path: root/documentation/output-and-errors.html
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authorEmiel Bruijntjes <>2014-03-23 21:11:57 +0100
committerEmiel Bruijntjes <>2014-03-23 21:11:57 +0100
commit68441d448e377f9a61af5c29c793922fff0d9328 (patch)
tree6fc34379b4fc010751c4cd38ea0722f37f1cf085 /documentation/output-and-errors.html
parentd8b25fe2e585634567483124a33c3b779d2516f5 (diff)
errors have a limited buffer, and discard any overflow data, replaced std::cout calls with Php::out calls in the documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/output-and-errors.html')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/output-and-errors.html b/documentation/output-and-errors.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4697854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/output-and-errors.html
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<h1>Output and errors</h1>
+ You can use regular C++ streams for IO. It is however not
+ a good idea to use the std::cout and std::cerr streams for output.
+ When PHP runs as a webserver module, stdout is redirected to the
+ terminal <i>from where the webserver process was originally started</i>,
+ while you probably want to generate output that ends up in the generated
+ (HTML) output. But even when PHP runs as a CLI script - and std::cout works -
+ you still should not write to stdout directly, because it will bypass all
+ output handlers that may have been set up by the PHP user space script.
+ The PHP-CPP library offers a Php::out stream that can be used instead. This
+ Php::out variable is an instance of the well known std::ostream class, and
+ utilizes all the output buffering set up in PHP. All output that you send to
+ it always ends up where you expect: on stdout for CLI scripts, and in the
+ generated code for webserver processes. It does essentially the same
+ as the echo() function in PHP scripts.
+ Php::out is a regular std::ostring object. This also has as consequence that
+ it uses a buffer that needs to be sync'ed to flush the output. This flush
+ happens automatically when you add 'std::endl' to the output, or when you
+ add 'std::sync' explicitly.
+<pre class="language-c++"><code>
+ * Example function that shows how to generate output
+ */
+void example()
+ // the C++ equivalent of the echo() function
+ Php::out &lt;&lt; "example output" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
+ // generate output without a newline, and ensure that it is flushed
+ Php::out &lt;&lt; "example output" &lt;&lt; std::flush;
+ // or call the flush() method
+ Php::out &lt;&lt; "example output";
+ Php::out.flush();
+ // just like all PHP functions, the Php::echo() function can also be used
+ Php::echo("Example output\n");
+<h2 id="warnings-and-notices">Errors, warnings and notices</h2>
+ When you want to trigger a PHP error (the C++ equivalent of the PHP
+ trigger_error()) function, you can use one of the Php::error, Php::notice,
+ Php::warning and Php::deprecated streams. These are also instances of the
+ std::ostream class.
+<pre class="language-c++"><code>
+ * Example function that shows how to generate output
+ */
+void example()
+ // generate a PHP notice
+ Php::notice &lt;&lt; "this is a notice" &lt;&lt; std::flush;
+ // generate a PHP warning
+ Php::warning &lt;&lt; "this is a warning" &lt;&lt; std::flush;
+ // inform the user that a call to a deprecated function was made
+ Php::deprecated &lt;&lt; "this method is deprecated" &lt;&lt; std::flush;
+ // generate a fatal error
+ Php::error &lt;&lt; "fatal error" &lt;&lt; std::flush;
+ // this code will no longer be called
+ Php::out &lt;&lt; "regular output" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
+ In the above example you can see that we used std::flush and not std::endl.
+ The reason for this is that std::endl internally does two things: it
+ appends a newline, and it flushes the buffer. For errors, notices and
+ warnings we don't need the newline, but we still have to flush the
+ buffer to actually generate the output.
+ There is something very peculiar with the Php::error stream: when you flush
+ it, the PHP script ends with a fatal error <i>and your C++ algorithm
+ immediately exits!!</i> Under the hood, the PHP engine does a longjump to
+ a place deep inside the Zend engine. In the example function the
+ 'Php::out &lt;&lt; "regular output"; statement is therefore never executed.
+ This all is very unusual, and (according to us) in conflict with the general
+ rules of decent software engineering. An output-generating function should
+ not behave like throwing an exception. Code that looks like normal code,
+ should also behave like normal code, and not do unexpected things like
+ leaping out of the current call stack. We therefore advise not to use
+ Php::error - or use it with extreme care.