/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma warning( disable: 4786 ) #ifdef WIN32 #define __CDECL__ __cdecl #else #define __CDECL__ #endif #ifdef WIN32 #define DLL_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport ) #else #define DLL_EXPORT #endif #include #include "Filter.h" #include "AudioCapture.h" extern "C" { #include "g711.h" } #define NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER 8000 #define NUM_SAMPLES_TRIGGER 4000 // when we have this number of available samples make a shipment #define NUM_SAMPLES_SHIPMENT_HOLDOFF 2000 // when shipping, ship everything but this number of samples class RtpMixer : public Filter { public: RtpMixer(); FilterRef __CDECL__ Instanciate(); void __CDECL__ AudioChunkIn(AudioChunkRef& chunk); void __CDECL__ AudioChunkOut(AudioChunkRef& chunk); AudioEncodingEnum __CDECL__ GetInputAudioEncoding(); AudioEncodingEnum __CDECL__ GetOutputAudioEncoding(); CStdString __CDECL__ GetName(); int __CDECL__ GetInputRtpPayloadType(); private: //AudioChunkRef m_outputAudioChunk; std::queue m_outputQueue; void StoreRtpPacket(AudioChunkRef& chunk); void CreateShipment(size_t silenceSize); unsigned int FreeSpace(); unsigned int UsedSpace(); short* GetHoldOffPtr(); short* CircularPointerAddOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset); short* CicularPointerSubtractOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset); short* m_writePtr; // pointer after newest RTP data we've received short* m_readPtr; // where to read from next unsigned int m_readTimestamp; // timestamp that the next shipment will have unsigned int m_writeTimestamp; // timestamp that the next RTP buffer should have short* m_bufferEnd; short m_buffer[NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER]; unsigned int m_shippedSamples; }; RtpMixer::RtpMixer() { m_writePtr = m_buffer; m_readPtr = m_buffer; m_bufferEnd = m_buffer + NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER; m_writeTimestamp = 0; m_readTimestamp = 0; //m_log = Logger::getLogger("rtpringbuffer"); m_shippedSamples = 0; } FilterRef RtpMixer::Instanciate() { FilterRef Filter(new RtpMixer()); return Filter; } void RtpMixer::AudioChunkIn(AudioChunkRef& chunk) { AudioChunkDetails* details = chunk->GetDetails(); if(details->m_encoding != PcmAudio) { throw (CStdString("RtpMixer input audio must be PCM !")); } unsigned int rtpEndTimestamp = details->m_timestamp + chunk->GetNumSamples(); if(m_writeTimestamp == 0) { // First RTP packet of the session //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, m_capturePort + " first packet"); m_writeTimestamp = details->m_timestamp; m_readTimestamp = m_writeTimestamp; StoreRtpPacket(chunk); } else if (details->m_timestamp >= m_readTimestamp) // drop packets that are older than last shipment { if( (int)(rtpEndTimestamp - m_writeTimestamp) <= (int)FreeSpace()) { // RTP packet fits into current buffer StoreRtpPacket(chunk); if(UsedSpace() > NUM_SAMPLES_TRIGGER) { // We have enough stuff, make a shipment CreateShipment(0); } } else { // RTP packet does not fit into current buffer // work out how much silence we need to add to the current buffer when shipping size_t silenceSize = details->m_timestamp - m_writeTimestamp; if(silenceSize < (8000*60) ) // sanity check, maximum silence is 60 seconds @8KHz, otherwise, drop the chunk { CreateShipment(silenceSize); // reset buffer m_writePtr = m_buffer; m_readPtr = m_buffer; m_writeTimestamp = details->m_timestamp; m_readTimestamp = m_writeTimestamp; // Store new packet StoreRtpPacket(chunk); } } } else { //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, m_capturePort + " packet too old, dropped"); } CStdString debug; debug.Format("free:%u used:%u wr:%x rd:%x wrts:%u rdts:%d", FreeSpace(), UsedSpace(), m_writePtr, m_readPtr, m_writeTimestamp, m_readTimestamp); //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } void RtpMixer::AudioChunkOut(AudioChunkRef& chunk) { if(m_outputQueue.size() > 0) { chunk = m_outputQueue.front(); m_outputQueue.pop(); } else { chunk.reset(); } } AudioEncodingEnum RtpMixer::GetInputAudioEncoding() { return PcmAudio; } AudioEncodingEnum RtpMixer::GetOutputAudioEncoding() { return PcmAudio; } CStdString RtpMixer::GetName() { return "RtpMixer"; } int RtpMixer::GetInputRtpPayloadType(void) // does not link if not defined here ? { return -1; } // Writes to the internal buffer without any size verification void