path: root/
diff options
authoreracknaphobia <>2017-03-08 08:31:41 -0500
committerenen92 <>2017-03-08 13:31:41 +0000
commite752d764bb2d6e10df5dd235569809728debd0c9 (patch)
treef2d345dccf4a734362181470341a962083a3169d /
parent5a7da8304ae62fb897651bfeb5ebb58134d13df3 (diff)
[] 2017.3.7 (#1035)
* [] 2017.3.7 * Fixed xbmc.python version * Fix Language Issues
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 551 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b620f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# dummy file to init directory \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd47c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+import sys
+import xbmc, xbmcplugin, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon
+import re, os, time
+import calendar
+import pytz
+import urllib, urllib2
+import json
+import cookielib
+import time
+import math
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
+from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError
+from PIL import Image
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+addon_handle = int(sys.argv[1])
+#Addon Info
+ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
+ADDON_ID = ADDON.getAddonInfo('id')
+ADDON_VERSION = ADDON.getAddonInfo('version')
+ADDON_PATH = xbmc.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('path'))
+ADDON_PATH_PROFILE = xbmc.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'))
+XBMC_VERSION = float(re.findall(r'\d{2}\.\d{1}', xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion"))[0])
+LOCAL_STRING = ADDON.getLocalizedString
+ROOTDIR = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='').getAddonInfo('path')
+settings = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
+USERNAME = str(settings.getSetting(id="username"))
+PASSWORD = str(settings.getSetting(id="password"))
+OLD_USERNAME = str(settings.getSetting(id="old_username"))
+OLD_PASSWORD = str(settings.getSetting(id="old_password"))
+ROGERS_SUBSCRIBER = str(settings.getSetting(id="rogers"))
+QUALITY = str(settings.getSetting(id="quality"))
+NO_SPOILERS = settings.getSetting(id="no_spoilers")
+FAV_TEAM = str(settings.getSetting(id="fav_team"))
+TEAM_NAMES = settings.getSetting(id="team_names")
+TIME_FORMAT = settings.getSetting(id="time_format")
+SINGLE_TEAM = str(settings.getSetting(id='single_team'))
+#Game Time Colors
+LIVE = 'FFF69E20'
+FINAL = 'FF666666'
+FREE = 'FF43CD80'
+ICON = ROOTDIR+"/icon.png"
+FANART = ROOTDIR+"/fanart.jpg"
+PREV_ICON = ROOTDIR+"/icon.png"
+NEXT_ICON = ROOTDIR+"/icon.png"
+if SINGLE_TEAM == 'true':
+ MASTER_FILE_TYPE = 'master_wired.m3u8'
+ MASTER_FILE_TYPE = 'master_wired60.m3u8'
+#User Agents
+UA_IPHONE = 'AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 9_2_1 like Mac OS X; en_us)'
+UA_IPAD = 'AppleCoreMedia/1.0 ( iPad; compatible; 3ivx HLS Engine/; Win8; x64; 264P AACP AC3P AESD CLCP HTPC HTPI HTSI MP3P MTKA)'
+UA_PC = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.97 Safari/537.36'
+UA_PS4 = 'PS4Application libhttp/1.000 (PS4) libhttp/3.15 (PlayStation 4)'
+UA_ATBAT = 'At Bat/13268 CFNetwork/758.2.8 Darwin/15.0.0'
+RECAP_PLAYLIST = xbmc.PlayList(0)
+EXTENDED_PLAYLIST = xbmc.PlayList(1)
+def find(source,start_str,end_str):
+ start = source.find(start_str)
+ end = source.find(end_str,start+len(start_str))
+ if start != -1:
+ return source[start+len(start_str):end]
+ else:
+ return ''
+def getGameIcon(home,away):
+ #Check if game image already exists
+ image_path = ROOTDIR+'/resources/images/'+away+'vs'+home+'.png'
