path: root/
diff options
authorShaun <>2017-07-16 00:09:51 +1000
committerenen92 <>2017-07-15 15:09:51 +0100
commit49d6dd033fc083c4ee6f69947861c0d923144041 (patch)
tree541668912f24621431778016b2ad3ccb4ad08698 /
parent09c5e3fe8977c5ffaf6599b3c6a35405a8a141ca (diff)
[] 1.3.17 (#1309)
[] 1.3.17
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb38b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+# Gnu General Public License - see LICENSE.TXT
+import xbmc
+import xbmcaddon
+import xbmcgui
+import time
+import json
+from resources.lib.downloadutils import DownloadUtils
+from resources.lib.simple_logging import SimpleLogging
+from resources.lib.play_utils import playFile
+from resources.lib.kodi_utils import HomeWindow
+from resources.lib.translation import i18n
+# clear user and token when logging in
+home_window = HomeWindow()
+log = SimpleLogging('service')
+download_utils = DownloadUtils()
+# auth the service
+ download_utils.authenticate()
+except Exception, e:
+ pass
+def hasData(data):
+ if data is None or len(data) == 0 or data == "None":
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def sendProgress():
+ playing_file = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile()
+ play_data = monitor.played_information.get(playing_file)
+ if play_data is None:
+ return
+ log.debug("Sending Progress Update")
+ play_time = xbmc.Player().getTime()
+ play_data["currentPossition"] = play_time
+ item_id = play_data.get("item_id")
+ if item_id is None:
+ return
+ ticks = int(play_time * 10000000)
+ paused = play_data.get("paused", False)
+ playback_type = play_data.get("playback_type")
+ postdata = {
+ 'QueueableMediaTypes': "Video",
+ 'CanSeek': True,
+ 'ItemId': item_id,
+ 'MediaSourceId': item_id,
+ 'PositionTicks': ticks,
+ 'IsPaused': paused,
+ 'IsMuted': False,
+ 'PlayMethod': playback_type
+ }
+ log.debug("Sending POST progress started: %s." % postdata)
+ url = "{server}/emby/Sessions/Playing/Progress"
+ download_utils.downloadUrl(url, postBody=postdata, method="POST")
+def promptForStopActions(item_id, current_possition):
+ settings = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
+ prompt_next_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptPlayNextEpisodePercentage'))
+ prompt_delete_episode_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptDeleteEpisodePercentage'))
+ prompt_delete_movie_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptDeleteMoviePercentage'))
+ # everything is off so return
+ if prompt_next_percentage == 100 and prompt_delete_episode_percentage == 100 and prompt_delete_movie_percentage == 100:
+ return
+ jsonData = download_utils.downloadUrl("{server}/emby/Users/{userid}/Items/" +
+ item_id + "?format=json",
+ suppress=False, popup=1)
+ result = json.loads(jsonData)
+ prompt_to_delete = False
+ runtime = result.get("RunTimeTicks", 0)
+ # if no runtime we cant calculate perceantge so just return
+ if runtime == 0:
+ log.debug("No runtime so returing")
+ return
+ # item percentage complete
+ percenatge_complete = int(((current_possition * 10000000) / runtime) * 100)
+ log.debug("Episode Percentage Complete: %s" % percenatge_complete)
+ if (prompt_delete_episode_percentage < 100 and
+ result.get("Type", "na") == "Episode" and
+ percenatge_complete > prompt_delete_episode_percentage):
+ prompt_to_delete = True
+ if (prompt_delete_movie_percentage < 100 and
+ result.get("Type", "na") == "Movie" and
+ percenatge_complete > prompt_delete_movie_percentage):
+ prompt_to_delete = True
+ if prompt_to_delete:
+ log.debug("Prompting for delete")
+ resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(i18n('confirm_file_delete'), i18n('file_delete_confirm'), autoclose=10000)
+ if resp:
+ log.debug("Deleting item: %s" % item_id)
+ url = "{server}/emby/Items/%s?format=json" % item_id
+ download_utils.downloadUrl(url, method="DELETE")
+ xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
+ # prompt for next episode
+ if (prompt_next_percentage < 100 and
+ result.get("Type", "na") == "Episode" and
+ percenatge_complete > prompt_next_percentage):
+ parendId = result.get("ParentId", "na")
+ item_index = result.get("IndexNumber", -1)
+ if parendId == "na":
+ log.debug("No parent id, can not prompt for next episode")
+ return
+ if item_index == -1:
+ log.debug("No episode number, can not prompt for next episode")
+ return
+ jsonData = download_utils.downloadUrl('{server}/emby/Users/{userid}/Items?' +
+ '?Recursive=true' +
+ '&ParentId=' + parendId +
+ #'&Filters=IsUnplayed,IsNotFolder' +
+ '&IsVirtualUnaired=false' +
+ '&IsMissing=False' +
+ '&IncludeItemTypes=Episode' +
+ '&ImageTypeLimit=1' +
+ '&format=json',
+ suppress=False, popup=1)
+ items_result = json.loads(jsonData)
+ log.debug("Prompt Next Item Details: %s" % items_result)
+ # find next episode
+ item_list = items_result.get("Items", [])
+ for item in item_list:
+ index = item.get("IndexNumber", -1)
