path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 687 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index aacf5f3..63f1603 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,691 +17,7 @@
# along with USTVnow. If not, see <>.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os, sys, datetime, re, traceback, HTMLParser, calendar
-import urllib, urllib2, socket, json, collections, net, random
-import xbmc, xbmcvfs, xbmcgui, xbmcplugin, xbmcaddon
-from simplecache import SimpleCache
-# Plugin Info
-ADDON_ID = ''
-REAL_SETTINGS = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=ADDON_ID)
-ADDON_NAME = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('name')
-SETTINGS_LOC = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('profile')
-ADDON_PATH = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8')
-ADDON_VERSION = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('version')
-ICON = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('icon')
-FANART = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('fanart')
-LANGUAGE = REAL_SETTINGS.getLocalizedString
-## GLOBALS ##
-USER_EMAIL = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_Email')
-PASSWORD = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_Password')
-LAST_TOKEN = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_Token')
-LAST_PASSKEY = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_Paskey')
-DEBUG = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('Enable_Debugging') == 'true'
-PTVL_RUN = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('PseudoTVRunning') == 'True'
-IMG_PATH = os.path.join(ADDON_PATH,'resources','images')
-IMG_HTTP = BASEMOB + 'gtv/1/live/viewposter?srsid='
-IMG_TV = ''
-COOKIE_JAR = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(SETTINGS_LOC, "cookiejar.lwp"))
-MEDIA_TYPES = {'SP':'video','SH':'episode','EP':'episode','MV':'movie'}
-FREE_CHANS = ['CW','ABC','FOX','PBS','CBS','NBC','MY9']
-URL_TYPE = {0:'m3u8',1:'mp4'}[int(REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('URL_Type'))]
-URL_QUALITY = int(REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('URL_Quality')) + 1
-CHAN_NAMES = {'ABC':'ABC','AMC':'AMC','Animal Planet':'Animal Planet','Bravo':'Bravo','CBS':'CBS','CNBC':'CNBC','CW':'CW','Comedy Central':'Comedy Central','Discovery Channel':'Discovery Channel','ESPN':'ESPN',
- 'FOX':'FOX','FX':'FX','Fox News Channel':'Fox News','Freeform':'Freeform','MSNBC':'MSNBC','NBC':'NBC','National Geographic Channel':'National Geographic','Nickelodeon':'Nickelodeon','PBS':'PBS',
- 'SPIKE TV':'SPIKE TV','SundanceTV':'SundanceTV','Syfy':'Syfy','AE':'A&E','My9':'MY9','BBCA':'BBC America','ESPN2':'ESPN 2','NBCSNHD':'NBCSN','The Learning Channel':'TLC','Universal HD':'Universal',
- 'USA':'USA Network','SUNDHD':'SundanceTV'}
-USTVNOW_MENU = [("Live" , '', 0),
- ("Schedules" , '', 1),
- ("Recordings", '', 2),
- ("Guide" , '', 3),
- ("Featured" , '', 5)]
-if xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(script.module.uepg)') == 1:
- USTVNOW_MENU.append(("uEPG Guide", '', 20))
-uEPG_PARAMS = {"stream_code":"studio","description":"plot","synopsis":"plotoutline","ut_start":"starttime","orig_air_date":"firstaired"}
-FILE_PARAMS = ["title", "artist", "albumartist", "genre", "year", "rating", "album", "track", "duration", "comment", "lyrics", "musicbrainztrackid", "musicbrainzartistid", "musicbrainzalbumid", "musicbrainzalbumartistid", "playcount", "fanart", "director", "trailer", "tagline", "plot", "plotoutline", "originaltitle", "lastplayed", "writer", "studio", "mpaa", "cast", "country", "imdbnumber", "premiered", "productioncode", "runtime", "set", "showlink", "streamdetails", "top250", "votes", "firstaired", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "thumbnail", "file", "resume", "artistid", "albumid", "tvshowid", "setid", "watchedepisodes", "disc", "tag", "art", "genreid", "displayartist", "albumartistid", "description", "theme", "mood", "style", "albumlabel", "sorttitle", "episodeguide", "uniqueid", "dateadded", "size", "lastmodified", "mimetype", "specialsortseason", "specialsortepisode"]
-PVR_PARAMS = ["title","plot","plotoutline","starttime","endtime","runtime","progress","progresspercentage","genre","episodename","episodenum","episodepart","firstaired","hastimer","isactive","parentalrating","wasactive","thumbnail","rating","originaltitle","cast","director","writer","year","imdbnumber","hastimerrule","hasrecording","recording","isseries"]
