path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbe57df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -------------LicenseHeader--------------
+# - Gives access to most video-platforms from German public service broadcasters
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Raptor 2101 []
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import re
+import datetime
+import time
+import calendar
+from mediathek import *
+from xml.dom import minidom
+class NDRMediathek(Mediathek):
+ @classmethod
+ def name(self):
+ return "NDR"
+ def isSearchable(self):
+ return True
+ def __init__(self, simpleXbmcGui):
+ self.gui = simpleXbmcGui
+ self.rootLink = ""
+ self.searchLink = self.rootLink+"/suche10.html?search_mediathek=1&"
+ # Hauptmenue
+ tmp_menu = []
+ extractBroadcasts = re.compile("<a href=\"/mediathek/mediatheksuche105_broadcast-(.*?).html\" class=\"link_arrow\">(.*?)</a>")
+ htmlPage = self.loadPage("").decode('utf-8')
+ x = 0
+ for menuNode in extractBroadcasts.finditer(htmlPage):
+ menuId =
+ menuItem =
+ menuLink = self.rootLink+"/mediatheksuche105_broadcast-"+menuId+"_format-video_page-1.html"
+ tmp_menu.append(TreeNode("0."+str(x), menuItem, menuLink, True))
+ x = x+1
+ self.menuTree = [
+ TreeNode("0", "Sendungen von A-Z", "", False, tmp_menu),
+ TreeNode("1", "Sendung verpasst?", "sendungverpasst", True),
+ TreeNode("2","Live","livestream",True),#Livestream ruckelt zu stark :-(
+ ]
+ def buildPageMenuSendungVerpasst(self, action):
+ htmlPage = self.loadPage("")
+ regex_verpasstNow = re.compile(
+ '<h1 class="viewdate">\n.*?(\\d{2})\.(\\d{2})<span class="notbelow30em">\.(\\d{4})</span>'
+ )
+ verpasstNow = ".".join(
+ try:
+ dateTimeTmp = datetime.datetime.strptime(verpasstNow, "%d.%m.%Y")
+ except TypeError:
+ dateTimeTmp = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(verpasstNow, "%d.%m.%Y")[0:6]))
+ nodeCount = 0
+ if action == "":
+ verpasstHeute = dateTimeTmp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ dateTimeTmp = dateTimeTmp-datetime.timedelta(1)
+ verpasstGestern = dateTimeTmp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ dateTimeTmp = dateTimeTmp-datetime.timedelta(1)
+ verpasstVorGestern = dateTimeTmp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Heute", "", "", "description", self.rootLink + "/mediathek/sendung_verpasst/epg1490_date-" + verpasstHeute + "_display-onlyvideo.html", False), self, 1)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Gestern", "", "", "description", self.rootLink + "/mediathek/sendung_verpasst/epg1490_date-" + verpasstGestern + "_display-onlyvideo.html", False), self, 2)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Vorgestern", "", "", "description", self.rootLink + "/mediathek/sendung_verpasst/epg1490_date-" + verpasstVorGestern + "_display-onlyvideo.html", False), self, 3)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Datum waehlen", "", "", "description", "sendungverpasstselect", False), self, 4)
+ elif action == "select":
+ dateTimeTmp = dateTimeTmp-datetime.timedelta(3)
+ verpasstStartYear = int(dateTimeTmp.strftime("%Y"))
+ for verpasstStart in reversed(range(1, int(dateTimeTmp.strftime("%m")))):
+ menu_title = str(verpasstStart)+"."+str(verpasstStartYear)
+ menu_action = "sendungverpasstselectmonth" + str(verpasstStartYear) + str(verpasstStart)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject(menu_title, "", "", "description", menu_action, False), self, nodeCount)
+ verpasstStart = verpasstStart - 1
+ nodeCount = nodeCount + 1
+ while verpasstStartYear > 2008:
+ verpasstStartYear = verpasstStartYear - 1
+ menu_title = str(verpasstStartYear)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject(menu_title, "", "", "description", "sendungverpasstselectyear" + str(verpasstStartYear), False), self, nodeCount)
+ elif action[0:11] == "selectmonth":
+ action = action[11:]
+ action_year = action[0:4]
+ action_month = action[4:]
+ try:
+ dateTimeTmp2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(action_year+action_month, "%Y%m")
+ except TypeError:
+ dateTimeTmp2 = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(action_year+action_month, "%Y%m")[0:6]))
+ if dateTimeTmp.strftime("%Y%m") == dateTimeTmp2.strftime("%Y%m"):
+ startDay = int(dateTimeTmp2.strftime("%d"))
+ else:
+ startDay = calendar.monthrange(int(action_year), int(action_month))[1]
+ try:
+ dateTimeTmp2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(action_year + action_month + str(startDay), "%Y%m%d")
+ except TypeError:
+ dateTimeTmp2 = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(action_year + action_month + str(startDay), "%Y%m%d")[0:6]))
+ for i in reversed(range(1, startDay)):
+ verpasstDatum = dateTimeTmp2.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ menu_title = dateTimeTmp2.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
+ menu_action = self.rootLink + "/mediathek/sendung_verpasst/epg1490_date-" + verpasstDatum + "_display-onlyvideo.html"
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject(menu_title, "", "", "description", menu_action, False), self, nodeCount)
+ nodeCount = nodeCount + 1
+ dateTimeTmp2 = dateTimeTmp2-datetime.timedelta(1)
