path: root/
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+websocket - WebSocket client library for Python
+Copyright (C) 2010 Hiroki Ohtani(liris)
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import socket
+ import ssl
+ from ssl import SSLError
+ HAVE_SSL = True
+except ImportError:
+ # dummy class of SSLError for ssl none-support environment.
+ class SSLError(Exception):
+ pass
+ HAVE_SSL = False
+from urlparse import urlparse
+import os
+import array
+import struct
+import uuid
+import hashlib
+import base64
+import threading
+import time
+import logging
+import traceback
+import sys
+websocket python client.
+This version support only hybi-13.
+Please see for protocol.
+# websocket supported version.
+# closing frame status codes.
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+class WebSocketException(Exception):
+ """
+ websocket exeception class.
+ """
+ pass
+class WebSocketConnectionClosedException(WebSocketException):
+ """
+ If remote host closed the connection or some network error happened,
+ this exception will be raised.
+ """
+ pass
+class WebSocketTimeoutException(WebSocketException):
+ """
+ WebSocketTimeoutException will be raised at socket timeout during read/write data.
+ """
+ pass
+default_timeout = None
+traceEnabled = False
+def enableTrace(tracable):
+ """
+ turn on/off the tracability.
+ tracable: boolean value. if set True, tracability is enabled.
+ """
+ global traceEnabled
+ traceEnabled = tracable
+ if tracable:
+ if not logger.handlers:
+ logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+def setdefaulttimeout(timeout):
+ """
+ Set the global timeout setting to connect.
+ timeout: default socket timeout time. This value is second.
+ """
+ global default_timeout
+ default_timeout = timeout
+def getdefaulttimeout():
+ """
+ Return the global timeout setting(second) to connect.
+ """
+ return default_timeout
+def _wrap_sni_socket(sock, sslopt, hostname):
+ context = ssl.SSLContext(sslopt.get('ssl_version', ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23))
+ if sslopt.get('cert_reqs', ssl.CERT_NONE) != ssl.CERT_NONE:
+ capath = ssl.get_default_verify_paths().capath
+ context.load_verify_locations(cafile=sslopt.get('ca_certs', None),
+ capath=sslopt.get('ca_cert_path', capath))
+ return context.wrap_socket(
+ sock,
+ do_handshake_on_connect=sslopt.get('do_handshake_on_connect', True),
+ suppress_ragged_eofs=sslopt.get('suppress_ragged_eofs', True),
+ server_hostname=hostname,
+ )
+def _parse_url(url):
+ """
+ parse url and the result is tuple of
+ (hostname, port, resource path and the flag of secure mode)
+ url: url string.
+ """
+ if ":" not in url:
+ raise ValueError("url is invalid")
+ scheme, url = url.split(":", 1)
+ parsed = urlparse(url, scheme="http")
+ if parsed.hostname:
+ hostname = parsed.hostname
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("hostname is invalid")
+ port = 0
+ if parsed.port:
+ port = parsed.port
+ is_secure = False
+ if scheme == "ws":
+ if not port:
+ port = 80
+ elif scheme == "wss":
+ is_secure = True
+ if not port:
+ port = 443
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("scheme %s is invalid" % scheme)
+ if parsed.path:
+ resource = parsed.path
+ else:
+ resource = "/"
+ if parsed.query:
+ resource += "?" + parsed.query
+ return (hostname, port, resource, is_secure)
+def create_connection(url, timeout=None, **options):
+ """
+ connect to url and return websocket object.
+ Connect to url and return the WebSocket object.
+ Passing optional timeout parameter will set the timeout on the socket.
+ If no timeout is supplied, the global default timeout setting returned by getdefauttimeout() is used.
+ You can customize using 'options'.
+ If you set "header" list object, you can set your own custom header.
+ >>> conn = create_connection("ws://",
+ ... header=["User-Agent: MyProgram",
+ ... "x-custom: header"])
+ timeout: socket timeout time. This value is integer.
+ if you set None for this value, it means "use default_timeout value"
+ options: current support option is only "header".
+ if you set header as dict value, the custom HTTP headers are added.