+ if index > item_index: # find the next episode in the season
+ resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(i18n("play_next_title"), i18n("play_next_question"), autoclose=10000)
+ if resp:
+ next_item_id = item.get("Id")
+ log.debug("Playing Next Episode: %s" % next_item_id)
+ play_info = {}
+ play_info["item_id"] = next_item_id
+ play_info["auto_resume"] = "-1"
+ play_info["force_transcode"] = False
+ play_data = json.dumps(play_info)
+ home_window = HomeWindow()
+ home_window.setProperty("item_id", next_item_id)
+ home_window.setProperty("play_item_message", play_data)
+ break
+def stopAll(played_information):
+ if len(played_information) == 0:
+ return
+ log.debug("played_information : " + str(played_information))
+ for item_url in played_information:
+ data = played_information.get(item_url)
+ if data is not None:
+ log.debug("item_url : " + item_url)
+ log.debug("item_data : " + str(data))
+ current_possition = data.get("currentPossition", 0)
+ emby_item_id = data.get("item_id")
+ if hasData(emby_item_id):
+ log.debug("Playback Stopped at: " + str(int(current_possition * 10000000)))
+ url = "{server}/emby/Sessions/Playing/Stopped"
+ postdata = {
+ 'ItemId': emby_item_id,
+ 'MediaSourceId': emby_item_id,
+ 'PositionTicks': int(current_possition * 10000000)
+ }
+ download_utils.downloadUrl(url, postBody=postdata, method="POST")
+ promptForStopActions(emby_item_id, current_possition)
+ played_information.clear()
+class Service(xbmc.Player):
+ played_information = {}
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ log.debug("Starting monitor service: " + str(args))
+ self.played_information = {}
+ def onPlayBackStarted(self):
+ # Will be called when xbmc starts playing a file
+ stopAll(self.played_information)
+ current_playing_file = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile()
+ log.debug("onPlayBackStarted: " + current_playing_file)
+ home_window = HomeWindow()
+ emby_item_id = home_window.getProperty("item_id")
+ playback_type = home_window.getProperty("PlaybackType_" + emby_item_id)
+ # if we could not find the ID of the current item then return
+ if emby_item_id is None or len(emby_item_id) == 0:
+ return
+ log.debug("Sending Playback Started")
+ postdata = {
+ 'QueueableMediaTypes': "Video",
+ 'CanSeek': True,
+ 'ItemId': emby_item_id,
+ 'MediaSourceId': emby_item_id,
+ 'PlayMethod': playback_type
+ }
+ log.debug("Sending POST play started: %s." % postdata)
+ url = "{server}/emby/Sessions/Playing"
+ download_utils.downloadUrl(url, postBody=postdata, method="POST")
+ data = {}
+ data["item_id"] = emby_item_id
+ data["paused"] = False
+ data["playback_type"] = playback_type
+ self.played_information[current_playing_file] = data
+ log.debug("ADDING_FILE : " + current_playing_file)
+ log.debug("ADDING_FILE : " + str(self.played_information))
+ def onPlayBackEnded(self):
+ # Will be called when kodi stops playing a file
+ log.debug("EmbyCon Service -> onPlayBackEnded")
+ home_window = HomeWindow()
+ home_window.clearProperty("item_id")
+ stopAll(self.played_information)
+ def onPlayBackStopped(self):
+ # Will be called when user stops kodi playing a file
+ log.debug("onPlayBackStopped")
+ home_window = HomeWindow()
+ home_window.clearProperty("item_id")
+ stopAll(self.played_information)
+ def onPlayBackPaused(self):
+ # Will be called when kodi pauses the video
+ log.debug("onPlayBackPaused")
+ current_file = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile()
+ play_data = monitor.played_information.get(current_file)
+ if play_data is not None:
+ play_data['paused'] = True
+ sendProgress()
+ def onPlayBackResumed(self):
+ # Will be called when kodi resumes the video
+ log.debug("onPlayBackResumed")
+ current_file = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile()
+ play_data = monitor.played_information.get(current_file)
+ if play_data is not None:
+ play_data['paused'] = False
+ sendProgress()
+ def onPlayBackSeek(self, time, seekOffset):
+ # Will be called when kodi seeks in video
+ log.debug("onPlayBackSeek")
+ sendProgress()
+monitor = Service()
+last_progress_update = time.time()
+xbmc_monitor = xbmc.Monitor()
+while not xbmc_monitor.abortRequested():
+ home_window = HomeWindow()
+ if xbmc.Player().isPlaying():
+ try:
+ if (time.time() - last_progress_update) > 10:
+ last_progress_update = time.time()
+ sendProgress()
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.error("Exception in Playback Monitor : " + str(error))
+ else:
+ play_data = home_window.getProperty("play_item_message")
+ if play_data:
+ home_window.clearProperty("play_item_message")
+ play_info = json.loads(play_data)
+ playFile(play_info)
+ xbmc_monitor.waitForAbort(1)
+ HomeWindow().setProperty("Service_Timestamp", str(int(time.time())))
+# clear user and token when loggin off
+home_window = HomeWindow()
+log.debug("Service shutting down")