******* cherryd ******* The ``cherryd`` script is used to start CherryPy servers, whether the builtin WSGI server, :ref:`FastCGI `, or SCGI. Sites using mod_python don't need to use ``cherryd``; Apache will spawn the CherryPy process in that case. Command-Line Options ==================== .. program:: cherryd .. cmdoption:: -c, --config Specify config file(s) .. cmdoption:: -d Run the server as a daemon .. cmdoption:: -e, --environment Apply the given config environment (defaults to None) .. index:: FastCGI .. cmdoption:: -f Start a :ref:`FastCGI ` server instead of the default HTTP server .. index:: SCGI .. cmdoption:: -s Start a SCGI server instead of the default HTTP server .. cmdoption:: -i, --import Specify modules to import .. index:: PID file .. cmdoption:: -p, --pidfile Store the process id in the given file (defaults to None) .. cmdoption:: -P, --Path Add the given paths to sys.path