+ file_name = os.path.join(image_path)
+ if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
+ try:
+ createGameIcon(home,away,image_path)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return image_path
+def createGameIcon(home,away,image_path):
+ #bg ='RGB', (400,225), (0,0,0))
+ bg ='RGB', (500,250), (0,0,0))
+ #
+ #img_file = urllib.urlopen(''+home+'.png ')
+ img_file = urllib.urlopen(''+home+'.png ')
+ im = StringIO(
+ home_image =
+ #bg.paste(home_image, (267,74), home_image)
+ bg.paste(home_image, (255,5), home_image)
+ #img_file = urllib.urlopen(''+away+'.png ')
+ img_file = urllib.urlopen(''+away+'.png ')
+ im = StringIO(
+ away_image =
+ #bg.paste(away_image, (57,74), away_image)
+ bg.paste(away_image, (5,5), away_image)
+def colorString(string, color):
+ return '[COLOR='+color+']'+string+'[/COLOR]'
+def stringToDate(string, date_format):
+ try:
+ date = datetime.strptime(str(string), date_format)
+ except TypeError:
+ date = datetime(*(time.strptime(str(string), date_format)[0:6]))
+ return date
+def easternToLocal(eastern_time):
+ utc = pytz.utc
+ eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
+ eastern_time = eastern.localize(eastern_time)
+ # Convert it from Eastern to UTC
+ utc_time = eastern_time.astimezone(utc)
+ timestamp = calendar.timegm(utc_time.timetuple())
+ local_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+ # Convert it from UTC to local time
+ assert utc_time.resolution >= timedelta(microseconds=1)
+ return local_dt.replace(microsecond=utc_time.microsecond)
+def UTCToLocal(utc_dt):
+ # get integer timestamp to avoid precision lost
+ timestamp = calendar.timegm(utc_dt.timetuple())
+ local_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+ assert utc_dt.resolution >= timedelta(microseconds=1)
+ return local_dt.replace(microsecond=utc_dt.microsecond)
+def localToEastern():
+ eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
+ local_to_utc ='UTC'))
+ eastern_hour = local_to_utc.astimezone(eastern).strftime('%H')
+ eastern_date = local_to_utc.astimezone(eastern)
+ #Don't switch to the current day until 4:01 AM est
+ if int(eastern_hour) < 3:
+ eastern_date = eastern_date - timedelta(days=1)
+ local_to_eastern = eastern_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ return local_to_eastern
+def easternToUTC(eastern_time):
+ utc = pytz.utc
+ eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
+ eastern_time = eastern.localize(eastern_time)
+ # Convert it from Eastern to UTC
+ utc_time = eastern_time.astimezone(utc)
+ return utc_time
+def get_params():
+ param=[]
+ paramstring=sys.argv[2]
+ if len(paramstring)>=2:
+ params=sys.argv[2]
+ cleanedparams=params.replace('?','')
+ if (params[len(params)-1]=='/'):
+ params=params[0:len(params)-2]
+ pairsofparams=cleanedparams.split('&')
+ param={}
+ for i in range(len(pairsofparams)):
+ splitparams={}
+ splitparams=pairsofparams[i].split('=')
+ if (len(splitparams))==2:
+ param[splitparams[0]]=splitparams[1]
+ return param
+def addStream(name,title,event_id,gid,icon=None,fanart=None,info=None,video_info=None,audio_info=None,teams_stream=None,stream_date=None):
+ ok=True
+ u=sys.argv[0]+"?mode="+str(104)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(name)+"&event_id="+urllib.quote_plus(str(event_id))+"&gid="+urllib.quote_plus(str(gid))+"&teams_stream="+urllib.quote_plus(str(teams_stream))+"&stream_date="+urllib.quote_plus(str(stream_date))
+ #if icon != None:
+ liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=ICON, thumbnailImage=icon)
+ #else:
