import os import cherrypy from gettext import gettext as _ from plugin_mount import PagePlugin import cfg class Help(PagePlugin): order = 20 # order of running init in PagePlugins def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PagePlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.register_page("help") = cfg.main_menu.add_item(_("Documentation"), "icon-book", "/help", 101)"Where to Get Help"), "icon-search", "/help/index", 5)"Developer's Manual"), "icon-info-sign", "/help/view/plinth", 10)"FAQ"), "icon-question-sign", "/help/view/faq", 20)"%s Wiki" % cfg.box_name), "icon-pencil", "", 30)"About"), "icon-star", "/help/about", 100) @cherrypy.expose def index(self): main="""

There are a variety of places to go for help with Plinth and the box it runs on.

This front end has a developer's manual. It isn't complete, but it is the first place to look. Feel free to offer suggestions, edits, and screenshots for completing it!

A section of the Debian wiki is devoted to the %(box)s. At some point the documentation in the wiki and the documentation in the manual should dovetail.

There are Debian gurus in the \#debian channels of both and They probably don't know much about the %(box)s and almost surely know nothing of this front end, but they are an incredible resource for general Debian issues.

There is no FAQ because the question frequency is currently zero for all questions.

""" % {'box':cfg.box_name} return self.fill_template(title="Documentation and FAQ", main=main) @cherrypy.expose def about(self): return self.fill_template(title=_("About the %s" % cfg.box_name), main="""

We live in a world where our use of the network is mediated by those who often do not have our best interests at heart. By building software that does not rely on a central service, we can regain control and privacy. By keeping our data in our homes, we gain useful legal protections over it. By giving back power to the users over their networks and machines, we are returning the Internet to its intended peer-to-peer architecture.

In order to bring about the new network order, it is paramount that it is easy to convert to it. The hardware it runs on must be cheap. The software it runs on must be easy to install and administrate by anybody. It must be easy to transition from existing services.

Learn more »

""", sidebar_right=_("""Our Goal

There are a number of projects working to realize a future of distributed services; we aim to bring them all together in a convenient package.

For more information about the FreedomBox project, see the Debian Wiki.

""")) class View(PagePlugin): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PagePlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.register_page("help.view") @cherrypy.expose def default(self, page=''): if page not in ['design', 'plinth', 'hacking', 'faq']: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, "The path '/help/view/%s' was not found." % page) return self.fill_template(template="err", main="

Sorry, as much as I would like to show you that page, I don't seem to have a page named %s!

" % page) IF = open(os.path.join("doc", "%s.part.html" % page), 'r') main = IF.close() return self.fill_template(template="two_col", title=_("%s Documentation" % cfg.product_name), main=main)