-ART_PARAMS = ["thumb","poster","fanart","banner","landscape","clearart","clearlogo"]
-def uni(string, encoding = 'utf-8'):
- if isinstance(string, basestring):
- if not isinstance(string, unicode):
- string = unicode(string, encoding)
- elif isinstance(string, unicode):
- string = string.encode('ascii', 'replace')
- return string
-def unescape(string):
- try:
- parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
- return (parser.unescape(string))
- except:
- return string
-def log(msg, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG):
- msg = msg.encode("utf-8")
- if DEBUG == True:
- if level == xbmc.LOGERROR:
- msg += ' ,' + traceback.format_exc()
- xbmc.log(ADDON_ID + '-' + ADDON_VERSION + '-' + msg, level)
-def inputDialog(heading=ADDON_NAME, default='', key=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM, opt=0, close=0):
- retval = xbmcgui.Dialog().input(heading, default, key, opt, close)
- if len(retval) > 0:
- return retval
-def okDialog(str1, str2='', str3='', header=ADDON_NAME):
- xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(header, str1, str2, str3)
-def yesnoDialog(str1, str2='', str3='', header=ADDON_NAME, yes='', no='', autoclose=0):
- return xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(header, str1, str2, str3, no, yes, autoclose)
-def getParams():
- param=[]
- if len(sys.argv[2])>=2:
- params=sys.argv[2]
- cleanedparams=params.replace('?','')
- if (params[len(params)-1]=='/'):
- params=params[0:len(params)-2]
- pairsofparams=cleanedparams.split('&')
- param={}
- for i in range(len(pairsofparams)):
- splitparams={}
- splitparams=pairsofparams[i].split('=')
- if (len(splitparams))==2:
- param[splitparams[0]]=splitparams[1]
- return param
-class USTVnow():
- def __init__(self):
- log('__init__')
- = net.Net()
- self.cache = SimpleCache()
- if self.login(USER_EMAIL, PASSWORD) == False:
- raise SystemExit
- def mainMenu(self):
- log('mainMenu')
- for item in USTVNOW_MENU:
- self.addDir(*item)
- def buildHeader(self):
- header_dict = {}
- header_dict['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'
- header_dict['Host'] = ''
- header_dict['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
- header_dict['Referer'] = ''
- header_dict['Origin'] = ''
- header_dict['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.127 Large Screen Safari/533.4 GoogleTV/162671'
- return header_dict
- def login(self, user, password):
- log('login')
- if len(user) > 0:
- try:
- #remove COOKIE_JAR Folder
- xbmcvfs.rmdir(COOKIE_JAR)
- except:
- pass
- if xbmcvfs.exists(COOKIE_JAR) == False:
- try:
- xbmcvfs.mkdirs(SETTINGS_LOC)
- f = xbmcvfs.File(COOKIE_JAR, 'w')
- f.close()
- except:
- log('login, Unable to create the storage directory', xbmc.LOGERROR)
- header_dict = self.buildHeader()
- try:
- #check token
- dvrlink = None
- custlink = json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/getcustomerkey', form_data={'token':LAST_TOKEN}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'username': u'', u'ip': u'', u'customerkey': u''}'''
- self.custkey = (custlink.get('customerkey','') or 0)
- if custlink and 'username' in custlink and user.lower() == custlink['username'].lower():
- log('login, using existing token, passkey')
- self.token = LAST_TOKEN
- self.passkey = LAST_PASSKEY
- else:
- #login
- loginlink = json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/login', form_data={'username':user,'password':password,'device':'gtv','redir':'0'}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'token': u'', u'result': u'success'}'''
- if loginlink and 'token' in loginlink and loginlink['result'].lower() == 'success':
- log('login, creating new token')
- self.token = loginlink['token']
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Token',self.token)
- #passkey
- dvrlink = json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/viewdvrlist', form_data={'token':self.token}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'globalparams': {u'passkey': u''}, u'results': []}'''
- if dvrlink and 'globalparams' in dvrlink:
- log('login, creating new passkey')
- self.passkey = dvrlink['globalparams']['passkey']
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Paskey',self.passkey)
- else:
- raise Exception
- #check user credentials