+ """
+ sockopt = options.get("sockopt", [])
+ sslopt = options.get("sslopt", {})
+ websock = WebSocket(sockopt=sockopt, sslopt=sslopt)
+ websock.settimeout(timeout if timeout is not None else default_timeout)
+ websock.connect(url, **options)
+ return websock
+_MAX_INTEGER = (1 << 32) -1
+_AVAILABLE_KEY_CHARS = range(0x21, 0x2f + 1) + range(0x3a, 0x7e + 1)
+_MAX_CHAR_BYTE = (1<<8) -1
+# ref. Websocket gets an update, and it breaks stuff.
+def _create_sec_websocket_key():
+ uid = uuid.uuid4()
+ return base64.encodestring(uid.bytes).strip()
+ "upgrade": "websocket",
+ "connection": "upgrade",
+ }
+class ABNF(object):
+ """
+ ABNF frame class.
+ see
+ and
+ """
+ # operation code values.
+ # available operation code value tuple
+ # opcode human readable string
+ OPCODE_CONT: "cont",
+ OPCODE_TEXT: "text",
+ OPCODE_BINARY: "binary",
+ OPCODE_CLOSE: "close",
+ OPCODE_PING: "ping",
+ OPCODE_PONG: "pong"
+ }
+ # data length threashold.
+ LENGTH_7 = 0x7d
+ LENGTH_16 = 1 << 16
+ LENGTH_63 = 1 << 63
+ def __init__(self, fin=0, rsv1=0, rsv2=0, rsv3=0,
+ opcode=OPCODE_TEXT, mask=1, data=""):
+ """
+ Constructor for ABNF.
+ please check RFC for arguments.
+ """
+ self.fin = fin
+ self.rsv1 = rsv1
+ self.rsv2 = rsv2
+ self.rsv3 = rsv3
+ self.opcode = opcode
+ self.mask_value = mask
+ = data
+ self.get_mask_key = os.urandom
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "fin=" + str(self.fin) \
+ + " opcode=" + str(self.opcode) \
+ + " data=" + str(
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_frame(data, opcode):
+ """
+ create frame to send text, binary and other data.
+ data: data to send. This is string value(byte array).
+ if opcode is OPCODE_TEXT and this value is uniocde,
+ data value is conveted into unicode string, automatically.
+ opcode: operation code. please see OPCODE_XXX.
+ """
+ if opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT and isinstance(data, unicode):
+ data = data.encode("utf-8")
+ # mask must be set if send data from client
+ return ABNF(1, 0, 0, 0, opcode, 1, data)
+ def format(self):
+ """
+ format this object to string(byte array) to send data to server.
+ """
+ if any(x not in (0, 1) for x in [self.fin, self.rsv1, self.rsv2, self.rsv3]):
+ raise ValueError("not 0 or 1")
+ if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid OPCODE")
+ length = len(
+ if length >= ABNF.LENGTH_63:
+ raise ValueError("data is too long")
+ frame_header = chr(self.fin << 7
+ | self.rsv1 << 6 | self.rsv2 << 5 | self.rsv3 << 4
+ | self.opcode)
+ if length < ABNF.LENGTH_7:
+ frame_header += chr(self.mask_value << 7 | length)
+ elif length < ABNF.LENGTH_16:
+ frame_header += chr(self.mask_value << 7 | 0x7e)
+ frame_header += struct.pack("!H", length)
+ else:
+ frame_header += chr(self.mask_value << 7 | 0x7f)
+ frame_header += struct.pack("!Q", length)
+ if not self.mask_value:
+ return frame_header +
+ else:
+ mask_key = self.get_mask_key(4)
+ return frame_header + self._get_masked(mask_key)
+ def _get_masked(self, mask_key):
+ s = ABNF.mask(mask_key,
+ return mask_key + "".join(s)
+ @staticmethod
+ def mask(mask_key, data):
+ """
+ mask or unmask data. Just do xor for each byte
+ mask_key: 4 byte string(byte).
+ data: data to mask/unmask.
