% PLINTH % % February 2012 # Edits by bnewbold ## 2012-07-12 "exmachina" configuration management layer - this new code is very ugly and in the "just make it work" style - add exmachina code and test code - modify plinth.py to listen for shared secret on stdin at start (if appropriate flag is set) and try to connect to exmachina daemon - use exmachina to read and set /etc/hostname as a demo - update plinth init.d script to start exmachina and share keys - update docs with new deps and run instructions # Edits by seandiggity ## 2012-02-27 new theme based upon bootstrap Added Bootstrap code from Twitter's Bootstrap http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap Additional images, css changes Consolidated Bootstrap, Boilerplate, HTML5-Reset code Edited text and forms for some modules (as a CMS, Plinth's fetching of text and forms from static files needs rethinking) Changed menu javascript to work with Bootstrap styles ## 2012-02-24 template and theme changes Added HTML5-Reset code http://html5reset.org Removed robots.txt (we have "noindex,nofollow" in the template meta tags, do we need this?) Added meta noindex,nofollow,noarchive tags for specific robots (googlebot etc.) Removed extraneous meta tags useful only for indexing Removed HTML5-Reset "_" directory. Not sure why it's useful to add an ambiguous folder to the directory tree. Made sure no Google-y code wasn't included (analytics, remote copy of JQuery, etc.) Fixed symbolic link docs/style.css New favicon and iOS "web clip" button