+ #liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=ICON)
+ if fanart != None:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)
+ else:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', FANART)
+ liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true")
+ liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": title } )
+ if info != None:
+ liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=info)
+ if video_info != None:
+ liz.addStreamInfo('video', video_info)
+ if audio_info != None:
+ liz.addStreamInfo('audio', audio_info)
+ ok=xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]),url=u,listitem=liz,isFolder=False)
+ xbmcplugin.setContent(addon_handle, 'episodes')
+ return ok
+def addLink(name,url,title,iconimage,info=None,video_info=None,audio_info=None,fanart=None):
+ ok=True
+ liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=iconimage)
+ liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true")
+ liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": title } )
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', FANART)
+ #if iconimage != None:
+ liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=ICON, thumbnailImage=iconimage)
+ #else:
+ #liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=ICON)
+ if info != None:
+ liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=info)
+ if video_info != None:
+ liz.addStreamInfo('video', video_info)
+ if audio_info != None:
+ liz.addStreamInfo('audio', audio_info)
+ if fanart != None:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)
+ else:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', FANART)
+ ok=xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]),url=url,listitem=liz)
+ xbmcplugin.setContent(addon_handle, 'episodes')
+ return ok
+def addDir(name,mode,iconimage,fanart=None,game_day=None):
+ ok=True
+ #Set day to today if none given
+ #game_day = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ #game_day = localToEastern()
+ #game_day = '2016-01-27'
+ u=sys.argv[0]+"?mode="+str(mode)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(name)+"&icon="+urllib.quote_plus(iconimage)
+ if game_day != None:
+ u = u+"&game_day="+urllib.quote_plus(game_day)
+ if iconimage != None:
+ liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=iconimage)
+ else:
+ liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=ICON)
+ liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name } )
+ if fanart != None:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)
+ else:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', FANART)
+ ok=xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]),url=u,listitem=liz,isFolder=True)
+ xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes')
+ return ok
+def addPlaylist(name,game_day,mode,iconimage,fanart=None):
+ ok=True
+ u=sys.argv[0]+"?mode="+str(mode)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(name)+"&icon="+urllib.quote_plus(iconimage)+"&stream_date="+urllib.quote_plus(str(game_day))
+ if iconimage != None:
+ liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=iconimage)
+ else:
+ liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=ICON)
+ liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name } )
+ if fanart != None:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)
+ else:
+ liz.setProperty('fanart_image', FANART)
+ info = {'plot':'Watch all the days highlights for '+game_day,'tvshowtitle':'MLB','title':name,'originaltitle':name,'aired':game_day,'genre':LOCAL_STRING(700),'mediatype':'video'}
+ audio_info, video_info = getAudioVideoInfo()