- userlink = json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/getuserbytoken', form_data={'token':self.token}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'status': u'success', u'data': {u'username': u'', u'need_account_activation': False, u'plan_id': 1, u'language': u'en', u'plan_free': 1, u'sub_id': u'7', u'lname': u'', u'currency': u'USD', u'points': 1, u'need_account_renew': False, u'fname': u'', u'plan_name': u'Free Plan'}}'''
- log('login, checking user account')
- if userlink and 'data' in userlink and userlink['status'].lower() == 'success':
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Plan' ,userlink['data']['plan_name'])
- expires = 'Never' if userlink['data']['plan_name'] == 'Free Plan' else ''
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Expires' ,'%s'%expires)
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_isFree' ,str(userlink['data']['plan_name'] == 'Free Plan'))
- dvrPlan = 2 if 'dvr' in (userlink['data']['plan_name']).lower() else None
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_DVRpoints' ,str(dvrPlan or userlink['data']['points'] or 0))
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30006) + userlink['data']['fname'], ICON, 4000)
- if userlink['data']['need_account_renew'] == True:
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30016) + userlink['data']['fname'], ICON, 4000)
- elif userlink['data']['need_account_activation'] == True:
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30022) + userlink['data']['fname'], ICON, 4000)
- else:
- if REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_DVRpoints') != REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('Last_DVRpoints'):
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('Last_DVRpoints',REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_DVRpoints'))
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30021) + userlink['data']['fname'], ICON, 4000)
- #check subscription
- try:
- #error prone, isolate and debug.
- sublink = json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/getaccountsubscription', form_data={'username':user,'customerkey':self.custkey}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'username': u'', u'billingDatetime': u'', u'currency': u'USD', u'cgaccountstatusreason': u'', u'invoicehistory': u'', u'ocaccountstatus': u'Account active', u'ccLastFour': u'', u'lname': u'', u'x-cg-acnt-USD': False, u'fname': u'', u'sub_info': {u'cost': 0, u'plan': {u'sub_group': 4, u'plan_id': 1, u'name': u'Free Plan', u'language': u'en', u'date_expire': u'0000-00-00', u'sub_id': 7, u'price': 0, u'currency': u'USD', u'plan_code': u'7_FREETRIAL',
- u'details': u'This plan lets you receive all major US terrestrial stations (ABC, CBS, CW, FOX, NBC, PBS). You can later upgrade to a paid plan with more channels and DVR.'}, u'packages': []}, u'pendinginvoices': u'', u'cgbillingstatus': u'', u'dvrpoints': 1, u'plans': {u'10': {u'price': 15, u'name': u'1 Week All Channel Plan $15 ($2.14/day)',
- u'details': u'1 Week pass for all channels (No DVR)'}, u'23': {u'price': 19, u'name': u'All Channel Promo Plan $19/mo first 3 months',
- u'details': u'Monthly subscription for all channels. This promotional price is for the first three months after which it will renew at $29. This plan automatically renews each month but you can cancel anytime and will not be billed again when your current 30 day period has expired. '}, u'31': {u'price': 29, u'name': u'All Channel Promo Plan w/DVR $29/mo first 3 months',
- u'details': u'Monthly subscription for all channels. This promotional price is for the first three months after which it will renew at $39. This plan automatically renews each month but you can cancel anytime and will not be billed again when your current 30 day period has expired.'}, u'7': {u'price': 0, u'name': u'Free Plan',
- u'details': u'This plan lets you receive all major US terrestrial stations (ABC, CBS, CW, FOX, NBC, PBS). You can later upgrade to a paid plan with more channels and DVR.'}, u'9': {u'price': 0.00, u'name': u'3 Day All Channel Plan $6.99 ($2.33/day)',
- u'details': u'3 Day pass for all channels (No DVR)'}, u'8': {u'price': 2.99, u'name': u'1 Day All Channel Plan $2.99',
