/* * Oreka -- A media capture and retrieval platform * * Copyright (C) 2005, orecx LLC * * http://www.orecx.com * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ package net.sf.oreka.serializers; import net.sf.oreka.*; /** * * Base class for all serializers. * Serializers have to implement their own serialize and deserialize methods * since the data can be read from and written to many different formats * * Enum and Boolean value are case insensitive (all enum values must be defined * lower case in the project, otherwise they won't be recognized at all) * */ public abstract class OrkSerializer { boolean deserialize = false; String classKey = "class"; public void setClassKey(String classKey) { this.classKey = classKey; } public int intValue(String key, int value, boolean required) throws OrkException { if (deserialize) { return getInt(key, value, required); } else { addInt(key, value); return value; } } public double doubleValue(String key, double value, boolean required) throws OrkException { if (deserialize) { return getDouble(key, value, required); } else { addDouble(key, value); return value; } } public String stringValue(String key, String value, boolean required ) throws OrkException { if (deserialize) { return getString(key, value, required); } else { addString(key, value); return value; } } public boolean booleanValue(String key, boolean value, boolean required ) throws OrkException { if (deserialize) { return getBoolean(key, value, required); } else { addBoolean(key, value); return value; } } public Enum enumValue(String key, Enum value, boolean required ) throws OrkException { if (deserialize) { return getEnum(key, value, required); } else { addEnum(key, value); return value; } } public abstract OrkObject objectValue(String key, OrkObject value, boolean required ) throws OrkException; public abstract void addClassName(String value); void addInt(String key, int value) { String valueString = String.valueOf(value); addString(key, valueString); } void addDouble(String key, double value) { String valueString = String.valueOf(value); addString(key, valueString); } void addBoolean(String key, boolean value) { if(value) { addString(key, "true"); } else { addString(key, "false"); } } void addEnum(String key, Enum value) { addString(key, value.name()); } abstract void addString(String key, String value); int getInt(String key, int oldValue, boolean required) throws OrkException { int value = 0; String stringValue = getString(key, null, required); if (stringValue == null) { value = oldValue; } else { try { value = Integer.valueOf(stringValue); } catch (Exception e) { throw (new OrkException("Serializer: value:" + stringValue + " not an int for key:" + key)); } } return value; } double getDouble(String key, double oldValue, boolean required) throws OrkException { double value = 0.0; String stringValue = getString(key, null, required); if (stringValue == null) { value = oldValue; } else { try { value = Double.valueOf(stringValue); } catch (Exception e) { throw (new OrkException("Serializer: value:" + stringValue + " not a double for key:" + key)); } } return value; } boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean oldValue, boolean required) throws OrkException { boolean value; String stringValue = getString(key, null, required); if (stringValue == null) { value = oldValue; } else { stringValue = stringValue.toLowerCase(); if( stringValue.equals("true") || stringValue.equals("yes") || stringValue.equals("1") ) { value = true; } else if( stringValue.equals("false") || stringValue.equals("no") || stringValue.equals("0") ) { value = false; } else { throw(new OrkException("Serializer: Invalid boolean value:" + stringValue + " for key:" + key)); } } return value; } Enum getEnum(String key, Enum oldValue, boolean required) throws OrkException { Enum value = null; String stringValue = getString(key, null, required); if (stringValue == null) { value = oldValue; } else { stringValue = stringValue.toLowerCase(); Class valueClass = oldValue.getClass(); try { value = Enum.valueOf(valueClass, stringValue); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw (new OrkException("Serializer: Invalid enum value:" + stringValue + " for parameter:" + key)); } } return value; } abstract String getString(String key, String oldValue, boolean required ) throws OrkException; }