RtpMixer::StoreRtpPacket(AudioChunkRef& audioChunk) { CStdString debug; AudioChunkDetails* details = audioChunk->GetDetails(); // 1. Silence from write pointer until end of RTP packet unsigned int endRtpTimestamp = details->m_timestamp + audioChunk->GetNumSamples(); if (endRtpTimestamp > m_writeTimestamp) { for(int i=0; i<(endRtpTimestamp - m_writeTimestamp); i++) { *m_writePtr = 0; m_writePtr++; if(m_writePtr >= m_bufferEnd) { m_writePtr = m_buffer; } } int silenceSize = endRtpTimestamp - m_writeTimestamp; m_writeTimestamp = endRtpTimestamp; debug.Format("Zeroed %d samples, wr:%x wrts:%u", silenceSize, m_writePtr, m_writeTimestamp); //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } // 2. Mix in the latest samples from this RTP packet unsigned int timestampDelta = m_writeTimestamp - details->m_timestamp; ASSERT(timestampDelta>=0); short* tempWritePtr = CicularPointerSubtractOffset(m_writePtr, timestampDelta); short* payload = (short *)audioChunk->m_pBuffer; for(int i=0; iGetNumSamples() ; i++) { *tempWritePtr += payload[i]; tempWritePtr++; if(tempWritePtr >= m_bufferEnd) { tempWritePtr = m_buffer; } } debug.Format("Copied %d samples, tmpwr:%x", audioChunk->GetNumSamples(), tempWritePtr); //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } short* RtpMixer::CircularPointerAddOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset) { if((ptr + offset) >= m_bufferEnd) { return m_buffer + offset - (m_bufferEnd-ptr); } else { return ptr + offset; } } short* RtpMixer::CicularPointerSubtractOffset(short *ptr, size_t offset) { if((ptr-offset) < m_buffer) { return m_bufferEnd - offset + (ptr-m_buffer); } else { return ptr - offset; } } void RtpMixer::CreateShipment(size_t silenceSize) { // 1. ship from readPtr until stop pointer or until end of buffer if wrapped bool bufferWrapped = false; short* stopPtr = NULL; short* wrappedStopPtr = NULL; if (silenceSize) { // There is additional silence to ship, do not take holdoff into account stopPtr = m_writePtr; } else { stopPtr = CicularPointerSubtractOffset(m_writePtr, NUM_SAMPLES_SHIPMENT_HOLDOFF); } if (stopPtr < m_readPtr) { wrappedStopPtr = stopPtr; stopPtr = m_bufferEnd; bufferWrapped = true; } size_t shortSize = stopPtr-m_readPtr; size_t byteSize = shortSize*2; AudioChunkRef chunk(new AudioChunk()); AudioChunkDetails details; details.m_encoding = PcmAudio; chunk->SetBuffer((void*)m_readPtr, byteSize, details); m_outputQueue.push(chunk); m_shippedSamples += shortSize; m_readPtr = CircularPointerAddOffset(m_readPtr ,shortSize); m_readTimestamp += shortSize; CStdString debug; debug.Format("Ship %d samples, rd:%x rdts:%u", shortSize, m_readPtr, m_readTimestamp); //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); // 2. ship from beginning of buffer until stop ptr if(bufferWrapped) { shortSize = wrappedStopPtr - m_buffer; byteSize = shortSize*2; chunk.reset(new AudioChunk()); AudioChunkDetails details; details.m_encoding = PcmAudio; chunk->SetBuffer((void*)m_buffer, byteSize, details); m_outputQueue.push(chunk); m_shippedSamples += shortSize; m_readPtr = CircularPointerAddOffset(m_readPtr ,shortSize); m_readTimestamp += shortSize; debug.Format("Ship wrapped %d samples, rd:%x rdts:%u", shortSize, m_readPtr, m_readTimestamp); //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } // 3. ship silence if (silenceSize) { byteSize = silenceSize*2; char* silenceBuffer = (char*)calloc(byteSize, 1); if (silenceBuffer) { AudioChunkRef chunk(new AudioChunk()); AudioChunkDetails details; details.m_encoding = PcmAudio; chunk->SetBuffer((void*)silenceBuffer, byteSize, details); m_outputQueue.push(chunk); m_shippedSamples += silenceSize; m_readPtr = CircularPointerAddOffset(m_readPtr ,silenceSize); m_readTimestamp += silenceSize; } debug.Format("Ship %d silence samples, rd:%x rdts:%u", silenceSize, m_readPtr, m_readTimestamp); //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(m_log, debug); } } unsigned int RtpMixer::UsedSpace() { if(m_writePtr >= m_readPtr) { return m_writePtr - m_readPtr; } return NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER + m_writePtr - m_readPtr; } unsigned int RtpMixer::FreeSpace() { return NUM_SAMPLES_CIRCULAR_BUFFER - UsedSpace(); } //===================================================================== extern "C" { DLL_EXPORT void __CDECL__ OrkInitialize() { FilterRef filter(new RtpMixer()); FilterRegistry::instance()->RegisterFilter(filter); } }