#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, argparse from gettext import gettext as _ import cfg if not os.path.join(cfg.file_root, "vendor") in sys.path: sys.path.append(os.path.join(cfg.file_root, "vendor")) import cherrypy from cherrypy import _cpserver from cherrypy.process.plugins import Daemonizer Daemonizer(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() import plugin_mount import util as u from logger import Logger #from modules.auth import AuthController, require, member_of, name_is from vendor.withsqlite.withsqlite import sqlite_db from vendor.exmachina.exmachina import ExMachinaClient import socket __version__ = "0.2.14" __author__ = "James Vasile" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2011-2013, James Vasile" __license__ = "GPLv3 or later" __maintainer__ = "James Vasile" __email__ = "james@jamesvasile.com" __status__ = "Development" def error_page(status, dynamic_msg, stock_msg): return u.page_template(template="err", title=status, main="


%s" % (dynamic_msg, stock_msg)) def error_page_404(status, message, traceback, version): return error_page(status, message, """

If you believe this missing page should exist, please file a bug with either the Plinth project (it has an issue tracker) or the people responsible for the module you are trying to access.

Sorry for the mistake.

""") def error_page_500(status, message, traceback, version): cfg.log.error("500 Internal Server Error. Trackback is above.") more="""

This is an internal error and not something you caused or can fix. Please report the error on the bug tracker so we can fix it.

""" return error_page(status, message, "


" % (more, "\n".join(traceback.split("\n")))) class Root(plugin_mount.PagePlugin): @cherrypy.expose def index(self): ## TODO: firstboot hijacking root should probably be in the firstboot module with a hook in plinth.py with sqlite_db(cfg.store_file, table="firstboot") as db: if not 'state' in db: raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/firstboot') elif db['state'] < 5: cfg.log("First Boot state = %d" % db['state']) raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/firstboot/state%d' % db['state']) if cherrypy.session.get(cfg.session_key, None): raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/router') else: raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/help/about') def load_modules(): """Import all the symlinked .py files in the modules directory and all the .py files in directories linked in the modules directory (but don't dive deeper than that). Also, ignore the installed directory.""" for name in os.listdir("modules"): if name.endswith(".py") and not name.startswith('.'): cfg.log.info("importing modules/%s" % name) try: __import__("modules.%s" % (name[:-3])) except ImportError, e: cfg.log.error(_("Couldn't import modules/%s: %s") % (name, e)) else: cfg.log("skipping %s" % name) def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plinth web interface for the FreedomBox.') parser.add_argument('--pidfile', default="", help='specify a file in which the server may write its pid') parser.add_argument('--listen-exmachina-key', default=False, action='store_true', help='listen for JSON-RPC shared secret key on stdin at startup') args=parser.parse_args() if args.pidfile: cfg.pidfile = args.pidfile else: try: if not cfg.pidfile: cfg.pidfile = "plinth.pid" except AttributeError: cfg.pidfile = "plinth.pid" if args.listen_exmachina_key: # this is where we optionally try to read in a shared secret key to # authenticate connections to exmachina cfg.exmachina_secret_key = sys.stdin.readline().strip() else: cfg.exmachina_secret_key = None def setup(): parse_arguments() try: if cfg.pidfile: from cherrypy.process.plugins import PIDFile PIDFile(cherrypy.engine, cfg.pidfile).subscribe() except AttributeError: pass try: cfg.exmachina = ExMachinaClient( secret_key=cfg.exmachina_secret_key or None) except socket.error: cfg.exmachina = None print "couldn't connect to exmachina daemon, but continuing anyways..." os.chdir(cfg.file_root) cherrypy.config.update({'error_page.404': error_page_404}) cherrypy.config.update({'error_page.500': error_page_500}) cfg.log = Logger() load_modules() cfg.html_root = Root() cfg.users = plugin_mount.UserStoreModule.get_plugins()[0] cfg.page_plugins = plugin_mount.PagePlugin.get_plugins() cfg.log("Loaded %d page plugins" % len(cfg.page_plugins)) cfg.forms = plugin_mount.FormPlugin.get_plugins() # Add an extra server server = _cpserver.Server() server.socket_host = '' server.socket_port = 52854 server.subscribe() # Configure default server cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_host': cfg.host, 'server.socket_port': cfg.port, 'server.thread_pool':10, 'tools.staticdir.root': cfg.file_root, 'tools.sessions.on':True, 'tools.auth.on':True, 'tools.sessions.storage_type':"file", 'tools.sessions.timeout':90, 'tools.sessions.storage_path':"%s/cherrypy_sessions" % cfg.data_dir, }) config = {'/': {'tools.staticdir.root': '%s/static' % cfg.file_root, 'tools.proxy.on':True,}, '/static': {'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir':"."}, '/favicon.ico':{'tools.staticfile.on':True, 'tools.staticfile.filename': "%s/static/theme/favicon.ico" % cfg.file_root} } cherrypy.tree.mount(cfg.html_root, '/', config=config) cherrypy.engine.signal_handler.subscribe() def main(): setup() print "%s %d" % (cfg.host, cfg.port) cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy.engine.block() if __name__ == '__main__': main()