from urlparse import urlparse import os, cherrypy from gettext import gettext as _ from plugin_mount import PagePlugin, PluginMount, FormPlugin from modules.auth import require from forms import Form from util import * import cfg class router(PagePlugin): order = 9 # order of running init in PagePlugins def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.register_page("router") = cfg.main_menu.add_item("Router", "icon-retweet", "/router", 10)"Wireless", "icon-signal", "/router/wireless", 12)"Firewall", "icon-fire", "/router/firewall", 18)"Hotspot and Mesh", "icon-map-marker", "/router/hotspot")"Info", "icon-list-alt", "/router/info", 100) @cherrypy.expose def index(self): """This isn't an internal redirect, because we need the url to reflect that we've moved down into the submenu hierarchy. Otherwise, it's hard to know which menu portion to make active or expand or contract.""" raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/router/setup') @cherrypy.expose @require() def wireless(self): return self.fill_template(title="Wireless", main="

wireless setup: essid, etc.

") @cherrypy.expose @require() def firewall(self): return self.fill_template(title="Firewall", main="

Iptables twiddling.

") @cherrypy.expose @require() def hotspot(self): return self.fill_template(title="Hotspot and Mesh", main="

connection sharing setup.

") class setup(PagePlugin): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.register_page("router.setup") ="General Setup", "icon-cog", "/router/setup", 10)"Dynamic DNS", "icon-flag", "/router/setup/ddns", 20)"MAC Address Clone", "icon-barcode", "/router/setup/mac_address", 30) @cherrypy.expose @require() def index(self): parts = self.forms('/router/setup') parts['title'] = "General Router Setup" parts['sidebar_right']="""Introduction

Your %s is a replacement for your wireless router. By default, it should do everything your usual router does. With the addition of some extra modules, its abilities can rival those of high-end routers costing hundreds of dollars.

""" % cfg.box_name + parts['sidebar_right'] if not parts['main'] += """

In basic mode, you don't need to do any router setup before you can go online. Just plug your %(product)s in to your cable or DSL modem and the router will try to get you on the internet using DHCP.

If that fails, you might need to resort to the expert options. Enable expert mode in the "%(product)s System / Configure" menu.

""" % {'product':cfg.box_name} else: parts['main'] += "

router name, domain name, router IP, dhcp

" return self.fill_template(**parts) @cherrypy.expose @require() def ddns(self): return self.fill_template(title="Dynamic DNS", main="

Masquerade setup

") @cherrypy.expose @require() def mac_address(self): return self.fill_template(title="MAC Address Cloning", main="

Your router can pretend to have a different MAC address on any interface.

") class wan(FormPlugin, PagePlugin): url = ["/router/setup"] order = 10 js = """""" def sidebar_right(self, *args, **kwargs): side='' if side += """WAN Connection Type


DHCP allows your router to automatically connect with the upstream network. If you are unsure what option to choose, stick with DHCP. It is usually correct.

Static IP

If you want to setup your connection manually, you can enter static IP information. This option is for those who know what they're doing. As such, it is only available in expert mode.

""" return side def main(self, wan_ip0=0, wan_ip1=0, wan_ip2=0, wan_ip3=0, subnet0=0, subnet1=0, subnet2=0, subnet3=0, gateway0=0, gateway1=0, gateway2=0, gateway3=0, dns10=0, dns11=0, dns12=0, dns13=0, dns20=0, dns21=0, dns22=0, dns23=0, dns30=0, dns31=0, dns32=0, dns33=0, message=None, **kwargs): if not return '' store = filedict_con(cfg.store_file, 'router') defaults = {'connect_type': "'DHCP'", } for k,c in defaults.items(): if not k in kwargs: try: kwargs[k] = store[k] except KeyError: exec("if not '%(k)s' in kwargs: store['%(k)s'] = kwargs['%(k)s'] = %(c)s" % {'k':k, 'c':c}) form = Form(title="WAN Connection", action="/router/setup/wan/index", name="wan_connection_form", message=message) form.dropdown('Connection Type', vals=["DHCP", "Static IP"], id="connect_type", onchange="hideshow_static()") form.html('
') form.dotted_quad("WAN IP Address", name="wan_ip", quad=[wan_ip0, wan_ip1, wan_ip2, wan_ip3]) form.dotted_quad("Subnet Mask", name="subnet", quad=[subnet0, subnet1, subnet2, subnet3]) form.dotted_quad("Gateway", name="gateway", quad=[gateway0, gateway1, gateway2, gateway3]) form.dotted_quad("Static DNS 1", name="dns1", quad=[dns10, dns11, dns12, dns13]) form.dotted_quad("Static DNS 2", name="dns2", quad=[dns20, dns21, dns22, dns23]) form.dotted_quad("Static DNS 3", name="dns3", quad=[dns30, dns31, dns32, dns33]) form.html('
') form.html(""" """) form.submit("Set Wan") return form.render()