+ elif action[0:10] == "selectyear":
+ action = action[10:]
+ action_year = action[0:4]
+ for startMonth in reversed(range(1, 12)):
+ menu_title = str(startMonth) + "." + action_year
+ menu_action = "sendungverpasstselectmonth" + action_year + str(startMonth)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject(menu_title, "", "", "description", menu_action, False), self, nodeCount)
+ nodeCount = nodeCount + 1
+ def buildPageMenuLivestream(self):
+ nodeCount = 0
+ # Hamburg
+ nodeCount = nodeCount+1
+ links = {}
+ links[0] = SimpleLink("", 0)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Hamburg", "", "", "", links, True), self, nodeCount)
+ # Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
+ nodeCount = nodeCount+1
+ links = {}
+ links[0] = SimpleLink("", 0)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", "", "", "", links, True), self, nodeCount)
+ # Niedersachsen
+ nodeCount = nodeCount+1
+ links = {}
+ links[0] = SimpleLink("", 0)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Niedersachsen", "", "", "", links, True), self, nodeCount)
+ # Schleswig-Holstein
+ nodeCount = nodeCount+1
+ links = {}
+ links[0] = SimpleLink("", 0)
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject("Schleswig-Holstein", "", "", "", links, True), self, nodeCount)
+ def buildPageMenuVideoListVerpasst(self, link, initCount):
+ self.gui.log("buildPageMenuVerpasst: " + link)
+ htmlPage = self.loadPage(link)
+ re_video_item = re.compile(
+ '<div class="videolinks"><a href="(.*?)" title=".*?" class=\'button epgbutton\' >'
+ )
+ # won't parse "Beiträge", they are only cutted parts of the main
+ # program
+ video_items = re.findall(re_video_item, htmlPage)
+ nodeCount = initCount + len(video_items)
+ for video_link in video_items:
+ if not re.compile("*").search(video_link):
+ print video_link
+ self.extractVideoInformation(video_link, None, nodeCount)
+ def buildPageMenuVideoList(self, link, initCount):
+ self.gui.log("buildPageMenu: " + link)
+ htmlPage = self.loadPage(link)
+ regex_extractVideoItems = re.compile(
+ "<div class=\"teaserpadding\">"
+ "(.*?)"
+ "(</p>\n</div>\n</div>|\n</div>\n</div>\n</li>)", re.DOTALL)
+ regex_extractVideoItemHref = re.compile("<a title=\".*?\" href=\"(.*?/[^/]*?\.html)\".*?>", re.DOTALL)
+ regex_extractVideoItemDate = re.compile("<div class=\"subline\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">.*?(\\d{2}\.\\d{2}\.\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2})</div>")
+ videoItems = regex_extractVideoItems.findall(htmlPage)
+ nodeCount = initCount + len(videoItems)
+ for videoItem in videoItems:
+ print "link: {0}".format(link)
+ print "videoItem: {0}".format(videoItem[0])
+ if "<div class=\"subline\">" not in videoItem[0]:
+ continue
+ videoLink =[0]).group(1)
+ try:
+ dateString =[0]).group(1)
+ dateTime = time.strptime(dateString, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")
+ except:
+ dateTime = None
+ # TODO: Some videos from Extra 3 are located on
+ # which cannot be parsed by this script, yet.
+ if not re.compile("*").search(videoLink):
+ self.extractVideoInformation(videoLink, dateTime, nodeCount)
+ # Pagination (weiter)
+ regex_extractNextPage = re.compile(
+ "<a class=\"square button\" href=\"(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\".*?>"
+ )
+ for nextPageHref in regex_extractNextPage.finditer(htmlPage):
+ menuItemName ="UTF-8")
+ link =
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject(menuItemName, "", "", "description", link, False), self, nodeCount)
+ def buildPageMenu(self, link, initCount):
+ print link
+ if link[0:15] == "sendungverpasst":
+ self.buildPageMenuSendungVerpasst(link[15:])
+ elif link == "livestream":
+ self.buildPageMenuLivestream()
+ elif "/sendung_verpasst/" in link:
+ self.buildPageMenuVideoListVerpasst(link, initCount)
+ else:
+ self.buildPageMenuVideoList(link, initCount)
+ def searchVideo(self, searchText):
+ searchText = searchText.encode("UTF-8")
+ searchText = urllib.urlencode({"query": searchText})
+ self.buildPageMenu(self.searchLink+searchText, 0)
+ def extractVideoInformation(self, videoLink, pubDate, nodeCount):
+ regexFindVideoLink = re.compile("http://.*(hq.mp4|hi.mp4|lo.flv)")
+ regexFindImageLink = re.compile("/.*v-ardgalerie.jpg")
+ regexFindMediaData = re.compile(
+ "<div class=\"padding group\">\\s*?<div class=\"textinfo\">\\s*?<h\\d.*?>"
+ "(.*?)"
+ "</h\\d>\\s*?.*?<div class=\"subline\">.*?</div>\\s*?<p.*?>"
+ "(.*?)"
+ "</p>", re.DOTALL
+ )
+ if not videoLink.startswith(self.rootLink):
+ videoLink = self.rootLink+videoLink
+ videoPage = self.loadPage(videoLink)
+ self.gui.log("videolink: {0}".format(videoLink))
+ videoLink = {}
+ videoLink[0] = SimpleLink(, 0)
+ try:
+ pictureLink =
+ except:
+ pictureLink = None
+ if '<article class="w66 ">' not in videoPage:
+ searchResult =
+ title ='utf-8')
+ description ='utf-8')
+ else:
+ title =
+ 'var trackTitle = "(.*?)"',
+ videoPage
+ ).group(1).decode('utf-8')
+ description =
+ '<meta name="description" content="(.*?)"',
+ videoPage
+ ).group(1).decode('utf-8')
+ self.gui.buildVideoLink(DisplayObject(title, "", pictureLink, description, videoLink, True, pubDate, 0), self, nodeCount)