Prepare computer for SSH tunneling ================================== Rapid Tunnelling(tm) uses the capabilities of openssh to allow you to support your clients even behind firewalls. The software includes a client-side component and a server-side component. Both are mainly built around the features of the ssh protocol to provide tunneling. The server should have a well-known address (hostname/IP and port) that the client will use to establish a connection. The client initiates an initial ssh connection to the server and provides the server reverse port forwarding. Furthermore, the client sets up an ability for the user on the server to login to the client system using an ssh private key that is sent on the connection. Thus the support personnel on the support server can login. Setup ----- Server ~~~~~~ The server has an extra service running (an extra instance of sshd with different configuration). Forthermore, it has a special user called 'support'. This will be the user generating the connections and connecting to remote users. * Install the package rapid-tunneling-server * Edit the host (name/IP) and port in /etc/rapid-tunnelling/rtadm . This is where the client should connect to. * Provide a special way for the support user to login. It cannot login through ssh. One possible way is from another user account through sudo -i . Client ~~~~~~ * Install the packages rapid-tunneling (base package) and rapid-tunneling-gui (simple web interface). * Package installs a user called rapid-tunneling for all the dirty work. * Due to original requirements, that is actually a "user" with uid 0. However the system should work just as well with this being a normal user. * The cleint only trusts servers for which it has the keys. Make sure it knows the keys with which you sign on the server. * The -gui places a web interface on http:///support . While technically this interface should only allow usage through a signed tarball, you may still wish to limit access to it. Usage ----- Connecting ~~~~~~~~~~ Clint the client opens a support ticket. Someone logs into the support user on the server and runs: rtadm create 4567 clint rtadm enable clint 4567:: The port clint will open on the server (using ssh -R). Thus make sure it is unique for the time of the support. clint:: A string used to identify this connection. This has created 'remote-access-clint.tar.gz' which has the details of the connection. The next step is to deliver that tarball to the client. The file is created under the subdirectory ''tar/'' . The client now connects to the web interface, places the tarball and clicks on "Connect". A connection should be established. Which means that the support user can now connect with ssh to 'ra-clint' and be logged on to the special rapid-tunneling account on Client's machine. When the client has had enough, the client selects "disconnect" from the web interface. Command-Line Usage ------------------ Generating the tarball is as above. On the client side: rapid-tunneling path/to/remote-access-clint.tar.gz This will fork a background demon process to keep the connection alive. As this is done in the background you will not get any potential errors. Thus you should run: rapid-tunneling-status Command Line Usage: Root ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you run this as root, it is preffered that you run the above commands as the dedicated tunneling user, to avoid leftovers. That is: su -c 'rapid-tunneling path/to/remote-access-clint.tar.gz' rapid-tunneling - su -c 'rapid-tunneling-status' rapid-tunneling - The '-' in the end is required, to use the home directory of the dedicated user. Server Operation ---------------- rtadm ~~~~~ The utility that controls things on the server side. TODO: document it. For starters, its help message: Usage: /usr/share/rapid-tunneling/bin/rtadm [options] Commands: create [-e] # create invitation tar.gz, if -e specified, enable it show # show current connections enable disable # enable/disable future connections disconnect # disconnect connection delete # disconnect, disable and delete any trace of the connection "Enabled" connection is a connection that can start a new tunnel. Disabling it does not Disconnect an existing connection. It essentially rems-out the respective line in .ssh/authorized_keys . Server Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The client connects with (essentially) ssh -i key support@server .tar.gz rapid-tunneling-status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prints out a textual status and also returns: * 0: Connected * 1: Connecting * 2: Disconnected Can also be used to disconnect a running connection by killing the ssh process that maintains it. Security -------- The remote access tarball is sent potentially over an untrusted channel (read: the Internet). It contains potentially sensitive information: a private ssh key. An imposter could try to impersionate as the client. But I can see no specific benifit here. We did not want to assume that the server has any prior knowledge of the client, anyway. However that private key only allows a remote user very limited ability: The authorized_keys line is: no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty,permitopen="",command="/usr/share/rapid-tunneling/bin/rt-from-remote 4567" ssh-rsa ra-4567-clint-20090105180013 A key can also be used to flood the server's disk, which means that the support user's quota should be limited. THe client then sends the connection information over the already established connection.