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5 files changed, 269 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8209a7e..30b83c6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,21 +1,141 @@
-PREFIX = /usr
-INCLUDE_DIR = ${PREFIX}/include
+# PHP-CPP Makefile
+# This makefile has a user friendly order: the top part of this file contains
+# all variable settings that you may alter to suit your own system, while at
+# the bottom you will find instructions for the compiler in which you will
+# probably not have to make any changes
- cd src; $(MAKE)
+# Zend header files
+# The variable PHP_DIR contains the location on your system where the regular
+# header files of the Zend engine can be found. Usually this is either
+# /usr/include/php5 or /usr/local/include/php5. Inside this directory you
+# will find sub-directories named TSRM, Zend, ext and main.
- cd tests; $(MAKE)
+PHP_DIR = /usr/include/php5
+# Installation directory
+# When you install the PHP-CPP library, it will place a number of C++ *.h
+# header files in your system include directory, and a shared
+# library file in your system libraries directory. Most users set this to
+# the regular /usr/include and /usr/lib directories, or /usr/local/include
+# and /usr/local/lib. You can of course change it to whatever suits you best
+# Name of the target library name
+# The PHP-CPP library will be installed on your system as
+# This is a brilliant name. If you want to use a different name for it,
+# you can change that here
+# Compiler
+# By default, the GNU C++ compiler is used. If you want to use a different
+# compiler, you can change that here. You can change this for both the
+# compiler (the program that turns the c++ files into object files) and for
+# the linker (the program that links all object files into a single .so
+# library file. By default, g++ (the GNU C++ compiler) is used for both.
+LINKER = g++
+# Compiler flags
+# This variable holds the flags that are passed to the compiler. By default,
+# we include the -O2 flag. This flag tells the compiler to optimize the code,
+# but it makes debugging more difficult. So if you're debugging your application,
+# you probably want to remove this -O2 flag. At the same time, you can then
+# add the -g flag to instruct the compiler to include debug information in
+# the library (but this will make the final file much bigger, so
+# you want to leave that flag out on production servers).
+COMPILER_FLAGS = -Wall -c -I. -I${PHP_DIR} -I${PHP_DIR}/main -I${PHP_DIR}/ext -I${PHP_DIR}/Zend -I${PHP_DIR}/TSRM -O2 -std=c++11 -fpic -o
+# Linker flags
+# Just like the compiler, the linker can have flags too. The default flag
+# is probably the only one you need.
+LINKER_FLAGS = -shared
+# Command to remove files, copy files and create directories.
+# I've never encountered a *nix environment in which these commands do not work.
+# So you can probably leave this as it is
+RM = rm -f
+CP = cp -f
+MKDIR = mkdir -p
+# The source files
+# For this we use a special Makefile function that automatically scans the
+# src/ directory for all *.cpp files. No changes are probably necessary here
+SOURCES = $(wildcard src/*.cpp)
+# The object files
+# The intermediate object files are generated by the compiler right before
+# the linker turns all these object files into the shared library.
+# We also use a Makefile function here that takes all source files.
+OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)
+# End of the variables section. Here starts the list of instructions and
+# dependencies that are used by the compiler.
+all: ${OBJECTS} ${RESULT}
- cd src; $(MAKE) clean
-# cd tests; $(MAKE) clean
+ ${COMPILER} ${COMPILER_FLAGS} $@ ${@:%.o=%.cpp}
- mkdir -p ${INCLUDE_DIR}/phpcpp
- mkdir -p ${LIBRARY_DIR}
- cp -f phpcpp.h ${INCLUDE_DIR}
- cp -f include/*.h ${INCLUDE_DIR}/phpcpp
- cp -f src/ ${LIBRARY_DIR}
+ ${CP} phpcpp.h ${INSTALL_HEADERS}
+ ${CP} include/*.h ${INSTALL_HEADERS}/phpcpp
diff --git a/documentation/install.html b/documentation/install.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa3df2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/install.html
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+<div style="width: 1024px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 16pt;">
+<h1>How to install PHP-CPP</h1>
+ Before you can build your own super fast native PHP extension using the
+ PHP-CPP library, you will first have to install the PHP-CPP library on your
+ systems(s).