- u'details': u'24 hour pass for all channels (No DVR)'}}, u'cgredirectUrl': u'', u'cgaccountstatus': False, u'isfacebookuser': False, u'cgkey': u'', u'ocaccountstatuscode': 0, u'packages': [], u'subscription': u'Free Plan', u'language': u'en', u'sub_id': u'7', u'dateopened': u'December 01, 2000', u'canceledDatetime': u'', u'cgbillingmethod': u''}'''
- if sublink:
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Expires' ,'%s'%(sublink['sub_info']['date_expire']))
- except:
- pass
- else:
- raise Exception
- self.channels = channels = self.cache.get(ADDON_NAME + '.channelguide')
- if not self.channels:
- log('login, refreshing channels')
- channels = sorted(json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/channelguide', form_data={'token':self.token}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())['results'], key=lambda x: x['displayorder'])
- '''{u'app_name': u'preview', u'stream': u'00000WXYZustvnow', u'af': u'US', u'dvraction': u'add', u'callsign': u'WHTM', u'event_inprogress': 1,
- u'srsid': 3560383, u'guideremainingtime': 3660, u'scheduleid': 9952642, u'favoriteaction': u'remove', u'event_time': u'00:00:00',u'title': u'Shark Tank',
- u'timemark': 1498867200, u'recordedon': u'June 30, 2017 20:00', u'prg_img': u'h3/NowShowing/9977826/p9977826_b1t_h3_aa.jpg', u'title_10': u'',
- u'xcdrappname': u'livehd', u'event_date': u'2017-07-01', u'has_img': 1, u'stream_code': u'ABC', u'updated': u'2017-06-29 11:49:08',
- u'description': u'Durable bags made out of the material that protects on the front lines of firefighting; a vibrating mat that helps calm babies;
- an ointment made from essential oils; a natural snack made with acai.', u'actualremainingtime': 3281, u'content_allowed': False,
- u'dvrtimeraction': u'add', u'mediatype': u'EP', u'auth': None, u'stream_origin': u'', u'dvrtimertype': 0, u'scode': u'whtm',
- u'aksid': 1, u'guideheight': 120, u'orig_air_date': u'2017-02-10', u'prgsvcid': 11534, u'runtime': 3660, u'img': u'images/WHTM.png',
- u'connectorid': u'SH011581290000', u'ut_start': 1498867200, u'streamname': u'00000WXYZustvnow', u'episode_title': u'', u'synopsis':
- u'A vibrating mat that helps calm babies.', u't': 1, u'edgetypes': 7, u'imgmark': u'live', u'content_id': u'EP011581290171', u'order': 1,
- u'displayorder': 1}'''
- self.cache.set(ADDON_NAME + '.channelguide', channels, expiration=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
- self.channels = self.cache.get(ADDON_NAME + '.channelguide')
- self.upcoming = self.cache.get(ADDON_NAME + '.upcoming')
- if not self.upcoming:
- log('login, refreshing upcoming')
- upcoming = json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/upcoming', form_data={'token':self.token}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'prgschid': 19479379, u'dvraction': u'add', u'callsign': u'AMC', u'newtimecat': True, u'srsid': 14930, u'timecat': u'Today', u'scheduleid': 9946282,
- u'img': u'images/AMC.png', u'title': u'The Fugitive', u'prg_img': u'v5/NowShowing/14930/p14930_p_v5_aa.jpg', u'has_img': 1, u't': 0, u'sname': u'AMC',
- u'description': u'U.S. marshal (Tommy Lee Jones) hunts doctor (Harrison Ford) for murder of his wife (Sela Ward).', u'dvrtimeraction': u'add',
- u'auth': None, u'orig_air_date': None, u'dvrtimertype': 0, u'scode': u'amchd', u'prgsvcid': 10021, u'runtime': 10800, u'connectorid': u'MV000371790000',
- u'episode_title': u'', u'synopsis': u'An innocent man must evade the law as he pursues a killer.', u'event_inprogress': 1, u'ut_start': 1499009400,
- u'content_allowed': False, u'imgmark': u'live', u'content_id': u'MV000371790000', u'displayorder': 100}'''
- self.cache.set(ADDON_NAME + '.upcoming', upcoming, expiration=datetime.timedelta(hours=6))
- self.upcoming = self.cache.get(ADDON_NAME + '.upcoming')
- self.recorded = self.cache.get(ADDON_NAME + '.recorded')
- if not self.recorded:
- log('login, refreshing recorded')
- '''{u'fn1': u'20170702', u'episode_season': 0, u'filename_smil': u'20170702_213000_220000_utc_SH000000010000_11534_11534_ABC.smil', u'app_name': u'dvrrokuplay',
- u'stream': u'2F1ECWHTMUSTVNOW', u'imgmark': u'rem', u'dvrtimeraction': u'add', u'mediatype': u'SH', u'orig_air_date': None, u'content_id': u'SH000000010000',
- u'callsign': u'WHTM', u'ut_expires': 1500327000, u'filename_med': u'20170702_213000_220000_utc_SH000000010000_11534_11534_ABC_650.mp4',
- u'filename_high': u'20170702_213000_220000_utc_SH000000010000_11534_11534_ABC_950.mp4', u'dvrlocation': u'dvr6', u'episode_number': 0, u'srsid': 459763,
