/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ //#pragma warning( disable: 4786 ) #define _WINSOCKAPI_ // prevents the inclusion of winsock.h #include "dll.h" #include #include #include "ConfigManager.h" #include #include "Filter.h" #include "AudioCapture.h" extern "C" { #include "g711.h" } #define NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER 16000 #define NUM_SAMPLES_TRIGGER 12000 // when we have this number of available samples make a shipment #define NUM_SAMPLES_SHIPMENT_HOLDOFF 11000 // when shipping, ship everything but this number of samples class RtpMixerChannel { public: RtpMixerChannel(); ~RtpMixerChannel(); int m_channel; double m_timestampCorrectiveDelta; short m_buffer[NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER]; // Statistics related to channel AudioChunkRef m_lastChunk; int m_seqNumMisses; int m_seqMaxGap; int m_seqNumOutOfOrder; int m_seqNumDiscontinuities; }; typedef boost::shared_ptr RtpMixerChannelRef; class RtpMixer : public Filter { public: RtpMixer(); FilterRef __CDECL__ Instanciate(); void __CDECL__ AudioChunkIn(AudioChunkRef& chunk); void __CDECL__ AudioChunkOut(AudioChunkRef& chunk); AudioEncodingEnum __CDECL__ GetInputAudioEncoding(); AudioEncodingEnum __CDECL__ GetOutputAudioEncoding(); CStdString __CDECL__ GetName(); int __CDECL__ GetInputRtpPayloadType(); inline void __CDECL__ CaptureEventIn(CaptureEventRef& event) {;} inline void __CDECL__ CaptureEventOut(CaptureEventRef& event) {;} private: //AudioChunkRef m_outputAudioChunk; std::queue m_outputQueue; void StoreRtpPacket(AudioChunkRef& chunk, unsigned int correctedTimestamp); void ManageOutOfRangeTimestamp(AudioChunkRef& chunk); void HandleMixedOutput(AudioChunkRef &chunk, AudioChunkDetails& details, short *readPtr); void CreateShipment(size_t silenceSize = 0, bool force = false); void Reset(unsigned int timestamp); unsigned int FreeSpace(); unsigned int UsedSpace(); short* GetHoldOffPtr(); short* CircularPointerAddOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset); short* CicularPointerSubtractOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset); bool CheckChunkDetails(AudioChunkDetails&); void DoStats( AudioChunkDetails* details, AudioChunkDetails* lastDetails, int& seqNumMisses, int& seqMaxGap, int& seqNumOutOfOrder, int& seqNumDiscontinuities); void CreateChannels(int channelNumber); short* m_writePtr; // pointer after newest RTP data we've received short* m_readPtr; // where to read from next unsigned int m_readTimestamp; // timestamp that the next shipment will have unsigned int m_writeTimestamp; // timestamp that the next RTP buffer should have short* m_bufferEnd; short m_buffer[NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER]; unsigned int m_shippedSamples; log4cxx::LoggerPtr m_log; double m_timestampCorrectiveDelta; bool m_invalidChannelReported; size_t m_numProcessedSamples; bool m_error; bool m_oneS1PacketState; // Statistics related variables AudioChunkRef m_lastChunkS1; AudioChunkRef m_lastChunkS2; int m_seqNumMissesS1; int m_seqNumMissesS2; int m_seqMaxGapS1; int m_seqMaxGapS2; int m_seqNumOutOfOrderS1; int m_seqNumOutOfOrderS2; int m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS1; int m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS2; //========================================================== // Multi-channel separated output int m_numChannels; // Number of channels std::vector m_rtpMixerChannels; // Channel information }; //========================================================== RtpMixerChannel::RtpMixerChannel() { m_timestampCorrectiveDelta = 0.0; m_seqNumMisses = 0; m_seqMaxGap = 0; m_seqNumOutOfOrder = 0; m_seqNumDiscontinuities = 0; m_channel = 0; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER; i++) { m_buffer[i] = 0; } } RtpMixerChannel::~RtpMixerChannel() { //printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRtpMixerChannel%d being destroyed\n\n\n\n\n", m_channel); } //========================================================== RtpMixer::RtpMixer() { m_writePtr = m_buffer; m_readPtr = m_buffer; m_bufferEnd = m_buffer + NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER; m_writeTimestamp = 0; m_readTimestamp = 0; m_log = log4cxx::Logger::getLogger("rtpmixer"); m_shippedSamples = 0; m_timestampCorrectiveDelta = 0.0; m_invalidChannelReported = false; m_numProcessedSamples = 0; m_error = false; m_seqNumMissesS1 = 0; m_seqNumMissesS2 = 0; m_seqMaxGapS1 = 0; m_seqMaxGapS2 = 0; m_seqNumOutOfOrderS1 = 0; m_seqNumOutOfOrderS2 = 0; m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS1 = 0; m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS2 = 0; m_numChannels = 0; m_oneS1PacketState = false; m_rtpMixerChannels.clear(); } void RtpMixer::CreateChannels(int channelNumber) { if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == false) { return; } if(CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels <= 1) { return; } if(channelNumber <= m_numChannels) { // Channel already created return; } RtpMixerChannelRef rtpMixerChannel; int i; i = m_numChannels; // Always create channels until this number for(; i < channelNumber; i++) { rtpMixerChannel.reset(new RtpMixerChannel()); rtpMixerChannel->m_channel = i+1; m_rtpMixerChannels.push_back(rtpMixerChannel); m_numChannels += 1; } return; } FilterRef RtpMixer::Instanciate() { FilterRef Filter(new RtpMixer()); return Filter; } void RtpMixer::DoStats( AudioChunkDetails* details, AudioChunkDetails* lastDetails, int& seqNumMisses, int& seqMaxGap, int& seqNumOutOfOrder, int& seqNumDiscontinuities) { double seqNumDelta = (double)details->m_sequenceNumber - (double)lastDetails->m_sequenceNumber; double timestampDelta = (double)details->m_timestamp - (double)lastDetails->m_timestamp; if( abs(seqNumDelta) > 1000.0 && abs(timestampDelta) > 160000.0) { seqNumDiscontinuities++; CStdString logMsg; logMsg.Format("RTP discontinuity s%d: before: seq:%u ts:%u after: seq:%u ts:%u", details->m_channel, lastDetails->m_sequenceNumber, lastDetails->m_timestamp, details->m_sequenceNumber, details->m_timestamp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, logMsg); } else { if(seqNumDelta > (double)seqMaxGap) { seqMaxGap = (unsigned int)seqNumDelta; } if(seqNumDelta < 0.0) { seqNumOutOfOrder++; } if(seqNumDelta != 1.0 && details->m_sequenceNumber != 1) { seqNumMisses++; } } } void RtpMixer::AudioChunkIn(AudioChunkRef& chunk) { CStdString logMsg; if(m_error) { return; } if(chunk.get() == NULL) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, "Null input chunk"); return; } AudioChunkDetails* details = chunk->GetDetails(); if(details->m_marker == MEDIA_CHUNK_EOS_MARKER) { if(m_numChannels) { for(int i = 0; i < m_numChannels; i++) { CStdString statsChan; statsChan.Format("EOS s%d: misses:%d maxgap:%d oo:%d disc:%d", i+1, m_rtpMixerChannels[i]->m_seqNumMisses, m_rtpMixerChannels[i]->m_seqMaxGap, m_rtpMixerChannels[i]->m_seqNumOutOfOrder, m_rtpMixerChannels[i]->m_seqNumDiscontinuities); if(logMsg.size()) { logMsg = logMsg + " " + statsChan; } else { logMsg = statsChan; } } } else { logMsg.Format("EOS s1: misses:%d maxgap:%d oo:%d disc:%d s2: misses:%d maxgap:%d oo:%d disc:%d", m_seqNumMissesS1, m_seqMaxGapS1, m_seqNumOutOfOrderS1, m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS1, m_seqNumMissesS2, m_seqMaxGapS2, m_seqNumOutOfOrderS2, m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS2); } LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, logMsg); //logMsg.Format("COMPARISON: EOS s1: misses:%d maxgap:%d oo:%d disc:%d s2: misses:%d maxgap:%d oo:%d disc:%d", // m_seqNumMissesS1, m_seqMaxGapS1, m_seqNumOutOfOrderS1, m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS1, // m_seqNumMissesS2, m_seqMaxGapS2, m_seqNumOutOfOrderS2, m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS2); //LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, logMsg); CreateShipment(0, true); // flush the buffer return; } else if(chunk->GetNumSamples() == 0) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, "Empty input chunk"); return; } if(chunk->GetNumBytes() > 100000) { m_error = true; LOG4CXX_ERROR(m_log, "RtpMixer: input chunk too big"); return; } if(details->m_encoding != PcmAudio) { throw (CStdString("RtpMixer input audio must be PCM !")); } unsigned int correctedTimestamp = 0; if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { CreateChannels(details->m_channel); } if(details->m_channel == 1) { if(m_numChannels) { int chanIdx = 0; AudioChunkRef