+ """
+ _m = array.array("B", mask_key)
+ _d = array.array("B", data)
+ for i in xrange(len(_d)):
+ _d[i] ^= _m[i % 4]
+ return _d.tostring()
+class WebSocket(object):
+ """
+ Low level WebSocket interface.
+ This class is based on
+ The WebSocket protocol draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76
+ We can connect to the websocket server and send/recieve data.
+ The following example is a echo client.
+ >>> import websocket
+ >>> ws = websocket.WebSocket()
+ >>> ws.connect("ws://")
+ >>> ws.send("Hello, Server")
+ >>> ws.recv()
+ 'Hello, Server'
+ >>> ws.close()
+ get_mask_key: a callable to produce new mask keys, see the set_mask_key
+ function's docstring for more details
+ sockopt: values for socket.setsockopt.
+ sockopt must be tuple and each element is argument of sock.setscokopt.
+ sslopt: dict object for ssl socket option.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, get_mask_key=None, sockopt=None, sslopt=None):
+ """
+ Initalize WebSocket object.
+ """
+ if sockopt is None:
+ sockopt = []
+ if sslopt is None:
+ sslopt = {}
+ self.connected = False
+ self.sock = socket.socket()
+ for opts in sockopt:
+ self.sock.setsockopt(*opts)
+ self.sslopt = sslopt
+ self.get_mask_key = get_mask_key
+ # Buffers over the packets from the layer beneath until desired amount
+ # bytes of bytes are received.
+ self._recv_buffer = []
+ # These buffer over the build-up of a single frame.
+ self._frame_header = None
+ self._frame_length = None
+ self._frame_mask = None
+ self._cont_data = None
+ def fileno(self):
+ return self.sock.fileno()
+ def set_mask_key(self, func):
+ """
+ set function to create musk key. You can custumize mask key generator.
+ Mainly, this is for testing purpose.
+ func: callable object. the fuct must 1 argument as integer.
+ The argument means length of mask key.
+ This func must be return string(byte array),
+ which length is argument specified.
+ """
+ self.get_mask_key = func
+ def gettimeout(self):
+ """
+ Get the websocket timeout(second).
+ """
+ return self.sock.gettimeout()
+ def settimeout(self, timeout):
+ """
+ Set the timeout to the websocket.
+ timeout: timeout time(second).
+ """
+ self.sock.settimeout(timeout)
+ timeout = property(gettimeout, settimeout)
+ def connect(self, url, **options):
+ """
+ Connect to url. url is websocket url scheme. ie. ws://host:port/resource
+ You can customize using 'options'.
+ If you set "header" dict object, you can set your own custom header.
+ >>> ws = WebSocket()
+ >>> ws.connect("ws://",
+ ... header={"User-Agent: MyProgram",
+ ... "x-custom: header"})
+ timeout: socket timeout time. This value is integer.
+ if you set None for this value,
+ it means "use default_timeout value"
+ options: current support option is only "header".
+ if you set header as dict value,
+ the custom HTTP headers are added.
+ """
+ hostname, port, resource, is_secure = _parse_url(url)
+ # TODO: we need to support proxy
+ self.sock.connect((hostname, port))
+ if is_secure:
+ if HAVE_SSL:
+ if self.sslopt is None:
+ sslopt = {}
+ else:
+ sslopt = self.sslopt
+ if ssl.HAS_SNI:
+ self.sock = _wrap_sni_socket(self.sock, sslopt, hostname)
+ else:
+ self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, **sslopt)
+ else:
+ raise WebSocketException("SSL not available.")
