path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3b89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Catch-up TV & More
+ Copyright (C) 2017 SylvainCecchetto
+ This file is part of Catch-up TV & More.
+ Catch-up TV & More is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Catch-up TV & More is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with Catch-up TV & More; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import re
+import requests
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
+from resources.lib import utils
+from resources.lib import common
+# TO DO
+# Live TV ?
+# Get IMG from each SHOW (How ? Working on the browser not by wget)
+# Initialize GNU gettext emulation in addon
+# This allows to use UI strings from addon’s English
+# strings.po file instead of numeric codes
+_ = common.ADDON.initialize_gettext()
+URL_ROOT = ''
+# channel_name
+# POST Payload {email: "********@*******", password: "*********"}
+ 'accounts/%s/videos/%s'
+# data-account, data-vidid
+# data-account, data-player
+def channel_entry(params):
+ """Entry function of the module"""
+ if 'root' in
+ return root(params)
+ elif 'list_shows' in
+ return list_shows(params)
+ elif 'list_videos' in
+ return list_videos(params)
+ elif 'live' in
+ return list_live(params)
+ elif 'play' in
+ return get_video_url(params)
+ 'Jan': '01',
+ 'Feb': '02',
+ 'Mar': '03',
+ 'Apr': '04',
+ 'May': '05',
+ 'Jun': '06',
+ 'Jul': '07',
+ 'Aug': '08',
+ 'Sep': '09',
+ 'Oct': '10',
+ 'Nov': '11',
+ 'Dec': '12'
+def get_policy_key(data_account, data_player):
+ """Get policy key"""
+ file_js = utils.get_webcontent(
+ URL_JS_POLICY_KEY % (data_account, data_player))
+ return re.compile('policyKey:"(.+?)"').findall(file_js)[0]
+def root(params):
+ """Add Replay and Live in the listing"""
+ modes = []
+ # Add Replay
+ modes.append({
+ 'label': 'Replay',
+ 'url': common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='channel_entry',
+ next='list_shows_1',
+ category='%s Replay' % params.channel_name.upper(),
+ window_title='%s Replay' % params.channel_name.upper()
+ ),
+ })
+ return common.PLUGIN.create_listing(
+ modes,
+ sort_methods=(
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED,
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL
+ ),
+ )
+def list_shows(params):
+ """Build categories listing"""
+ shows = []
+ if == 'list_shows_1':
+ file_path = utils.download_catalog(
+ URL_SHOWS % (params.channel_name),
+ '%s_show.html' % (params.channel_name)
+ )
+ replay_shows_html = open(file_path).read()
+ replay_shows_soup = bs(replay_shows_html, 'html.parser')
+ replay_shows = replay_shows_soup.find_all('div', class_='span2')
+ for show in replay_shows:
+ show_title = show.find('a').find('img').get('alt').encode('utf-8')
+ show_img = show.find('a').find('img').get('src')
+ show_url = URL_ROOT + show.find('a').get('href')
+ if 'episodes' in show.find('p', class_='series-ep').get_text():
+ shows.append({
+ 'label': show_title,
+ 'thumb': show_img,
+ 'url': common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='channel_entry',
+ next='list_shows_2',
+ title=show_title,
+ show_url=show_url,
+ window_title=show_title
+ )
+ })
+ else:
+ shows.append({
+ 'label': show_title,
+ 'thumb': show_img,
+ 'url': common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='channel_entry',
+ next='list_videos_1',
+ title=show_title,
+ show_url=show_url,
+ window_title=show_title
+ )
+ })
+ elif == 'list_shows_2':
+ file_path = utils.download_catalog(
+ params.show_url,
+ '%s_show_%s.html' % (params.channel_name, params.title)
+ )
+ replay_show_html = open(file_path).read()
+ replay_show_seasons_soup = bs(replay_show_html, 'html.parser')
+ replay_show_seasons = replay_show_seasons_soup.find(
+ 'ul', class_='clearfix tag-nav')
+ get_show_seasons = replay_show_seasons.find_all('li')