lastChunk = m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_lastChunk; if(lastChunk.get()) { DoStats(details, lastChunk->GetDetails(), m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumMisses, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqMaxGap, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumOutOfOrder, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumDiscontinuities); } m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_lastChunk = chunk; } if(m_lastChunkS1.get()) { DoStats(details, m_lastChunkS1->GetDetails(), m_seqNumMissesS1, m_seqMaxGapS1, m_seqNumOutOfOrderS1, m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS1); } m_lastChunkS1 = chunk; correctedTimestamp = details->m_timestamp; m_numProcessedSamples += chunk->GetNumSamples(); if(m_numProcessedSamples > 115200000) // arbitrary high number (= 4 hours worth of 8KHz samples) { m_error = true; LOG4CXX_ERROR(m_log, "RtpMixer: Reached input stream size limit"); return; } } else if(details->m_channel == 2) { if(m_numChannels) { int chanIdx = 1; AudioChunkRef lastChunk = m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_lastChunk; if(lastChunk.get()) { DoStats(details, lastChunk->GetDetails(), m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumMisses, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqMaxGap, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumOutOfOrder, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumDiscontinuities); } m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_lastChunk = chunk; } if(m_lastChunkS2.get()) { DoStats(details, m_lastChunkS2->GetDetails(), m_seqNumMissesS2, m_seqMaxGapS2, m_seqNumOutOfOrderS2, m_seqNumDiscontinuitiesS2); } if(m_oneS1PacketState) { m_timestampCorrectiveDelta = (double)details->m_timestamp - (double)m_writeTimestamp; m_oneS1PacketState = false; } else { if(!m_timestampCorrectiveDelta && (m_writeTimestamp != 0)) { m_timestampCorrectiveDelta = (double)details->m_timestamp - (double)m_writeTimestamp; } } m_lastChunkS2 = chunk; // Corrective delta always only applied to side 2. double tmp = (double)details->m_timestamp - m_timestampCorrectiveDelta; if(tmp < 0.0) { // Unsuccessful correction, do not correct. correctedTimestamp = details->m_timestamp; } else { correctedTimestamp = (unsigned int)tmp; } } else { // Support for channel 3, 4, 5, ... if(m_numChannels) { int chanIdx = (details->m_channel)-1; AudioChunkRef lastChunk = m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_lastChunk; if(lastChunk.get()) { DoStats(details, lastChunk->GetDetails(), m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumMisses, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqMaxGap, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumOutOfOrder, m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_seqNumDiscontinuities); } m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_lastChunk = chunk; // Corrective delta always only applied to side 2 and other sides. double tmp = (double)details->m_timestamp - m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_timestampCorrectiveDelta; if(tmp < 0.0) { // Unsuccessful correction, do not correct. correctedTimestamp = details->m_timestamp; } else { correctedTimestamp = (unsigned int)tmp; } } else { if(m_invalidChannelReported == false) { m_invalidChannelReported = true; logMsg.Format("Invalid Channel:%d", details->m_channel); LOG4CXX_ERROR(m_log, logMsg); } } } unsigned int rtpEndTimestamp = correctedTimestamp + chunk->GetNumSamples(); if(m_log->isDebugEnabled()) { logMsg.Format("New chunk, s%d seq:%u ts:%u corr-ts:%u", details->m_channel, details->m_sequenceNumber, details->m_timestamp, correctedTimestamp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, logMsg); } if(m_writeTimestamp == 0) { if(details->m_channel == 1) { // First RTP packet of the session LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, "first chunk"); m_writeTimestamp = correctedTimestamp; m_readTimestamp = m_writeTimestamp; m_oneS1PacketState = true; StoreRtpPacket(chunk, correctedTimestamp); } else { return; } } else if (correctedTimestamp >= m_readTimestamp) { if( (int)(rtpEndTimestamp - m_writeTimestamp) <= (int)FreeSpace() && (int)(m_writeTimestamp - correctedTimestamp) <= (int)UsedSpace()) { // RTP packet fits into current buffer StoreRtpPacket(chunk, correctedTimestamp); if(UsedSpace() > NUM_SAMPLES_TRIGGER) { // We have enough stuff, make a shipment CreateShipment(); } } else { // RTP packet does not fit into current buffer // work out how much silence we need to add to the current buffer when shipping //size_t silenceSize = correctedTimestamp - m_writeTimestamp; //if(silenceSize < (8000*10) && (correctedTimestamp > m_writeTimestamp)) // maximum silence is 10 seconds @8KHz //{ // CreateShipment(silenceSize); // reset buffer // Reset(correctedTimestamp); // Store new packet // StoreRtpPacket(chunk, correctedTimestamp); //} //else //{ // This chunk is newer than the curent timestamp window ManageOutOfRangeTimestamp(chunk); //} } } else { // This chunk is older than the current timestamp window ManageOutOfRangeTimestamp(chunk); } if(m_log->isDebugEnabled()) { logMsg.Format("free:%u used:%u wr:%x rd:%x wrts:%u rdts:%d", FreeSpace(), UsedSpace(), m_writePtr, m_readPtr, m_writeTimestamp, m_readTimestamp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, logMsg); } } void RtpMixer::ManageOutOfRangeTimestamp(AudioChunkRef& chunk) { CStdString logMsg; AudioChunkDetails* details = chunk->GetDetails(); logMsg.Format("ManageOutOfRangeTimestamp - channel:%d", details->m_channel); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, logMsg); if(details->m_channel == 1) { // 1. Ship what we have CreateShipment(0, true); // 2. Reset circular buffer and add this new chunk Reset(details->m_timestamp); StoreRtpPacket(chunk ,details->m_timestamp); // 3. Reset corrective delta to force reevaluation. m_timestampCorrectiveDelta = 0.0; } else if(details->m_channel == 2) { // Calculate timestamp corrective delta so that next channel-2 chunk // will be in the circular buffer timestamp window. m_timestampCorrectiveDelta = (double)details->m_timestamp - (double)m_writeTimestamp; } else { if(m_numChannels) { int chanIdx = details->m_channel - 1; // Calculate timestamp corrective delta so that next channel-x chunk // will be in the circular buffer timestamp window. m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_timestampCorrectiveDelta = (double)details->m_timestamp - (double)m_writeTimestamp; } } } void RtpMixer::Reset(unsigned int timestamp) { m_writePtr = m_buffer; m_readPtr = m_buffer; m_writeTimestamp = timestamp; m_readTimestamp = m_writeTimestamp; } void RtpMixer::AudioChunkOut(AudioChunkRef& chunk) { if(m_outputQueue.size() > 0) { chunk = m_outputQueue.front(); m_outputQueue.pop(); } else { chunk.reset(); } } AudioEncodingEnum RtpMixer::GetInputAudioEncoding() { return PcmAudio; } AudioEncodingEnum RtpMixer::GetOutputAudioEncoding() { return PcmAudio; } CStdString RtpMixer::GetName() { return "RtpMixer"; } int RtpMixer::GetInputRtpPayloadType(void) // does not link if not defined here ? { return -1; } // Writes to the internal buffer without any size verification void RtpMixer::StoreRtpPacket(AudioChunkRef& audioChunk, unsigned int correctedTimestamp) { CStdString debug; AudioChunkDetails* details = audioChunk->GetDetails(); RtpMixerChannelRef myChannel; if(m_numChannels) { // Define this once and for all myChannel = m_rtpMixerChannels[details->m_channel - 1]; } // 1. Silence from write pointer until end of RTP packet // Doing this also will help us determine the offset at the channel's circular // buffer at which we should write - for stereo recording unsigned int endRtpTimestamp = correctedTimestamp + audioChunk->GetNumSamples(); if (endRtpTimestamp > m_writeTimestamp) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<(endRtpTimestamp - m_writeTimestamp); i++) { *m_writePtr = 0; if(m_numChannels) { for(int x = 0; x < m_numChannels; x++) { // We follow in step and zero the bytes in the buffers of all the // RtpMixer channels, in preparation for the write - this means that // if there is no data for this timestamp in any one buffer, // then we have silence there short *myZeroPtr = m_rtpMixerChannels[x]->m_buffer + (m_writePtr - m_buffer); *myZeroPtr = 0; } } m_writePtr++; if(m_writePtr >= m_bufferEnd) { m_writePtr = m_buffer; } } int silenceSize = endRtpTimestamp - m_writeTimestamp; m_writeTimestamp = endRtpTimestamp; debug.Format("Zeroed %d samples, wr:%x wrts:%u", silenceSize, m_writePtr, m_writeTimestamp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } // 2. Mix in the latest samples from this RTP packet unsigned int timestampDelta = m_writeTimestamp - correctedTimestamp; ASSERT(timestampDelta>=0); short* tempWritePtr = CicularPointerSubtractOffset(m_writePtr, timestampDelta); short* payload = (short *)audioChunk->m_pBuffer; for(int i=0; iGetNumSamples() ; i++) { int sample = *tempWritePtr + payload[i]; if (sample > 32767) { sample = 32767; } if (sample < -32768) { sample = -32768; } *tempWritePtr = (short)sample; // Follow in step and save the payload in the respective channel buffer if(m_numChannels) { short* myChannelTempWritePtr = myChannel->m_buffer + (tempWritePtr - m_buffer); *myChannelTempWritePtr = (short)payload[i]; } tempWritePtr++; if(tempWritePtr >= m_bufferEnd) { tempWritePtr = m_buffer; } } debug.Format("Copied %d samples, tmpwr:%x", audioChunk->GetNumSamples(), tempWritePtr); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } short* RtpMixer::CircularPointerAddOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset) { if((ptr + offset) >= m_bufferEnd) { return m_buffer + offset - (m_bufferEnd-ptr); } else { return ptr + offset; } } short* RtpMixer::CicularPointerSubtractOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset) { if((ptr-offset) < m_buffer) { return m_bufferEnd - offset + (ptr-m_buffer); } else { return ptr - offset; } } void RtpMixer::HandleMixedOutput(AudioChunkRef &chunk, AudioChunkDetails& details, short *readPtr) { if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == false) { return; } if(CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels <= 1) { return; } // If we're required to output a different number of channels than we currently // know about in the RtpMixer, we will need to adjust the chunk such that it has // the exact number of channel buffers we're required to output i.e so that // the number of channel buffers in the chunk == CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels if(CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels != m_numChannels) { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk(CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels)); chunk->SetBuffer((void*)readPtr, details); } // 2 is hardcoded here because as per instructions we are currently to support // only output of 2 channels. So tapeChannels[0] will contain a mixed // output of all even channels in the system (2, 4, 6...) and // tapeChannels[1] will contain a mixed output of all odd channels // in the system (1, 3, 5...). Now, the rest of the chunks for the rest of // the output channels i.e output channel 3, 4, 5... will be zeroed short *tapeChannels[2]; tapeChannels[0] = (short*)malloc(details.m_numBytes); // Even channels mixed into here tapeChannels[1] = (short*)malloc(details.m_numBytes); // Odd channels mixed into here if(!tapeChannels[0] || !tapeChannels[1]) { CStdString logMsg; logMsg.Format("Out of memory in RtpMixer::AddMixedChannels while allocating %d bytes", details.m_numBytes); LOG4CXX_ERROR(m_log, logMsg); if(tapeChannels[0]) { free(tapeChannels[0]); } if(tapeChannels[1]) { free(tapeChannels[1]); } return; } memset(tapeChannels[0], 0, details.m_numBytes); memset(tapeChannels[1], 0, details.m_numBytes); int chanNo = 0; int chanIdx = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m_numChannels; i++) { chanNo = i+1; chanIdx = i; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < (details.m_numBytes/2); j++) { int sample; int saveIdx = 0; if(!