import os import cherrypy import simplejson as json from gettext import gettext as _ from filedict import FileDict from auth import require from plugin_mount import PagePlugin, FormPlugin import cfg from forms import Form from model import User from util import * sys_dir = "modules/installed/sys" class Sys(PagePlugin): order = 10 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PagePlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.register_page("sys") = cfg.main_menu.add_item(_("System"), "icon-cog", "/sys", 100)"Configure"), "icon-cog", "/sys/config", 10)"Package Manager"), "icon-gift", "/sys/packages", 20)"Users and Groups"), "icon-user", "/sys/users", 15) @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return self.fill_template(title=_("System Configuration"), main=_("""

In this section, you can control the %(product)s's underlying system, as opposed to its various applications and services. These options affect the %(product)s at its most general level. This is where you add/remove users, install applications, reboot, etc.

""" % {'product':cfg.product_name})) @cherrypy.expose @require() def packages(self): side=_(""" Help

On this page, you can add or remove %s plugins to your %s.

Plugins are just Debian packages, so Debian's usual package management features should make this job fairly easy.

""" % (cfg.product_name, cfg.box_name)) return self.fill_template(title=_("Add/Remove Plugins"), main=_("""

aptitude purge modules

aptitude install modules

The modules should depend on the appropriate Debian packages.

"""), sidebar_right=side)