+ self._handshake(hostname, port, resource, **options)
+ def _handshake(self, host, port, resource, **options):
+ headers = []
+ headers.append("GET %s HTTP/1.1" % resource)
+ headers.append("Upgrade: websocket")
+ headers.append("Connection: Upgrade")
+ if port == 80:
+ hostport = host
+ else:
+ hostport = "%s:%d" % (host, port)
+ headers.append("Host: %s" % hostport)
+ if "origin" in options:
+ headers.append("Origin: %s" % options["origin"])
+ else:
+ headers.append("Origin: http://%s" % hostport)
+ key = _create_sec_websocket_key()
+ headers.append("Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s" % key)
+ headers.append("Sec-WebSocket-Version: %s" % VERSION)
+ if "header" in options:
+ headers.extend(options["header"])
+ headers.append("")
+ headers.append("")
+ header_str = "\r\n".join(headers)
+ self._send(header_str)
+ if traceEnabled:
+ logger.debug("--- request header ---")
+ logger.debug(header_str)
+ logger.debug("-----------------------")
+ status, resp_headers = self._read_headers()
+ if status != 101:
+ self.close()
+ raise WebSocketException("Handshake Status %d" % status)
+ success = self._validate_header(resp_headers, key)
+ if not success:
+ self.close()
+ raise WebSocketException("Invalid WebSocket Header")
+ self.connected = True
+ def _validate_header(self, headers, key):
+ for k, v in _HEADERS_TO_CHECK.iteritems():
+ r = headers.get(k, None)
+ if not r:
+ return False
+ r = r.lower()
+ if v != r:
+ return False
+ result = headers.get("sec-websocket-accept", None)
+ if not result:
+ return False
+ result = result.lower()
+ value = key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
+ hashed = base64.encodestring(hashlib.sha1(value).digest()).strip().lower()
+ return hashed == result
+ def _read_headers(self):
+ status = None
+ headers = {}
+ if traceEnabled:
+ logger.debug("--- response header ---")
+ while True:
+ line = self._recv_line()
+ if line == "\r\n":
+ break
+ line = line.strip()
+ if traceEnabled:
+ logger.debug(line)
+ if not status:
+ status_info = line.split(" ", 2)
+ status = int(status_info[1])
+ else:
+ kv = line.split(":", 1)
+ if len(kv) == 2:
+ key, value = kv
+ headers[key.lower()] = value.strip().lower()
+ else:
+ raise WebSocketException("Invalid header")
+ if traceEnabled:
+ logger.debug("-----------------------")
+ return status, headers
+ def send(self, payload, opcode=ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT):
+ """
+ Send the data as string.
+ payload: Payload must be utf-8 string or unicoce,
+ if the opcode is OPCODE_TEXT.
+ Otherwise, it must be string(byte array)
+ opcode: operation code to send. Please see OPCODE_XXX.
+ """
+ frame = ABNF.create_frame(payload, opcode)
+ if self.get_mask_key:
+ frame.get_mask_key = self.get_mask_key
+ data = frame.format()
+ length = len(data)
+ if traceEnabled:
+ logger.debug("send: " + repr(data))
+ while data:
+ l = self._send(data)
+ data = data[l:]
+ return length
+ def send_binary(self, payload):
+ return self.send(payload, ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY)
+ def ping(self, payload=""):
+ """
+ send ping data.
+ payload: data payload to send server.
+ """
+ self.send(payload, ABNF.OPCODE_PING)
+ def pong(self, payload):
+ """
+ send pong data.
+ payload: data payload to send server.
+ """
+ self.send(payload, ABNF.OPCODE_PONG)
+ def recv(self):
+ """
+ Receive string data(byte array) from the server.
+ return value: string(byte array) value.
+ """
+ opcode, data = self.recv_data()
+ return data
+ def recv_data(self):
+ """
+ Recieve data with operation code.
+ return value: tuple of operation code and string(byte array) value.
+ """
+ while True:
+ frame = self.recv_frame()
+ if not frame:
+ # handle error:
+ # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'opcode'
+ raise WebSocketException("Not a valid frame %s" % frame)
+ if frame.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CONT and not self._cont_data:
+ raise WebSocketException("Illegal frame")
+ if self._cont_data:
+ self._cont_data[1] +=
+ else:
+ self._cont_data = [frame.opcode,]
+ if frame.fin:
+ data = self._cont_data
+ self._cont_data = None
+ return data
+ elif frame.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
+ self.send_close()
+ return (frame.opcode, None)
+ elif frame.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING:
+ self.pong(
+ def recv_frame(self):
+ """
+ recieve data as frame from server.