+ Luckily, for most of us (those who use Linux environments), this will be
+ a piece of cake. If you're on a different platform however, you are left on
+ your own, because we (as in me, the PHP-CPP developer), only uses Linux
+ systems. There is however no reason why this library should not also work on
+ other platforms, because it only uses straight forward C++ code. Thus, if
+ you are on a different platform and have managed to compile the library on
+ it, please give us feedback so that we can update these installation
+ instructions and include other platforms as well.
+ At this moment, PHP-CPP only supports single-threaded PHP installations.
+ Web servers come in a number forms: there are the ones that handle each
+ page request in different process, and the ones that handle each page request
+ in the same process, but in a different thread. If you're using such a
+ multi-threaded PHP installation, you can not use the PHP-CPP library. Most
+ installations are single-threaded however, so this should not be a show stopper.
+ Are you not sure whether you have a single-threaded or multi-threaded PHP
+ environment? Just try to compile the PHP-CPP library, if you see a zillion
+ errors, you can be pretty sure that this is because of your installation
+ is multi-threaded.
+ The reason why we've chosen not to support multi-threaded PHP installations
+ lies in the fact that internally the Zend engine uses a very odd system
+ to ensure thread safety. Essentially, they pass an additional parameter to
+ each and every function call that holds a pointer-to-a-pointer with thread
+ information that you can access with specific C macro's, and that you have
+ to pass on to every other function call that you make. This makes life for
+ extension writers much harder than is necessary - and is in total conflict
+ with the core principle of the PHP-CPP library: to make life easy.
+ However, if there is demand for, we may add support for multi-threaded PHP
+ installations, and hopefully we can even keep the same simple C++ API as we
+ have now.
+ Installation begins with downloading the source code. You can either
+ download the latest release from
+ <a href=""></a>, or get the
+ latest bleading edge work-in-progress version from
+ <a href="">GitHub</a>.
+ To get the latest GitHub version, run the following command from the command
+ line:
+ <code><pre>
+ git clone
+ </pre></code>
+ After you've downloaded the software (either from our website, or directly
+ from GitHub, change your working directory to the PHP-CPP directly, and open
+ the file named "Makefile" in your editor of choice.
+ The Makefile is a file that holds settings and instructions for the compiler.
+ In 96 out of 100 situations, the default settings in this Makefile will
+ already be perfect for you, but you may want to have a look at it and make
+ (small) changes to it. You can for example change the installation directory,
+ and the compiler that is going to be used.
+ After you've checked that all settings in the Makefile are correct, you can
+ build the software. Do this by running the following command from within
+ the PHP-CPP directory.
+ <code><pre>
+ make
+ </pre></code>
+ The PHP-CPP library has now been built, and all that is left to do is
+ install it on your system. You can use the "make install" command for it.
+ This command should be executed as root, either by using "sudo", or by
+ logging on as root first.
+ <code><pre>
+ sudo make install
+ </pre></code>
+ Congratulations! You are now the happy owner of a system with PHP-CPP installed
+ and nothing can stop you from building your first fast native PHP extension.
diff --git a/documentation/tutorial.html b/documentation/tutorial.html
index 30d8ea7..ff2bbbc 100644
--- a/documentation/tutorial.html
+++ b/documentation/tutorial.html
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
<h2>How does PHP load its extensions?</h2>
You probably already know that native PHP extensions are compiled into *.so
- files on unix-like systems, and *.dll files on Windows environments, and that
+ files on unix-like systems, and *.dll files in Windows environments, and that
the global php.ini file holds a list of all extensions available on your system.