- u'runtime': 1800, u'description': u'Paid programming.', u'scheduleid': 9952747, u'has_img': 1, u'fn3': u'220000', u'fn2': u'213000',
- u'event_time': u'21:30:00', u'title': u'Paid Programming', u'recordedonmmddyyyy': u'07/02/2017', u'connectorid': u'SH000000010000',
- u'recordedon': u'July 2, 2017', u'prg_img': u'h3/NowShowing/459763/p459763_b_h3_ae.jpg', u'filename_low': u'20170702_213000_220000_utc_SH000000010000_11534_11534_ABC_350.mp4',
- u'episode_title': u'', u'synopsis': u'Paid programming.', u'dvrtimertype': 0, u'content_allowed': True, u'xcdrappname': u'livehd', u'event_date': u'2017-07-02',
- u'event_inprogress': 2, u'prgsvcid': 11534, u'ut_start': 1499031000, u'stream_code': u'ABC'}'''
- if dvrlink:
- recorded = dvrlink['results']
- else:
- recorded = (json.loads( + 'gtv/1/live/viewdvrlist', form_data={'token':self.token}, headers=header_dict).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip()))['results']
- self.cache.set(ADDON_NAME + '.recorded', recorded, expiration=datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))
- self.recorded = self.cache.get(ADDON_NAME + '.recorded')
- return True
- except Exception,e:
- log('login, Unable to login ' + str(e), xbmc.LOGERROR)
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Token','')
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Paskey','')
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Activated',str(False))
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30007), ICON, 4000)
- return False
- else:
- #firstrun wizard
- if yesnoDialog(LANGUAGE(30008),no=LANGUAGE(30009), yes=LANGUAGE(30010)):
- user = inputDialog(LANGUAGE(30001))
- password = inputDialog(LANGUAGE(30002),opt=xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT)
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Email' ,user)
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Password',password)
- return self.login(user, password)
- else:
- okDialog(LANGUAGE(30003))
- return False
- def browseLive(self):
- log('browseLive')
- d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()))
- isFree = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_isFree') == "True"
- if self.channels is None:
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- for channel in self.channels:
- try:
- name = CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']]
- if isFree == True and name not in FREE_CHANS:
- continue
- startime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(channel['ut_start'])
- endtime = startime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=channel['runtime'])
- if endtime > now and startime <= now:
- label, url, liz = self.buildChannelListItem(name, channel)
- self.addLink(label, url, 9, liz, len(self.channels))
- except Exception,e:
- log('browseLive, failed ' + str(e), xbmc.LOGERROR)
- def browseRecordings(self, recorded=False):
- log('browseRecordings')
- d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()))
- if self.recorded is None:
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- for channel in self.recorded:
- try:
- startime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(channel['ut_start'])
- endtime = startime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=channel['runtime'])
- if endtime > now and (startime <= now or startime > now) and recorded == True:
- continue
- elif endtime < now and (startime <= now or startime > now) and recorded == False:
- continue
- label, url, liz = self.buildRecordedListItem(CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']])
- mode = 10 if recorded == True else 21
- if mode == 21:
- liz.setProperty("IsPlayable","false")
- self.addLink(label, url, mode, liz, len(self.recorded))
- except Exception,e:
- log('browseRecordings, failed ' + str(e), xbmc.LOGERROR)
- def browseGuide(self, name=None, upcoming=False):
- log('browseGuide')
- d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()))
- isFree = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_isFree') == "True"
- if self.channels is None:
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- if name is None and upcoming == False:
- collect = []
- for channel in self.channels:
- try:
- name = CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']]
- if isFree == True and name not in FREE_CHANS:
- continue
- collect.append(name)
- except:
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- counter = collections.Counter(collect)