+ return value: ABNF frame object.
+ """
+ # Header
+ if self._frame_header is None:
+ self._frame_header = self._recv_strict(2)
+ b1 = ord(self._frame_header[0])
+ fin = b1 >> 7 & 1
+ rsv1 = b1 >> 6 & 1
+ rsv2 = b1 >> 5 & 1
+ rsv3 = b1 >> 4 & 1
+ opcode = b1 & 0xf
+ b2 = ord(self._frame_header[1])
+ has_mask = b2 >> 7 & 1
+ # Frame length
+ if self._frame_length is None:
+ length_bits = b2 & 0x7f
+ if length_bits == 0x7e:
+ length_data = self._recv_strict(2)
+ self._frame_length = struct.unpack("!H", length_data)[0]
+ elif length_bits == 0x7f:
+ length_data = self._recv_strict(8)
+ self._frame_length = struct.unpack("!Q", length_data)[0]
+ else:
+ self._frame_length = length_bits
+ # Mask
+ if self._frame_mask is None:
+ self._frame_mask = self._recv_strict(4) if has_mask else ""
+ # Payload
+ payload = self._recv_strict(self._frame_length)
+ if has_mask:
+ payload = ABNF.mask(self._frame_mask, payload)
+ # Reset for next frame
+ self._frame_header = None
+ self._frame_length = None
+ self._frame_mask = None
+ return ABNF(fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3, opcode, has_mask, payload)
+ def send_close(self, status=STATUS_NORMAL, reason=""):
+ """
+ send close data to the server.
+ status: status code to send. see STATUS_XXX.
+ reason: the reason to close. This must be string.
+ """
+ if status < 0 or status >= ABNF.LENGTH_16:
+ raise ValueError("code is invalid range")
+ self.send(struct.pack('!H', status) + reason, ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE)
+ def close(self, status=STATUS_NORMAL, reason=""):
+ """
+ Close Websocket object
+ status: status code to send. see STATUS_XXX.
+ reason: the reason to close. This must be string.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ except:
+ pass
+ '''
+ if self.connected:
+ if status < 0 or status >= ABNF.LENGTH_16:
+ raise ValueError("code is invalid range")
+ try:
+ self.send(struct.pack('!H', status) + reason, ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE)
+ timeout = self.sock.gettimeout()
+ self.sock.settimeout(3)
+ try:
+ frame = self.recv_frame()
+ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.ERROR):
+ recv_status = struct.unpack("!H",[0]
+ if recv_status != STATUS_NORMAL:
+ logger.error("close status: " + repr(recv_status))
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.sock.settimeout(timeout)
+ self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ except:
+ pass
+ '''
+ self._closeInternal()
+ def _closeInternal(self):
+ self.connected = False
+ self.sock.close()
+ def _send(self, data):
+ try:
+ return self.sock.send(data)
+ except socket.timeout as e:
+ raise WebSocketTimeoutException(e.args[0])
+ except Exception as e:
+ if "timed out" in e.args[0]:
+ raise WebSocketTimeoutException(e.args[0])
+ else:
+ raise e
+ def _recv(self, bufsize):
+ try:
+ bytes = self.sock.recv(bufsize)
+ except socket.timeout as e:
+ raise WebSocketTimeoutException(e.args[0])
+ except SSLError as e:
+ if e.args[0] == "The read operation timed out":
+ raise WebSocketTimeoutException(e.args[0])
+ else:
+ raise
+ if not bytes:
+ raise WebSocketConnectionClosedException()
+ return bytes
+ def _recv_strict(self, bufsize):
+ shortage = bufsize - sum(len(x) for x in self._recv_buffer)
+ while shortage > 0:
+ bytes = self._recv(shortage)
+ self._recv_buffer.append(bytes)
+ shortage -= len(bytes)
+ unified = "".join(self._recv_buffer)
+ if shortage == 0:
+ self._recv_buffer = []
+ return unified
+ else:
+ self._recv_buffer = [unified[bufsize:]]
+ return unified[:bufsize]
+ def _recv_line(self):
+ line = []
+ while True:
+ c = self._recv(1)
+ line.append(c)
+ if c == "\n":
+ break
+ return "".join(line)
+class WebSocketApp(object):
+ """
+ Higher level of APIs are provided.
