m_rtpDiscontinuityDetect); s->IntValue("RtpDiscontinuityMinSeqDelta", m_rtpDiscontinuityMinSeqDelta); s->CsvValue("DnisNumbers", m_dnisNumbers); s->BoolValue("Iax2Support", m_iax2Support); s->BoolValue("RtpDetectOnOddPorts", m_rtpDetectOnOddPorts); s->CsvValue("SipExtractFields", m_sipExtractFields); s->BoolValue("SipOverTcpSupport", m_sipOverTcpSupport); s->BoolValue("SipLogFailedCalls", m_sipLogFailedCalls); s->BoolValue("SipUse200OkMediaAddress", m_sipUse200OkMediaAddress); s->BoolValue("SipReportFullAddress", m_sipReportFullAddress); s->BoolValue("SipDynamicMediaAddress", m_sipDynamicMediaAddress); s->IpRangesValue("SipIgnoredMediaAddresses", m_sipIgnoredMediaAddresses); s->BoolValue("UseMacIfNoLocalParty", m_useMacIfNoLocalParty); s->BoolValue("LocalPartyForceLocalIp", m_localPartyForceLocalIp); s->BoolValue("LocalPartyForceLocalMac", m_localPartyForceLocalMac); s->BoolValue("SkinnyIgnoreStopMediaTransmission", m_skinnyIgnoreStopMediaTransmission); s->BoolValue("SkinnyIgnoreOpenReceiveChannelAck", m_skinnyIgnoreOpenReceiveChannelAck); s->BoolValue("SkinnyDynamicMediaAddress", m_skinnyDynamicMediaAddress); s->BoolValue("SkinnyAllowCallInfoUpdate", m_skinnyAllowCallInfoUpdate); s->IntValue("SkinnyTcpPort", m_skinnyTcpPort); s->BoolValue("SkinnyAllowLateCallInfo", m_skinnyAllowLateCallInfo); s->IntValue("SangomaRxTcpPortStart", m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart); s->IntValue("SangomaTxTcpPortStart", m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart); s->CsvValue("SipDomains", m_sipDomains); } void VoIpConfig::Validate() { // iterate over ascii LAN masks and populate the binary LAN Masks list m_lanMasks.clear(); std::list::iterator it; for(it = m_asciiLanMasks.begin(); it != m_asciiLanMasks.end(); it++) { struct in_addr a; if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)*it, &a)) { m_lanMasks.push_back((unsigned int)a.s_addr); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP address in LanMasks:" + *it)); } } // iterate over ascii Media gateway IP addresses and populate the binary Media gateway IP addresses list m_mediaGateways.clear(); for(it = m_asciiMediaGateways.begin(); it != m_asciiMediaGateways.end(); it++) { struct in_addr a; if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)*it, &a)) { m_mediaGateways.push_back((unsigned int)a.s_addr); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP address in MediaGateways:" + *it)); } } // iterate over ascii RTP tracking IP addresses and populate the binary IP addresses list m_rtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.clear(); for(it = m_asciiRtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.begin(); it != m_asciiRtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.end(); it++) { struct in_addr a; if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)*it, &a)) { m_rtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.push_back((unsigned int)a.s_addr); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP address in RtpTrackUsingIpAddresses:" + *it)); } } // Iterate over ascii allowed IP ranges and populate the bit width and prefix lists m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.clear(); m_allowedIpRangeBitWidths.clear(); for(it = m_asciiAllowedIpRanges.begin(); it != m_asciiAllowedIpRanges.end(); it++) { CStdString cidrPrefixLengthString; unsigned int cidrPrefixLength = 32; // by default, x.x.x.x/32 CStdString cidrIpAddressString; struct in_addr cidrIpAddress; CStdString entry = *it; int slashPosition = entry.Find('/'); if(slashPosition > 0) { cidrIpAddressString = entry.Left(slashPosition); cidrPrefixLengthString = entry.Mid(slashPosition+1); bool notAnInt = false; try { cidrPrefixLength = StringToInt(cidrPrefixLengthString); } catch (...) {notAnInt = true;} if(cidrPrefixLength < 1 || cidrPrefixLength > 32 || notAnInt) { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid CIDR prefix length in AllowedIpRanges:" + entry)); } } else { cidrIpAddressString = entry; } if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)cidrIpAddressString, &cidrIpAddress)) { unsigned int