/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #ifndef __AUDIOTAPE_H__ #define __AUDIOTAPE_H__ #include "ace/Thread_Mutex.h" #include "time.h" #include "StdString.h" #include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp" #include #include "AudioCapture.h" #include "audiofile/AudioFile.h" #include "messages/TapeMsg.h" class DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT_ORKBASE AudioTapeDescription : public Object { public: AudioTapeDescription(); void Define(Serializer* s); void Validate(); CStdString GetClassName(); ObjectRef NewInstance(); ObjectRef Process(); CStdString m_capturePort; CStdString m_localParty; CStdString m_localEntryPoint; CStdString m_remoteParty; CaptureEvent::DirectionEnum m_direction; time_t m_beginDate; int m_duration; CStdString m_localIp; CStdString m_remoteIp; }; class DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT_ORKBASE AudioTape { public: typedef enum { StateUnknown = 0, StateCreated = 1, StateActive = 2, StateStopped = 3, StateError = 4, StateInvalid = 5 } StateEnum; AudioTape(CStdString &portId); void AddAudioChunk(AudioChunkRef chunkRef); void Write(); void SetShouldStop(); bool IsStoppedAndValid(); void AddCaptureEvent(CaptureEventRef eventRef, bool send = true); void GetMessage(MessageRef& msg); /** Returns an identifier for the tape which corresponds to the filename without extension */ CStdString GetIdentifier(); /** Returns the full filename (including relative path) to the post-compression audio file */ CStdString GetFilename(); CStdString GetPath(); AudioFileRef GetAudioFileRef(); bool IsReadyForBatchProcessing(); CStdString m_portId; CStdString m_localParty; CStdString m_localEntryPoint; CStdString m_remoteParty; CaptureEvent::DirectionEnum m_direction; time_t m_beginDate; time_t m_endDate; time_t m_duration; CStdString m_localIp; CStdString m_remoteIp; TapeResponseRef m_tapeResponse; private: void GenerateFilePathAndIdentifier(); CStdString m_filePath; CStdString m_fileIdentifier; CStdString m_fileExtension; //Corresponds to the extension the tape will have after compression std::queue m_chunkQueue; std::queue m_eventQueue; std::queue m_toSendEventQueue; AudioFileRef m_audioFileRef; ACE_Thread_Mutex m_mutex; StateEnum m_state; bool m_shouldStop; bool m_readyForBatchProcessing; }; typedef boost::shared_ptr AudioTapeRef; #endif