+ for season in get_show_seasons:
+ season_title = 'Series %s' % season.get(
+ 'id').encode('utf-8').split('nav-series-')[1]
+ shows.append({
+ 'label': season_title,
+ 'url': common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='channel_entry',
+ next='list_videos_1',
+ title=params.title + '_' + season_title,
+ show_url=params.show_url,
+ window_title=season_title
+ )
+ })
+ return common.PLUGIN.create_listing(
+ shows,
+ sort_methods=(
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED,
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL
+ )
+ )
+def list_videos(params):
+ """Build videos listing"""
+ videos = []
+ file_path = utils.download_catalog(
+ params.show_url,
+ '%s_show_%s.html' % (
+ params.channel_name, params.title)
+ )
+ replay_show_season_html = open(file_path).read()
+ seasons_episodes_soup = bs(replay_show_season_html, 'html.parser')
+ # Get data-account
+ data_account = re.compile(
+ r'data-account="(.*?)"').findall(replay_show_season_html)[0]
+ data_player = re.compile(
+ r'data-player="(.*?)"').findall(replay_show_season_html)[0]
+ if "Series" in params.title:
+ # GET VideoId for each episode of season selected
+ seasons_episodes = seasons_episodes_soup.find_all(
+ 'div', class_='spanOneThird vod-episode clearfix ')
+ for episode in seasons_episodes:
+ if episode.get('data-series') == \
+ params.title.split('Series')[1].strip():
+ data_vidid = episode.get('data-vidid')
+ video_title = episode.get('data-title')
+ video_title = video_title + ' S%sE%s' % (
+ episode.get('data-series'), episode.get('data-episode'))
+ video_duration = 0
+ video_plot = 'Expire '
+ video_plot = video_plot + episode.get(
+ 'data-publishend').split('T')[0]
+ video_plot = video_plot + '\n' + episode.get(
+ 'data-teaser').encode('utf-8')
+ video_img = episode.find('img').get('src')
+ date_value = episode.get("data-publishstart")
+ date_value_list = date_value.split('T')[0].split('-')
+ day = date_value_list[2]
+ mounth = date_value_list[1]
+ year = date_value_list[0]
+ date = '.'.join((day, mounth, year))
+ aired = '-'.join((year, mounth, day))
+ info = {
+ 'video': {
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'aired': aired,
+ 'date': date,
+ 'duration': video_duration,
+ 'plot': video_plot,
+ 'year': year,
+ 'mediatype': 'tvshow'
+ }
+ }
+ context_menu = []
+ download_video = (
+ _('Download'),
+ 'XBMC.RunPlugin(' + common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='download_video',
+ data_vidid=data_vidid,
+ data_account=data_account,
+ data_player=data_player) + ')'
+ )
+ context_menu.append(download_video)
+ videos.append({
+ 'label': video_title,
+ 'thumb': video_img,
+ 'fanart': video_img,
+ 'url': common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='channel_entry',
+ next='play_r',
+ data_vidid=data_vidid,
+ data_account=data_account,
+ data_player=data_player
+ ),
+ 'is_playable': True,
+ 'info': info,
+ 'context_menu': context_menu
+ })
+ play_episode = seasons_episodes_soup.find(
+ 'div', class_='spanOneThird vod-episode clearfix playing in')
+ if play_episode.get('data-series') == \
+ params.title.split('Series')[1].strip():
+ data_vidid = play_episode.get('data-vidid')
+ video_title = play_episode.get('data-title')
+ video_title = video_title + ' S%sE%s' % (
+ play_episode.get('data-series'),
+ play_episode.get('data-episode')
+ )
+ video_duration = 0
+ video_plot = 'Expire '
+ video_plot = video_plot + play_episode.get(
+ 'data-publishend').split('T')[0] + '\n '
+ video_plot = video_plot + play_episode.get(
+ 'data-teaser').encode('utf-8')
+ video_img = play_episode.find('img').get('src')
+ date_value = play_episode.get("data-publishstart")
+ date_value_list = date_value.split('T')[0].split('-')
+ day = date_value_list[2]
+ mounth = date_value_list[1]
+ year = date_value_list[0]
+ date = '.'.join((day, mounth, year))