- This means that if you're building your own extension, you will also need to
+ This means that if you're building your own extension, you are also going to
create such a *.so or *.dll file and you will need to update the PHP
configuration so that your own extension is loaded by PHP.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<h2>The get_module() startup function</h2>
Before we explain how you can create your own extension however, we first explain
- what PHP does to load an extension. When PHP starts, it loads the configuration
+ what PHP does to load an extension. When PHP starts, it loads the *.ini configuration
file(s) that we just described and for each "" line in these
files, it opens the appropriate library, and calls the "get_module()"
function from it. Each extension library (your extension too) must therefore
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
PHPCPP_EXPORT void *get_module() {
static Php::Extension myExtension("my_extension", "1.0");
myExtension.add("example", example, {
- Php::ByVal("a", Php::numericType),
+ Php::ByVal("a", Php::Type::Numeric),
Php::ByVal("b", "ExampleClass"),
Php::ByRef("c", "OtherClass")
@@ -224,15 +224,15 @@
- Above you see that we pass in additional information when we register the
- The Extension::add() method can be used to register native functions, and
- make them available in PHP. In the examples above, you've seen that the
- method takes two parameters: the name the function shou
+ Above you see that we passed in additional information when we registered the
+ "example" function. We tell our extension that our function accepts three parameters:
+ the first parameter must be a regular number, while the other ones are object
+ instances of type "ExampleClass" and "OtherClass". In the end, your native C++
+ "example" function will still be called with a Php::Parameters instance, but
+ the moment it gets called, you can be sure that the Php::Parameters object
+ will be filled with three members, and that two of them are objects of the
+ appropriate type, and that the third one is also passed by reference.
<h2>Working with variables</h2>
Variables in PHP are non-typed. A variable can thus hold any possible type:
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 64b4eb1..0000000
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-CPP = g++
-RM = rm -f
-PHP_DIR = /usr/include/php5
-CPP_FLAGS = -c -I. -I${PHP_DIR} -I${PHP_DIR}/main -I${PHP_DIR}/ext -I${PHP_DIR}/Zend -I${PHP_DIR}/TSRM -g -std=c++11
-LD = g++
-LD_FLAGS = -Wall -shared -O2
-SOURCES = $(wildcard *.cpp)
-OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)
-all: ${OBJECTS} ${RESULT}
- ${LD} ${LD_FLAGS} -o $@ ${OBJECTS}
- ${RM} *.obj *~* ${OBJECTS} ${RESULT}
- ${CPP} ${CPP_FLAGS} -fpic -o $@ ${@:%.o=%.cpp}
diff --git a/src/value.cpp b/src/value.cpp
index b43d72f..1bec146 100644
--- a/src/value.cpp
+++ b/src/value.cpp
@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@ Value &Value::operator=(Value &&value)
// the other object is no longer valid
value._val = nullptr;
+ // done
+ return *this;
@@ -1201,13 +1204,17 @@ Value &Value::setType(Type type)
// run the conversion
switch (type) {
- case Type::Null: convert_to_null(_val); break;
- case Type::Numeric: convert_to_long(_val); break;
- case Type::Float: convert_to_double(_val); break;
- case Type::Bool: convert_to_boolean(_val); break;
- case Type::Array: convert_to_array(_val); break;
- case Type::Object: convert_to_object(_val); break;
- case Type::String: convert_to_string(_val); break;
+ case Type::Null: convert_to_null(_val); break;
+ case Type::Numeric: convert_to_long(_val); break;
+ case Type::Float: convert_to_double(_val); break;
+ case Type::Bool: convert_to_boolean(_val); break;
+ case Type::Array: convert_to_array(_val); break;
+ case Type::Object: convert_to_object(_val); break;
+ case Type::String: convert_to_string(_val); break;
+ case Type::Resource: throw Php::Exception("Resource types can not be handled by the PHP-CPP library"); break;
+ case Type::Constant: throw Php::Exception("Constant types can not be assigned to a PHP-CPP library variable"); break;
+ case Type::ConstantArray: throw Php::Exception("Constant types can not be assigned to a PHP-CPP library variable"); break;
+ case Type::Callable: throw Php::Exception("Callable types can not be assigned to a PHP-CPP library variable"); break;
// done