/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #ifndef __DOMSERIALIZER_H__ #define __DOMSERIALIZER_H__ #include "Serializer.h" #include "Object.h" #include "xercesc/dom/DOMNode.hpp" #include "xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp" using namespace XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE; /** Serializer class for Document Object Model. This class allows a nested object to be serialized or deserialized to or from a xerces DOM object. */ class DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT DomSerializer : public Serializer { public: DomSerializer(Object* object) : Serializer(object){}; void ObjectValue(const char* key, Object& value, bool required = false); void AddInt(const char* key, int value); void AddString(const char* key, CStdString& value); void AddObject(const char* key, Object& value); void Serialize(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMDocument* node); void GetString(const char* key, CStdString& value, bool required = false); void GetObject(const char* key, Object& value, bool required = false); void DeSerialize(DOMNode* node); static CStdString XMLStringToLocal(const XMLCh* const toTranscode); static XMLCh* LocalStringToXML(CStdString& toTranscode); DOMNode* FindElementByName(DOMNode *node, CStdString name); static CStdString DomNodeToString(DOMNode *); protected: DOMNode* m_node; XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMDocument* m_document; }; /** Container for xerces unicode string initialized with char* string */ class DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT XStr { public : inline XStr(const char* const toTranscode) { fUnicodeForm = XMLString::transcode(toTranscode); } inline ~XStr() { XMLString::release(&fUnicodeForm); } inline const XMLCh* unicodeForm() const { return fUnicodeForm; } private : XMLCh* fUnicodeForm; }; #endif