/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "PcmFile.h" PcmFile::PcmFile() { m_stream = NULL; m_mode = READ; m_numChunksWritten = 0; m_sampleRate = 0; } PcmFile::~PcmFile() { Close(); } void PcmFile::Close() { if(m_stream) { ACE_OS::fclose(m_stream); m_stream = NULL; } } void PcmFile::WriteChunk(AudioChunkRef chunkRef) { unsigned int numWritten = 0; if (m_stream) { numWritten = ACE_OS::fwrite(chunkRef->m_pBuffer, sizeof(short), chunkRef->GetNumSamples(), m_stream); } else { throw(CStdString("Write attempt on unopened file:")+ m_filename); } if (numWritten != chunkRef->GetNumSamples()) { throw(CStdString("Could not write to file:")+ m_filename); } } int PcmFile::ReadChunkMono(AudioChunkRef& chunkRef) { unsigned int numRead = 0; if (m_stream) { chunkRef.reset(new AudioChunk()); short temp[PCM_FILE_DEFAULT_CHUNK_NUM_SAMPLES]; numRead = ACE_OS::fread(temp, sizeof(short), PCM_FILE_DEFAULT_CHUNK_NUM_SAMPLES, m_stream); chunkRef->SetBuffer(temp, sizeof(short)*numRead, AudioChunk::PcmAudio, 0, 0, m_sampleRate); } else { throw(CStdString("Read attempt on unopened file:")+ m_filename); } return numRead; } void PcmFile::Open(CStdString& filename, fileOpenModeEnum mode, bool stereo, int sampleRate) { if(m_sampleRate == 0) { m_sampleRate = sampleRate; } if(!m_filename.Equals(filename)) { m_filename = filename + ".pcm"; } m_stream = NULL; m_mode = mode; if (mode == READ) { m_stream = ACE_OS::fopen((PCSTR)m_filename, "rb"); } else { RecursiveMkdir(m_filename); m_stream = ACE_OS::fopen((PCSTR)m_filename, "wb"); } if(!m_stream) { throw(CStdString("Could not open file: ") + m_filename); } } CStdString PcmFile::GetExtension() { return ".pcm"; }