- for key, value in sorted(counter.iteritems()):
- icon = (os.path.join(IMG_PATH,'logos','%s.png'%key) or ICON)
- infoArt = {"thumb":icon,"poster":icon,"icon":icon,"fanart":FANART}
- self.addDir("%s"%(key), key, 4, infoArt=infoArt)
- else:
- for channel in self.channels:
- try:
- if isFree == True and name not in FREE_CHANS:
- continue
- if name == CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']]:
- startime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(channel['ut_start'])
- endtime = startime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=channel['runtime'])
- if endtime > now and (startime <= now):
- label, url, liz = self.buildChannelListItem(name, channel)
- self.addLink(label, url, 9, liz, len(self.channels))
- elif endtime > now and (startime <= now or startime > now):
- label, url, liz = self.buildChannelListItem(name, channel)
- mode = 9 if PTVL_RUN == True else 21
- if mode == 21:
- liz.setProperty("IsPlayable","false")
- self.addLink(label, url, mode, liz, len(self.channels))
- except Exception,e:
- log('browseGuide, failed ' + str(e), xbmc.LOGERROR)
- def browseFeatured(self):
- log('browseFeatured')
- d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()))
- isFree = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_isFree') == "True"
- if self.upcoming is None:
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- for channel in self.upcoming:
- try:
- name = CHAN_NAMES[channel['sname']]
- startime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(channel['ut_start'])
- endtime = startime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=channel['runtime'])
- if endtime > now and (startime <= now or startime > now):
- label, url, liz = self.buildChannelListItem(name, channel, feat=True)
- liz.setProperty("IsPlayable","false")
- self.addLink(label, url, 21, liz, len(self.upcoming))
- except Exception,e:
- log('browseFeatured, failed ' + str(e), xbmc.LOGERROR)
- def buildChannelListItem(self, name, channel=None, feat=False):
- if channel is None:
- for channel in self.channels:
- if name == CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']]:
- break
- startime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(channel['ut_start'])
- endtime = startime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=channel['runtime'])
- title = unescape(channel['title'])
- mediatype = (channel.get('mediatype','') or (channel.get('connectorid',''))[:2] or (channel.get('content_id',''))[:2] or 'SP')
- mtype = MEDIA_TYPES[mediatype.upper()]
- if PTVL_RUN == True:
- label = name
- elif feat == True:
- label = '%s %s-%s: %s - %s'%(startime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),startime.strftime('%I:%M').lstrip('0'),endtime.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0'),name,title)
- else:
- label = '%s: %s - %s'%(startime.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0'),name,title)
- label2 = '%s - %s'%(startime.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0'),endtime.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0'))
- scode = (channel.get('stream_code','') or channel.get('sname','') or '')
- url = CHAN_NAMES[scode]
- liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(label)
- infoList = {"mediatype":mtype,"label":label,"label2":label2,"title":label,
- "studio":CHAN_NAMES[scode],"duration":channel['runtime'],"plotoutline":unescape(channel['synopsis']),
- "plot":unescape(channel['description']),"aired":(channel['orig_air_date'] or startime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))}
- # if mediatype.startswith('MV'):
- # poster = IMG_MOVIE+channel['prg_img']
- # elif mediatype.startswith(('SH','EP')):
- # poster = IMG_TV+channel['prg_img']
- # else:
- thumb = IMG_HTTP + str(channel['srsid']) + '&cs=' + channel['callsign'] + '&tid=' + mediatype
- poster = (os.path.join(IMG_PATH,'%s.png'%name) or ICON)
- liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels=infoList)
- liz.setArt({"thumb":thumb,"poster":poster,"fanart":FANART})
- liz.setProperty("IsPlayable","true")
- liz.setProperty("IsInternetStream","true")
- if channel['dvrtimeraction'] == 'add':
- opt = '@'.join([str(channel['prgsvcid']),(channel.get('event_time','') or str(channel.get('ut_start','')))])#lazy solution rather then create additional url parameters for this single function.