+ if info != None:
+ liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=info)
+ if video_info != None:
+ liz.addStreamInfo('video', video_info)
+ if audio_info != None:
+ liz.addStreamInfo('audio', audio_info)
+ ok=xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]),url=u,listitem=liz,isFolder=False)
+ #xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes')
+ return ok
+def scoreUpdates():
+ #
+ #grid.poll=15
+ #s = ScoreThread()
+ t = threading.Thread(target = scoringUpdates)
+ t.start()
+def getFavTeamColor():
+ #Hex code taken from
+ team_colors = {'Arizona Diamondbacks':'FFA71930',
+ 'Atlanta Braves':'FFCE1141',
+ 'Baltimore Orioles':'FFDF4601',
+ 'Boston Red Sox':'FFBD3039',
+ 'Chicago Cubs':'FFCC3433',
+ 'Chicago White Sox':'FFC4CED4',
+ 'Cincinnati Reds':'FFC6011F',
+ 'Cleveland Indians':'FFE31937',
+ 'Colorado Rockies':'FFC4CED4',
+ 'Detroit Tigers':'FF0C2C56',
+ 'Houston Astros':'FFEB6E1F',
+ 'Kansas City Royals':'FFC09A5B',
+ 'Los Angeles Angels':'FFBA0021',
+ 'Los Angeles Dodgers':'FFEF3E42',
+ 'Miami Marlins':'FFFF6600',
+ 'Milwaukee Brewers':'FFB6922E',
+ 'Minnesota Twins':'FFD31145',
+ 'New York Mets':'FFFF5910',
+ 'New York Yankees':'FFE4002B',
+ 'Oakland Athletics':'FFEFB21E',
+ 'Philadelphia Phillies':'FFE81828',
+ 'Pittsburgh Pirates':'FFFDB827',
+ 'St. Louis Cardinals':'FFC41E3A',
+ 'San Diego Padres':'FF05143F',
+ 'San Francisco Giants':'FFFD5A1E',
+ 'Seattle Mariners':'FFC4CED4',
+ 'Tampa Bay Rays':'FF8FBCE6',
+ 'Texas Rangers':'FFC0111F',
+ 'Toronto Blue Jays':'FFE8291C',
+ 'Washington Nationals':'FFAB0003'}
+ fav_team_color = team_colors[FAV_TEAM]
+ return fav_team_color
+def getFavTeamId():
+ #possibly use the xml file in the future
+ #
+ team_ids = {'Arizona Diamondbacks':'109',
+ 'Atlanta Braves':'144',
+ 'Baltimore Orioles':'110',
+ 'Boston Red Sox':'111',
+ 'Chicago Cubs':'112',
+ 'Chicago White Sox':'145',
+ 'Cincinnati Reds':'113',
+ 'Cleveland Indians':'114',
+ 'Colorado Rockies':'115',
+ 'Detroit Tigers':'116',
+ 'Houston Astros':'117',
+ 'Kansas City Royals':'118',
+ 'Los Angeles Angels':'108',
+ 'Los Angeles Dodgers':'119',
+ 'Miami Marlins':'146',
+ 'Milwaukee Brewers':'158',
+ 'Minnesota Twins':'142',
+ 'New York Mets':'121',
+ 'New York Yankees':'147',
+ 'Oakland Athletics':'133',
+ 'Philadelphia Phillies':'143',
+ 'Pittsburgh Pirates':'134',
+ 'St. Louis Cardinals':'138',
+ 'San Diego Padres':'135',
+ 'San Francisco Giants':'137',
+ 'Seattle Mariners':'136',
+ 'Tampa Bay Rays':'139',
+ 'Texas Rangers':'140',
+ 'Toronto Blue Jays':'141',
+ 'Washington Nationals':'120'}
+ fav_team_id = team_ids[FAV_TEAM]
+ return fav_team_id
+def getAudioVideoInfo():
+ #SD (800 kbps)|SD (1600 kbps)|HD (3000 kbps)|HD (5000 kbps)
+ if QUALITY == 'SD (800 kbps)':
+ video_info = { 'codec': 'h264', 'width' : 512, 'height' : 288, 'aspect' : 1.78 }
+ elif QUALITY == 'SD (1200 kbps)':
+ video_info = { 'codec': 'h264', 'width' : 640, 'height' : 360, 'aspect' : 1.78 }
+ else:
+ #elif QUALITY == 'HD (2500 kbps)' or QUALITY == 'HD (3500 kbps)' or QUALITY == 'HD (5000 kbps)':
+ video_info = { 'codec': 'h264', 'width' : 1280, 'height' : 720, 'aspect' : 1.78 }
+ audio_info = { 'codec': 'aac', 'language': 'en', 'channels': 2 }
+ return audio_info, video_info
+def getConfigFile():
+ '''
+ GET HTTP/1.0
+ Host:
+ User-Agent: PS4Application libhttp/1.000 (PS4) libhttp/3.15 (PlayStation 4)
+ Connection: close
+ '''
+ url = ''
+ req = urllib2.Request(url)
+ req.add_header("Connection", "close")
+ req.add_header("User-Agent", UA_PS4)