+ The interface is like JavaScript WebSocket object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, url, header=[],
+ on_open=None, on_message=None, on_error=None,
+ on_close=None, keep_running=True, get_mask_key=None):
+ """
+ url: websocket url.
+ header: custom header for websocket handshake.
+ on_open: callable object which is called at opening websocket.
+ this function has one argument. The arugment is this class object.
+ on_message: callbale object which is called when recieved data.
+ on_message has 2 arguments.
+ The 1st arugment is this class object.
+ The passing 2nd arugment is utf-8 string which we get from the server.
+ on_error: callable object which is called when we get error.
+ on_error has 2 arguments.
+ The 1st arugment is this class object.
+ The passing 2nd arugment is exception object.
+ on_close: callable object which is called when closed the connection.
+ this function has one argument. The arugment is this class object.
+ keep_running: a boolean flag indicating whether the app's main loop should
+ keep running, defaults to True
+ get_mask_key: a callable to produce new mask keys, see the WebSocket.set_mask_key's
+ docstring for more information
+ """
+ self.url = url
+ self.header = header
+ self.on_open = on_open
+ self.on_message = on_message
+ self.on_error = on_error
+ self.on_close = on_close
+ self.keep_running = keep_running
+ self.get_mask_key = get_mask_key
+ self.sock = None
+ def send(self, data, opcode=ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT):
+ """
+ send message.
+ data: message to send. If you set opcode to OPCODE_TEXT, data must be utf-8 string or unicode.
+ opcode: operation code of data. default is OPCODE_TEXT.
+ """
+ if self.sock.send(data, opcode) == 0:
+ raise WebSocketConnectionClosedException()
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ close websocket connection.
+ """
+ self.keep_running = False
+ if(self.sock != None):
+ self.sock.close()
+ def _send_ping(self, interval):
+ while True:
+ for i in range(interval):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if not self.keep_running:
+ return
+ def run_forever(self, sockopt=None, sslopt=None, ping_interval=0):
+ """
+ run event loop for WebSocket framework.
+ This loop is infinite loop and is alive during websocket is available.
+ sockopt: values for socket.setsockopt.
+ sockopt must be tuple and each element is argument of sock.setscokopt.
+ sslopt: ssl socket optional dict.
+ ping_interval: automatically send "ping" command every specified period(second)
+ if set to 0, not send automatically.
+ """
+ if sockopt is None:
+ sockopt = []
+ if sslopt is None:
+ sslopt = {}
+ if self.sock:
+ raise WebSocketException("socket is already opened")
+ thread = None
+ self.keep_running = True
+ try:
+ self.sock = WebSocket(self.get_mask_key, sockopt=sockopt, sslopt=sslopt)
+ self.sock.settimeout(default_timeout)
+ self.sock.connect(self.url, header=self.header)
+ self._callback(self.on_open)
+ if ping_interval:
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self._send_ping, args=(ping_interval,))
+ thread.setDaemon(True)
+ thread.start()
+ while self.keep_running:
+ try:
+ data = self.sock.recv()
+ if data is None or self.keep_running == False:
+ break
+ self._callback(self.on_message, data)
+ except Exception, e:
+ #print str(e.args[0])
+ if "timed out" not in e.args[0]:
+ raise e
+ except Exception, e:
+ self._callback(self.on_error, e)
+ finally:
+ if thread:
+ self.keep_running = False
+ self.sock.close()
+ self._callback(self.on_close)
+ self.sock = None
+ def _callback(self, callback, *args):
+ if callback:
+ try:
+ callback(self, *args)
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.error(e)
+ if True:#logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
+ _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_tb(tb)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ enableTrace(True)
+ ws = create_connection("ws://")
+ print("Sending 'Hello, World'...")
+ ws.send("Hello, World")
+ print("Sent")
+ print("Receiving...")
+ result = ws.recv()
+ print("Received '%s'" % result)
+ ws.close()