/** * functionvoid.cpp * @author Emiel Bruijntjes * * An example file to show how global variables can be accessed */ /** * Libraries used. */ #include #include /** * Namespace to use */ using namespace std; /** * process_globals() * * This function reads and modifies global variables */ Php::Value process_globals() { // all global variables can be accessed via the Php::globals variable, // which is more or less the same as the PHP $_GLOBALS variable // set a global variable Php::globals["a"] = 1; // increment a global variable Php::globals["b"] += 1; // set a global variable to be an array Php::globals["c"] = Php::Array(); // add a member to an array Php::globals["c"]["member"] = 123; // and increment it Php::globals["c"]["member"] += 77; // change value e Php::globals["e"] = Php::globals["e"][0]("hello"); // if a global variable holds a function, we can call it return Php::globals["d"](1,2,3); } // Symbols are exported according to the "C" language extern "C" { // export the "get_module" function that will be called by the Zend engine PHPCPP_EXPORT void *get_module() { // create extension static Php::Extension extension("globals","1.0"); // add function to extension extension.add("process_globals", process_globals); // return the extension module return extension.module(); } }