/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma warning( disable: 4786 ) #define _WINSOCKAPI_ // prevents the inclusion of winsock.h #include "ace/OS_NS_time.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "ThreadSafeQueue.h" #include "LogManager.h" #include "audiofile/PcmFile.h" #include "audiofile/LibSndFileFile.h" #include "audiofile/MediaChunkFile.h" #include "messages/TapeMsg.h" #include "AudioTape.h" #include "ConfigManager.h" AudioTapeDescription::AudioTapeDescription() { m_direction = CaptureEvent::DirUnkn; m_duration = 0; m_beginDate = 0; } void AudioTapeDescription::Define(Serializer* s) { s->DateValue("date", m_beginDate); s->IntValue("duration", m_duration); s->EnumValue("direction", (int&)m_direction, CaptureEvent::DirectionToEnum, CaptureEvent::DirectionToString); s->StringValue("capturePort", m_capturePort); s->StringValue("localParty", m_localParty); s->StringValue("remoteParty", m_remoteParty); s->StringValue("localEntryPoint", m_localEntryPoint); s->StringValue("localIp", m_localIp); s->StringValue("remoteIp", m_remoteIp); s->StringValue("filename", m_filename); } void AudioTapeDescription::Validate(){} CStdString AudioTapeDescription::GetClassName() { return "tapedescription"; } ObjectRef AudioTapeDescription::NewInstance() { ObjectRef ref(new AudioTapeDescription()); return ref; } ObjectRef AudioTapeDescription::Process() { ObjectRef ref; return ref; } //=================================================== AudioTape::AudioTape(CStdString &portId) { m_portId = portId; m_state = StateCreated; m_beginDate = ACE_OS::time(NULL); m_endDate = 0; m_duration = 0; m_direction = CaptureEvent::DirUnkn; m_shouldStop = false; m_readyForBatchProcessing = false; m_trackingId = portId; // to make sure this has a value before we get the capture tracking Id. GenerateCaptureFilePathAndIdentifier(); } AudioTape::AudioTape(CStdString &portId, CStdString& file) { m_portId = portId; // Extract Path and Identifier m_filePath = FilePath(file); if(m_filePath.Find(CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath) >= 0) { m_filePath = (m_filePath.Right(m_filePath.size() - 1 - CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath.size())); } CStdString basename = FileBaseName(file); m_fileIdentifier = FileStripExtension(basename); // Create the audiofile m_audioFileRef.reset(new MediaChunkFile()); m_audioFileRef->SetFilename(file); } void AudioTape::AddAudioChunk(AudioChunkRef chunkRef) { // Add the chunk to the local queue if(m_state == StateCreated || m_state == StateActive) { MutexSentinel sentinel(m_mutex); m_chunkQueue.push(chunkRef); } } void AudioTape::Write() { // Get the latest audio chunks and write them to disk bool done = false; while(!done && m_state != StateStopped && m_state != StateError) { // Get the oldest audio chunk AudioChunkRef chunkRef; { MutexSentinel sentinel(m_mutex); if (m_chunkQueue.size() > 0) { chunkRef = m_chunkQueue.front(); m_chunkQueue.pop(); } else { done = true; } } if(!done) { try { // Need to create file appender when receiving first audio chunk if (m_state == StateCreated) { m_state = StateActive; switch(chunkRef->GetEncoding()) { case PcmAudio: m_audioFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; default: // All other encodings: output as a media chunk file m_audioFileRef.reset(new MediaChunkFile()); } if (m_state == StateActive) { // A file format was successfully added to the tape, open it CStdString file = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath + "/" + m_filePath + m_fileIdentifier; // Prevent identifier collision CStdString path = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath + "/" + m_filePath; CStdString extension = m_audioFileRef->GetExtension(); PreventFileIdentifierCollision(path, m_fileIdentifier , extension); // Open the capture file m_audioFileRef->Open(file, AudioFile::WRITE, false, chunkRef->GetSampleRate()); // determine