rangeBitWidth = 32-cidrPrefixLength; unsigned int prefix = ntohl((unsigned int)cidrIpAddress.s_addr) >> (rangeBitWidth); m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.push_back(prefix); m_allowedIpRangeBitWidths.push_back(rangeBitWidth); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP range in AllowedIpRanges:" + entry)); } } // Iterate over ascii blocked IP ranges and populate the bit width and prefix lists m_blockedIpRangePrefixes.clear(); m_blockedIpRangeBitWidths.clear(); for(it = m_asciiBlockedIpRanges.begin(); it != m_asciiBlockedIpRanges.end(); it++) { CStdString cidrPrefixLengthString; unsigned int cidrPrefixLength = 32; // by default, x.x.x.x/32 CStdString cidrIpAddressString; struct in_addr cidrIpAddress; CStdString entry = *it; int slashPosition = entry.Find('/'); if(slashPosition > 0) { cidrIpAddressString = entry.Left(slashPosition); cidrPrefixLengthString = entry.Mid(slashPosition+1); bool notAnInt = false; try { cidrPrefixLength = StringToInt(cidrPrefixLengthString); } catch (...) {notAnInt = true;} if(cidrPrefixLength < 1 || cidrPrefixLength > 32 || notAnInt) { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid CIDR prefix length in blockedIpRanges:" + entry)); } } else { cidrIpAddressString = entry; } if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)cidrIpAddressString, &cidrIpAddress)) { unsigned int rangeBitWidth = 32-cidrPrefixLength; unsigned int prefix = ntohl((unsigned int)cidrIpAddress.s_addr) >> (rangeBitWidth); m_blockedIpRangePrefixes.push_back(prefix); m_blockedIpRangeBitWidths.push_back(rangeBitWidth); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP range in BlockedIpRanges:" + entry)); } } if(m_pcapSocketBufferSize < 0) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: PcapSocketBufferSize must be a positive number (currently:%d)", m_pcapSocketBufferSize); throw (exception); } if(m_rtpSessionTimeoutSec < 1) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: RtpSessionTimeoutSec must be > 0 (currently:%d)", m_rtpSessionTimeoutSec); throw (exception); } if(m_rtpSessionWithSignallingTimeoutSec < 1) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: RtpSessionWithSignallingTimeoutSec must be > 0 (currently:%d)", m_rtpSessionWithSignallingTimeoutSec); throw (exception); } if(m_rtpSessionOnHoldTimeOutSec < 1) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: RtpSessionOnHoldTimeOutSec must be > 0 (currently:%d)", m_rtpSessionOnHoldTimeOutSec); throw (exception); } if(m_rtpSessionWithSignallingInitialTimeoutSec < 1) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: RtpSessionWithSignallingInitialTimeoutSec must be > 0 (currently:%d)", m_rtpSessionWithSignallingInitialTimeoutSec); throw (exception); } if(m_skinnyTcpPort < 1) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: SkinnyTcpPort must be > 0 (currently:%d) please fix in config.xml", m_skinnyTcpPort); throw (exception); } if(m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart == 0) { } else if(m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart > 65000 || m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart < 2000 || ((m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart%1000) != 0) ) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: SangomaRxTcpPort must be between 2000 and 65000 and be a multiple of 1000 (currently:%d)", m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart); throw (exception); } if(m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart == 0) { } else if(m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart > 65000 || m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart < 2000 || ((m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart%1000) != 0) ) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: SangomaTxTcpPort must be between 2000 and 65000 and be a multiple of 1000 (currently:%d)", m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart); throw (exception); } if(m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart > m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart) { CStdString exception; exception.Format("VoIpConfig: SangomaTxTcpPort should always be bigger than SangomaRxTcpPort"); throw (exception); } else if(m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart > 0 && m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart>0) { m_sangomaTcpPortDelta = m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart - m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart; m_sangomaEnable = true; m_rtpDetectOnOddPorts = true; } } bool VoIpConfig::IsPartOfLan(struct in_addr addr) { for(std::list::iterator it = m_lanMasks.begin(); it != m_lanMasks.end(); it++) { if(((unsigned int)addr.s_addr & *it) == (unsigned int)addr.s_addr) { return true; } } return false; } bool VoIpConfig::IsMediaGateway(struct in_addr addr) { for(std::list::iterator it = m_mediaGateways.begin(); it != m_mediaGateways.end(); it++) { if((unsigned int)addr.s_addr == *it) { return true; } } return false; } bool VoIpConfig::IsRtpTrackingIpAddress(struct in_addr addr) { for(std::list::iterator it = m_rtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.begin(); it != m_rtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.end(); it++) { if((unsigned int)addr.s_addr == *it) { return true; } } return false; } bool VoIpConfig::IsPacketWanted(IpHeaderStruct* ipHeader) { bool wanted = true; // keep packet by default // If source or destination IP address does not match any existing allowing mask, drop packet if(m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.size() > 0) { wanted = false; // Presence of allowing ranges -> drop packet by default bool sourceWanted = false; std::list::iterator bitWidthIt = m_allowedIpRangeBitWidths.begin(); std::list::iterator prefixIt = m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.begin(); while(prefixIt != m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.end()) { unsigned int bitWidth = *bitWidthIt; unsigned int prefix = *prefixIt; unsigned int packetSourcePrefix = ntohl((unsigned int)ipHeader->ip_src.s_addr) >> bitWidth; if(packetSourcePrefix == prefix) { sourceWanted = true; break; } prefixIt++; bitWidthIt++; } if(sourceWanted) { std::list::iterator bitWidthIt = m_allowedIpRangeBitWidths.begin(); std::list::iterator prefixIt = m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.begin(); while(prefixIt != m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.end()) { unsigned int bitWidth = *bitWidthIt; unsigned int prefix = *prefixIt; unsigned int packetDestPrefix = ntohl((unsigned int)ipHeader->ip_dest.s_addr) >> bitWidth; if(packetDestPrefix == prefix) { wanted = true; break; } prefixIt++; bitWidthIt++; } } } // If source or destination IP address does match any existing blocking range, drop packet std::list::iterator bitWidthIt = m_blockedIpRangeBitWidths.begin(); std::list::iterator prefixIt = m_blockedIpRangePrefixes.begin(); while(prefixIt != m_blockedIpRangePrefixes.end() && wanted == true) { unsigned int bitWidth = *bitWidthIt; unsigned int prefix = *prefixIt; unsigned int packetSourcePrefix = ntohl((unsigned int)ipHeader->ip_src.s_addr) >> bitWidth; unsigned int packetDestPrefix = ntohl((unsigned int)ipHeader->ip_dest.s_addr) >> bitWidth; if(packetSourcePrefix == prefix) { wanted = false; } if(packetDestPrefix == prefix) { wanted = false; } prefixIt++; bitWidthIt++; } return wanted; } bool VoIpConfig::IsDeviceWanted(CStdString device) { if(device.Equals(m_device)) { // Old style single device configuration setting. return true; } for(std::list::iterator it = m_devices.begin(); it != m_devices.end(); it++) { if(it->Equals(device)) { return true; } } return false; } CStdString VoIpConfig::GetClassName() { return CStdString("VoIpConfig"); } ObjectRef VoIpConfig::NewInstance() { return ObjectRef(new VoIpConfig); } //==================================== void VoIpConfigTopObject::Define(Serializer* s) { s->ObjectValue(VOIP_CONFIG_PARAM, m_config, true); } void VoIpConfigTopObject::Validate() { ; } CStdString VoIpConfigTopObject::GetClassName() { return CStdString("VoIpConfigTopObject"); } ObjectRef VoIpConfigTopObject::NewInstance() { return ObjectRef(new VoIpConfigTopObject); }