+ aired = '-'.join((year, mounth, day))
+ info = {
+ 'video': {
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'aired': aired,
+ 'date': date,
+ 'duration': video_duration,
+ 'plot': video_plot,
+ 'year': year,
+ 'mediatype': 'tvshow'
+ }
+ }
+ context_menu = []
+ download_video = (
+ _('Download'),
+ 'XBMC.RunPlugin(' + common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='download_video',
+ data_vidid=data_vidid,
+ data_account=data_account,
+ data_player=data_player) + ')'
+ )
+ context_menu.append(download_video)
+ videos.append({
+ 'label': video_title,
+ 'thumb': video_img,
+ 'fanart': video_img,
+ 'url': common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='channel_entry',
+ next='play_r',
+ data_vidid=data_vidid,
+ data_account=data_account,
+ data_player=data_player
+ ),
+ 'is_playable': True,
+ 'info': info,
+ 'context_menu': context_menu
+ })
+ else:
+ play_episode = seasons_episodes_soup.find(
+ 'div', class_='vod-video-container')
+ data_vidid = play_episode.find('a').get('data-vidid')
+ video_title = play_episode.find('img').get('alt')
+ video_duration = 0
+ video_plot = seasons_episodes_soup.find(
+ 'p', class_='teaser').get_text().encode('utf-8')
+ video_img = re.compile(
+ 'itemprop="image" content="(.*?)"'
+ ).findall(replay_show_season_html)[0]
+ date_value = re.compile(
+ 'itemprop="uploadDate" content="(.*?)"'
+ ).findall(replay_show_season_html)[0]
+ date_value_list = date_value.split(',')[0].split(' ')
+ if len(date_value_list[0]) == 1:
+ day = '0' + date_value_list[0]
+ else:
+ day = date_value_list[0]
+ try:
+ mounth = CORRECT_MOUNTH[date_value_list[1]]
+ except Exception:
+ mounth = '00'
+ year = date_value_list[2]
+ date = '.'.join((day, mounth, year))
+ aired = '-'.join((year, mounth, day))
+ info = {
+ 'video': {
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'aired': aired,
+ 'date': date,
+ 'duration': video_duration,
+ 'plot': video_plot,
+ 'year': year,
+ 'mediatype': 'tvshow'
+ }
+ }
+ context_menu = []
+ download_video = (
+ _('Download'),
+ 'XBMC.RunPlugin(' + common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='download_video',
+ data_vidid=data_vidid,
+ data_account=data_account,
+ data_player=data_player) + ')'
+ )
+ context_menu.append(download_video)
+ videos.append({
+ 'label': video_title,
+ 'thumb': video_img,
+ 'fanart': video_img,
+ 'url': common.PLUGIN.get_url(
+ action='channel_entry',
+ next='play_r',
+ data_vidid=data_vidid,
+ data_account=data_account,
+ data_player=data_player
+ ),
+ 'is_playable': True,
+ 'info': info,
+ 'context_menu': context_menu
+ })
+ return common.PLUGIN.create_listing(
+ videos,
+ sort_methods=(
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED,
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DURATION,
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_THE,
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_GENRE,
+ common.sp.xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED
+ ),
+ content='tvshows',
+ )
+def list_live(params):
+ """Build live listing"""
+ return None
+def get_video_url(params):
+ """Get video URL and start video player"""
+ if == 'play_r' or == 'download_video':
+ session_requests = requests.session()
+ # Build PAYLOAD
+ """
+ payload = {
+ 'email': common.PLUGIN.get_setting(
+ params.channel_id.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.login'),
+ 'password': common.PLUGIN.get_setting(
+ params.channel_id.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.password')
+ }
+ result =,payload)
+ """
+ result_2 = session_requests.get(
+ URL_BRIGHTCOVE_API % (params.data_account, params.data_vidid),
+ headers={'Accept': 'application/json;pk=%s' % get_policy_key(
+ params.data_account, params.data_player)}
+ )
+ return re.compile(
+ '"application/x-mpegURL","src":"(.+?)"').findall(result_2.text)[0]