what final extension the file will have after optional compression if(CONFIG.m_storageAudioFormat == FfNative) { m_fileExtension = m_audioFileRef->GetExtension(); } else { m_fileExtension = FileFormatGetExtension(CONFIG.m_storageAudioFormat); } } } if (m_state == StateActive) { m_audioFileRef->WriteChunk(chunkRef); if (CONFIG.m_logRms) { // Compute RMS, RMS dB and log CStdString rmsString; rmsString.Format("%.1f dB:%.1f", chunkRef.get()->ComputeRms(), chunkRef.get()->ComputeRmsDb()); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.portLog, "[" + m_trackingId + "] RMS: " + rmsString); } } } catch (CStdString& e) { LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.portLog, "[" + m_trackingId + "] " + e); m_state = StateError; } } } if ( (m_shouldStop && m_state != StateStopped) || m_state == StateError) { m_state = StateStopped; if(m_audioFileRef.get()) { m_audioFileRef->Close(); /* * This function is now called in the TapeFileNaming * tape processor. */ //GenerateFinalFilePathAndIdentifier(); m_readyForBatchProcessing = true; } } } void AudioTape::SetShouldStop() { m_shouldStop = true; } void AudioTape::AddCaptureEvent(CaptureEventRef eventRef, bool send) { CStdString logMsg; // Extract useful info from well known events switch(eventRef->m_type) { case CaptureEvent::EtStart: m_trackingId = eventRef->m_value; if (m_state == StateCreated) { // Media chunk stream not yet started, we can update begin date with the actual capture begin date m_beginDate = eventRef->m_timestamp; GenerateCaptureFilePathAndIdentifier(); } break; case CaptureEvent::EtStop: m_shouldStop = true; m_duration = eventRef->m_timestamp - m_beginDate; { // Log the call details AudioTapeDescription atd; atd.m_beginDate = m_beginDate; atd.m_capturePort = m_portId; atd.m_direction = m_direction; atd.m_duration = m_duration; atd.m_localEntryPoint = m_localEntryPoint; atd.m_localParty = m_localParty; atd.m_remoteParty = m_remoteParty; atd.m_localIp = m_localIp; atd.m_remoteIp = m_remoteIp; atd.m_filename = GetFilename(); CStdString description = atd.SerializeSingleLine(); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.tapelistLog, description); } break; case CaptureEvent::EtDirection: m_direction = (CaptureEvent::DirectionEnum)CaptureEvent::DirectionToEnum(eventRef->m_value); break; case CaptureEvent::EtRemoteParty: m_remoteParty = eventRef->m_value; break; case CaptureEvent::EtLocalParty: m_localParty = eventRef->m_value; break; case CaptureEvent::EtLocalEntryPoint: m_localEntryPoint = eventRef->m_value; break; case CaptureEvent::EtLocalIp: m_localIp = eventRef->m_value; break; case CaptureEvent::EtRemoteIp: m_remoteIp = eventRef->m_value; break; case CaptureEvent::EtOrkUid: m_orkUid = eventRef->m_value; if (m_state == StateCreated) { // Media chunk stream not yet started, we can set the mcf file name to be the Oreka Unique ID m_fileIdentifier = m_orkUid; } break; case CaptureEvent::EtCallId: m_nativeCallId = eventRef->m_value; break; } { MutexSentinel sentinel(m_mutex); // Store the capture event locally m_eventQueue.push(eventRef); if (send) { m_toSendEventQueue.push(eventRef); } // Store the tags if(eventRef->m_type == CaptureEvent::EtKeyValue && eventRef->m_value.size() > 0 && eventRef->m_key.size() > 0) { m_tags.insert(std::make_pair(eventRef->m_key, eventRef->m_value)); } } } void AudioTape::GetMessage(MessageRef& msgRef) { CaptureEventRef captureEventRef; { MutexSentinel sentinel(m_mutex); if(m_toSendEventQueue.size() > 0) { captureEventRef = m_toSendEventQueue.front(); m_toSendEventQueue.pop(); } } msgRef.reset(new TapeMsg); TapeMsg* pTapeMsg = (TapeMsg*)msgRef.get(); if(captureEventRef.get() == 0) { // No more events, the tape is ready PopulateTapeMessage(pTapeMsg, CaptureEvent::EtReady); } else if(captureEventRef->m_type == CaptureEvent::EtStop || captureEventRef->m_type == CaptureEvent::EtStart || captureEventRef->m_type == CaptureEvent::EtUpdate) { PopulateTapeMessage(pTapeMsg, captureEventRef->m_type); } else { // This should be a key-value pair message } } void AudioTape::GetDetails(TapeMsg* msg) { PopulateTapeMessage(msg, CaptureEvent::EtStop); } void AudioTape::PopulateTapeMessage(TapeMsg* msg, CaptureEvent::EventTypeEnum eventType) { msg->m_recId = m_orkUid; msg->m_fileName = m_filePath + m_fileIdentifier + m_fileExtension; msg->m_stage = CaptureEvent::EventTypeToString(eventType); msg->m_capturePort = m_portId; msg->m_localParty = m_localParty; msg->m_localEntryPoint = m_localEntryPoint; msg->m_remoteParty = m_remoteParty; msg->m_direction = CaptureEvent::DirectionToString(m_direction); msg->m_duration = m_duration; msg->m_timestamp = m_beginDate; msg->m_localIp = m_localIp; msg->m_remoteIp = m_remoteIp; msg->m_nativeCallId = m_nativeCallId; MutexSentinel sentinel(m_mutex);; std::copy(m_tags.begin(), m_tags.end(), std::inserter(msg->m_tags, msg->m_tags.begin())); } void AudioTape::GenerateCaptureFilePathAndIdentifier() { struct tm date = {0}; ACE_OS::localtime_r(&m_beginDate, &date); int month = date.tm_mon + 1; // january=0, decembre=11 int year = date.tm_year + 1900; m_filePath.Format("%.4d/%.2d/%.2d/%.2d/", year, month, date.tm_mday, date.tm_hour); m_fileIdentifier.Format("%.4d%.2d%.2d_%.2d%.2d%.2d_%s", year, month, date.tm_mday, date.tm_hour, date.tm_min, date.tm_sec, m_portId); m_year.Format("%.4d", year); m_day.Format("%.2d", date.tm_mday); m_month.Format("%.2d", month); m_hour.Format("%.2d", date.tm_hour); m_min.Format("%.2d", date.tm_min); m_sec.Format("%.2d", date.tm_sec); } void AudioTape::GenerateFinalFilePath() { if(CONFIG.m_tapePathNaming.size() > 0) { CStdString pathIdentifier; std::list::iterator it; for(it = CONFIG.m_tapePathNaming.begin(); it != CONFIG.m_tapePathNaming.end(); it++) { CStdString element = *it; int tapeAttributeEnum = TapeAttributes::TapeAttributeToEnum(element); switch(tapeAttributeEnum) { case TapeAttributes::TaNativeCallId: { if(m_nativeCallId.size() > 0) { pathIdentifier += m_nativeCallId; } else { pathIdentifier += "nonativecallid"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaTrackingId: { if(m_trackingId.size() > 0) { pathIdentifier += m_trackingId; } else { pathIdentifier += "notrackingid"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaDirection: { pathIdentifier += CaptureEvent::DirectionToString(m_direction); break; } case TapeAttributes::TaShortDirection: { pathIdentifier += CaptureEvent::DirectionToShortString(m_direction); break; } case TapeAttributes::TaRemoteParty: { if(m_remoteParty.size() > 0) { pathIdentifier += m_remoteParty; } else { pathIdentifier += "noremoteparty"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaLocalParty: { if(m_localParty.size() > 0) { pathIdentifier += m_localParty; } else { pathIdentifier += "nolocalparty"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaLocalEntryPoint: { if(m_localEntryPoint.size() > 0) { pathIdentifier += m_localEntryPoint; } else { pathIdentifier += "nolocalentrypoint"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaLocalIp: { if(m_localIp.size() > 0) { pathIdentifier += m_localIp; } else { pathIdentifier += "nolocalip"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaRemoteIp: { if(m_remoteIp.size() > 0) { pathIdentifier += m_remoteIp; } else { pathIdentifier += "noremoteip"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaHostname: { char host_name[255]; memset(host_name, 0, sizeof(host_name)); ACE_OS::hostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)); if(strlen(host_name)) { pathIdentifier += host_name; } else { pathIdentifier += "nohostname"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaYear: { pathIdentifier += m_year; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaDay: { pathIdentifier += m_day; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaMonth: { pathIdentifier += m_month; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaHour: { pathIdentifier += m_hour; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaMin: { pathIdentifier += m_min; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaSec: { pathIdentifier += m_sec; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaUnknown: { std::map::iterator pair; CStdString correctKey, mTagsValue; // Remove the [] correctKey = element.substr(1, element.size()-2); pair = m_tags.find(correctKey); if(pair != m_tags.end()) { mTagsValue = pair->second; pathIdentifier += mTagsValue; } else { pathIdentifier += element; } break; } } } if(pathIdentifier.size() > 0) { m_filePath = pathIdentifier; CStdString mkdirPath; mkdirPath.Format("%s/%s", CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath, m_filePath); FileRecursiveMkdir(mkdirPath, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath); } } } void AudioTape::GenerateFinalFilePathAndIdentifier() { if(CONFIG.m_tapeFileNaming.size() > 0) { // The config file specifies a naming scheme for the recordings, build the final file identifier CStdString fileIdentifier; std::list::iterator it; for(it = CONFIG.m_tapeFileNaming.begin(); it != CONFIG.m_tapeFileNaming.end(); it++) { CStdString element = *it; int tapeAttributeEnum = TapeAttributes::TapeAttributeToEnum(element); switch(tapeAttributeEnum) { case TapeAttributes::TaNativeCallId: { if(m_nativeCallId.size() > 0) { fileIdentifier += m_nativeCallId; } else { fileIdentifier += "nonativecallid"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaTrackingId: { if(m_trackingId.size() > 0) { fileIdentifier += m_trackingId; } else { fileIdentifier += "notrackingid"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaDirection: { fileIdentifier += CaptureEvent::DirectionToString(m_direction); break; } case TapeAttributes::TaShortDirection: { fileIdentifier += CaptureEvent::DirectionToShortString(m_direction); break; } case TapeAttributes::TaRemoteParty: { if(m_remoteParty.size() > 0) { fileIdentifier += m_remoteParty; } else { fileIdentifier += "noremoteparty"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaLocalParty: { if(m_localParty.size() > 0) { fileIdentifier += m_localParty; } else { fileIdentifier += "nolocalparty"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaLocalEntryPoint: { if(m_localEntryPoint.size() > 0) { fileIdentifier += m_localEntryPoint; } else { fileIdentifier += "nolocalentrypoint"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaLocalIp: { if(m_localIp.size() > 0) { fileIdentifier += m_localIp; } else { fileIdentifier += "nolocalip"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaRemoteIp: { if(m_remoteIp.size() > 0) { fileIdentifier += m_remoteIp; } else { fileIdentifier += "noremoteip"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaHostname: { char host_name[255]; memset(host_name, 0, sizeof(host_name)); ACE_OS::hostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)); if(strlen(host_name)) { fileIdentifier += host_name; } else { fileIdentifier += "nohostname"; } break; } case TapeAttributes::TaYear: { fileIdentifier += m_year; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaDay: { fileIdentifier += m_day; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaMonth: { fileIdentifier += m_month; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaHour: { fileIdentifier += m_hour; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaMin: { fileIdentifier += m_min; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaSec: { fileIdentifier += m_sec; break; } case TapeAttributes::TaUnknown: { std::map::iterator pair; CStdString correctKey, mTagsValue; // Remove the [] correctKey = element.substr(1, element.size()-2); pair = m_tags.find(correctKey); if(pair != m_tags.end()) { mTagsValue = pair->second; fileIdentifier += mTagsValue; } else { fileIdentifier += element; } break; } } } if(fileIdentifier.size() > 0) { m_fileIdentifier = fileIdentifier; } } if(CONFIG.m_tapePathNaming.size() > 0) { GenerateFinalFilePath(); } if(CONFIG.m_tapePathNaming.size() > 0 || CONFIG.m_tapeFileNaming.size() > 0) { CStdString path = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath + "/" + m_filePath + "/"; PreventFileIdentifierCollision(path, m_fileIdentifier , m_fileExtension); } } void AudioTape::PreventFileIdentifierCollision(CStdString& path, CStdString& identifier, CStdString& extension) { int fileIndex = 0; CStdString identifierWithIndex; CStdString file = path + identifier + extension; while(FileCanOpen(file) == true) { fileIndex++; identifierWithIndex.Format("%s-%d", identifier, fileIndex); file = path + identifierWithIndex + extension; } if(fileIndex) { //identifier = identifierWithIndex; identifier += "-" + m_orkUid; } } CStdString AudioTape::GetIdentifier() { return m_fileIdentifier; } CStdString AudioTape::GetFilename() { return m_filePath + m_fileIdentifier + m_fileExtension; } CStdString AudioTape::GetPath() { return m_filePath; } CStdString AudioTape::GetExtension() { return m_fileExtension; } bool AudioTape::IsStoppedAndValid() { if (m_state == StateStopped) { return true; } else { return false; } } AudioFileRef AudioTape::GetAudioFileRef() { return m_audioFileRef; } bool AudioTape::IsReadyForBatchProcessing() { if(m_readyForBatchProcessing) { m_readyForBatchProcessing = false; // toggle to ensure not processed twice return true; } return false; } //================================= CStdString TapeAttributes::TapeAttributeToString(int ta) { switch(ta) { case TaNativeCallId: return TA_NATIVECALLID; case TaTrackingId: return TA_TRACKINGID; case TaDirection: return TA_DIRECTION; case TaShortDirection: return TA_SHORTDIRECTION; case TaRemoteParty: return TA_REMOTEPARTY; case TaLocalParty: return TA_LOCALPARTY; case TaLocalEntryPoint: return TA_LOCALENTRYPOINT; case TaLocalIp: return TA_LOCALIP; case TaRemoteIp: return TA_REMOTEIP; case TaHostname: return TA_HOSTNAME; case TaYear: return TA_YEAR; case TaDay: return TA_DAY; case TaMonth: return TA_MONTH; case TaHour: return TA_HOUR; case TaMin: return TA_MIN; case TaSec: return TA_SEC; } return "[UnknownAttribute]"; } int TapeAttributes::TapeAttributeToEnum(CStdString& ta) { if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_NATIVECALLID) == 0) { return TaNativeCallId; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_TRACKINGID) == 0) { return TaTrackingId; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_DIRECTION) == 0) { return TaDirection; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_SHORTDIRECTION) == 0) { return TaShortDirection; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_REMOTEPARTY) == 0) { return TaRemoteParty; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_LOCALPARTY) == 0) { return TaLocalParty; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_LOCALENTRYPOINT) == 0) { return TaLocalEntryPoint; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_LOCALIP) == 0) { return TaLocalIp; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_REMOTEIP) == 0) { return TaRemoteIp; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_HOSTNAME) == 0) { return TaHostname; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_YEAR) == 0) { return TaYear; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_DAY) == 0) { return TaDay; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_MONTH) == 0) { return TaMonth; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_HOUR) == 0) { return TaHour; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_MIN) == 0) { return TaMin; } if(ta.CompareNoCase(TA_SEC) == 0) { return TaSec; } return TaUnknown; }