(chanNo % 2)) { saveIdx = 0; } else { saveIdx = 1; } short *chanReadPtr = (short*)m_rtpMixerChannels[chanIdx]->m_buffer + ((readPtr - m_buffer) + j); sample = tapeChannels[saveIdx][j] + *chanReadPtr; if (sample > 32767) { sample = 32767; } if(sample < -32768) { sample = -32768; } tapeChannels[saveIdx][j] = (short)sample; } } // Set the two supported output channels chunk->SetBuffer((void*)tapeChannels[0], details, 1); chunk->SetBuffer((void*)tapeChannels[1], details, 2); memset(tapeChannels[0], 0, details.m_numBytes); // If we're required to output more than two channels then we need to // zero the rest of the output channels i.e 3, 4, 5... if(CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels > 2) { for(int i = 2; i < CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels; i++) { chunk->SetBuffer((void*)tapeChannels[0], details, (i+1)); } } free(tapeChannels[0]); free(tapeChannels[1]); } void RtpMixer::CreateShipment(size_t silenceSize, bool force) { // 1. ship from readPtr until stop pointer or until end of buffer if wrapped bool bufferWrapped = false; short* stopPtr = NULL; short* wrappedStopPtr = NULL; if (silenceSize || force) { // There is additional silence to ship, do not take holdoff into account stopPtr = m_writePtr; } else { stopPtr = CicularPointerSubtractOffset(m_writePtr, NUM_SAMPLES_SHIPMENT_HOLDOFF); } if (stopPtr < m_readPtr) { wrappedStopPtr = stopPtr; stopPtr = m_bufferEnd; bufferWrapped = true; } size_t shortSize = stopPtr-m_readPtr; size_t byteSize = shortSize*2; AudioChunkRef chunk; AudioChunkDetails details; if(m_numChannels) { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk(m_numChannels)); details.m_channel = 100; } else { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk()); } details.m_encoding = PcmAudio; details.m_numBytes = byteSize; if(CheckChunkDetails(details)) { chunk->SetBuffer((void*)m_readPtr, details); if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { HandleMixedOutput(chunk, details, m_readPtr); } m_outputQueue.push(chunk); } m_shippedSamples += shortSize; m_readPtr = CircularPointerAddOffset(m_readPtr ,shortSize); m_readTimestamp += shortSize; CStdString debug; debug.Format("Ship %d samples, rd:%x rdts:%u", shortSize, m_readPtr, m_readTimestamp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); // 2. ship from beginning of buffer until stop ptr if(bufferWrapped) { AudioChunkDetails details; shortSize = wrappedStopPtr - m_buffer; byteSize = shortSize*2; if(m_numChannels) { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk(m_numChannels)); details.m_channel = 100; } else { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk()); } details.m_encoding = PcmAudio; details.m_numBytes = byteSize; if(CheckChunkDetails(details)) { chunk->SetBuffer((void*)m_buffer, details); if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { HandleMixedOutput(chunk, details, m_buffer); } m_outputQueue.push(chunk); } m_shippedSamples += shortSize; m_readPtr = CircularPointerAddOffset(m_readPtr ,shortSize); m_readTimestamp += shortSize; debug.Format("Ship wrapped %d samples, rd:%x rdts:%u", shortSize, m_readPtr, m_readTimestamp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } // 3. ship silence if (silenceSize) { byteSize = silenceSize*2; AudioChunkRef chunk; AudioChunkDetails details; if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { if(CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels > 1) { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk(CONFIG.m_tapeNumChannels)); details.m_channel = 100; } else { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk()); } } else { chunk.reset(new AudioChunk()); } details.m_encoding = PcmAudio; details.m_numBytes = byteSize; if(CheckChunkDetails(details)) { chunk->CreateBuffer(details); m_outputQueue.push(chunk); } m_shippedSamples += silenceSize; m_readPtr = CircularPointerAddOffset(m_readPtr ,silenceSize); m_readTimestamp += silenceSize; debug.Format("Ship %d silence samples, rd:%x rdts:%u", silenceSize, m_readPtr, m_readTimestamp); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } } unsigned int RtpMixer::UsedSpace() { if(m_writePtr >= m_readPtr) { return m_writePtr - m_readPtr; } return NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER + m_writePtr - m_readPtr; } unsigned int RtpMixer::FreeSpace() { return NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER - UsedSpace(); } bool RtpMixer::CheckChunkDetails(AudioChunkDetails& details) { if(details.m_numBytes > 100000) { m_error = true; LOG4CXX_ERROR(m_log, "RtpMixer: output chunk too big"); return false; } if(details.m_numBytes == 0) { return false; } return true; } //===================================================================== extern "C" { DLL_EXPORT void __CDECL__ OrkInitialize() { FilterRef filter(new RtpMixer()); FilterRegistry::instance()->RegisterFilter(filter); } }