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req, '')
+ json_source = json.load(response)
+ response.close()
+def convertSubtitles(suburl):
+ #suburl = subtitles url
+ #xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, xbmcgui.ListItem(path = url))
+ #if ((addon.getSetting('sub_enable') == "true"):
+ subfile = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON_PATH_PROFILE, ''))
+ prodir = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON_PATH_PROFILE))
+ if not os.path.isdir(prodir):
+ os.makedirs(prodir)
+ #pg = getRequest(suburl)
+ response = urllib.urlopen(suburl)
+ pg =
+ response.close()
+ if pg != "":
+ ofile = open(subfile, 'w+')
+ #need to adjust for subtitles not starting until 18 hours into the stream
+ #<p begin='18:00:08;29' end='18:00:35;23'>&gt;&gt;&gt;</p>
+ captions = re.compile("<p begin='(.+?)' end='(.+?)'>(.+?)</p>").findall(pg)
+ idx = 1
+ for cstart, cend, caption in captions:
+ cstart = cstart.replace('.',',')
+ cend = cend.replace('.',',').split('"',1)[0]
+ caption = caption.replace('<br/>','\n').replace('&gt;','>')
+ ofile.write( '%s\n%s --> %s\n%s\n\n' % (idx, cstart, cend, caption))
+ idx += 1
+ ofile.close()
+ return subfile
+def getStreamQuality(stream_url):
+ stream_title = []
+ req = urllib2.Request(stream_url)
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ master =
+ response.close()
+ line = re.compile("(.+?)\n").findall(master)
+ for temp_url in line:
+ if '.m3u8' in temp_url:
+ temp_url = temp_url
+ match ='(\d.+?)K', temp_url)
+ if match:
+ bandwidth =
+ if 0 < len(bandwidth) < 6:
+ bandwidth = bandwidth.replace('K',' kbps')
+ stream_title.append(bandwidth)
+ stream_title.sort(key=natural_sort_key,reverse=True)
+ dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
+ ret ='Choose Stream Quality', stream_title)
+ if ret >=0:
+ bandwidth = find(stream_title[ret],'',' kbps')
+ else:
+ sys.exit()
+ return bandwidth
+def natural_sort_key(s):
+ _nsre = re.compile('([0-9]+)')
+ return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
+ for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
+def getBlackoutLiftTime(url):
+ #""
+ #url = ''
+ req = urllib2.Request(url)
+ req.add_header('Connection', 'close')
+ req.add_header('User-Agent', UA_IPAD)
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ xml_data =
+ response.close()
+ except HTTPError as e:
+ xbmc.log('The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.')
+ xbmc.log('Error code: ', e.code)
+ sys.exit()
+ #<p begin="19:59:16;28" end="19:59:20;06">PRESENTED BY THE ALLEGHENY HEALTH NETWORK.</p>
+ #match = re.compile("<p begin='(.+?)' end='(.+?)'>",re.DOTALL).findall(xml_data)
+ match = re.compile('<inningTime type="SCAST" start="(.+?)" end="(.+?)"/>',re.DOTALL).findall(xml_data)
+ last_end_time = ''
+ for begin_time, end_time in match:
+ last_end_time = end_time
+ #ex 19:59:20;06
+ game_end_time = datetime.strptime(last_end_time,'%H:%M:%S')
+ blackout_lift_time = game_end_time + timedelta(minutes = 90)
+ now = datetime.strptime(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%H:%M:%S'),'%H:%M:%S')
+ minutes_until_lift = int(math.ceil((blackout_lift_time - now).total_seconds() / 60))
+ lift_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes = minutes_until_lift)
+ local_lift_time = UTCToLocal(lift_time)
+ if TIME_FORMAT == '0':
+ local_lift_time = local_lift_time.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0')
+ else:
+ local_lift_time = local_lift_time.strftime('%H:%M')
+ return minutes_until_lift, local_lift_time
+ \ No newline at end of file