- contextMenu = [('Set single recording' ,'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)'%(sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(str(channel['scheduleid']))+"&mode="+str(6)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(opt))),
- ('Set recurring recording','XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)'%(sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(str(channel['connectorid']))+"&mode="+str(7)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(opt)))]
- else:
- contextMenu = [('Remove recording','XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)'%(sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(str(channel['scheduleid']))+"&mode="+str(8)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(name)))]
- liz.addContextMenuItems(contextMenu)
- log('buildChannelListItem, label = ' + label + ', url = ' + url)
- return label, url, liz
- def buildRecordedListItem(self, name):
- for channel in self.recorded:
- if name == CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']] or name == str(channel['scheduleid']):
- startime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(channel['ut_start'])
- endtime = startime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=channel['runtime'])
- title = unescape(channel['title'])
- label = '%s %s-%s: %s - %s'%(startime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),startime.strftime('%I:%M').lstrip('0'),endtime.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0'),name,title)
- label2 = '%s %s-%s'%(startime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),startime.strftime('%I:%M').lstrip('0'),endtime.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0'))
- url = str(channel['scheduleid'])
- liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(label)
- mediatype = (channel.get('mediatype','') or (channel.get('connectorid',''))[:2] or (channel.get('content_id',''))[:2] or 'SP')
- mtype = MEDIA_TYPES[mediatype.upper()]
- infoList = {"mediatype":mtype,"label":label,"label2":label2,"title":label,"studio":CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']],
- "duration":channel['runtime'],"plotoutline":unescape(channel['synopsis']),"plot":unescape(channel['description']),
- "aired":(channel['orig_air_date'] or startime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))}
- # if mediatype.startswith('MV'):
- # poster = IMG_MOVIE+channel['prg_img']
- # elif mediatype.startswith(('SH','EP')):
- # poster = IMG_TV+channel['prg_img']
- # else:
- thumb = IMG_HTTP + str(channel['srsid']) + '&cs=' + channel['callsign'] + '&tid=' + mediatype
- poster = (os.path.join(IMG_PATH,'%s.png'%name) or ICON)
- liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels=infoList)
- liz.setArt({"thumb":thumb,"poster":poster,"fanart":FANART})
- liz.setProperty("IsPlayable","true")
- liz.setProperty("IsInternetStream","true")
- print channel['dvrtimeraction']
- if channel['dvrtimeraction'] == 'add':
- opt = '@'.join([str(channel['prgsvcid']),channel['event_time']])#lazy solution rather then create additional url parameters for this single function.
- contextMenu = [('Set single recording' ,'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)'%(sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(str(channel['scheduleid']))+"&mode="+str(6)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(opt))),
- ('Set recurring recording','XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)'%(sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(str(channel['connectorid']))+"&mode="+str(7)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(opt)))]
- contextMenu.extend([('Remove recording','XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)'%(sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(str(channel['scheduleid']))+"&mode="+str(8)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(name)))])
- liz.addContextMenuItems(contextMenu)
- log('buildRecordedListItem, label = ' + label + ', url = ' + url)
- return label, url, liz
- def resolveURL(self, url, dvr=False):
- log('resolveURL, url = ' + url + ', dvr = ' + str(dvr))
- isFree = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_isFree') == "True"
- if dvr:
- for channel in self.recorded:
- if url == str(channel['scheduleid']):
- try:
- urllink = json.loads( + 'stream/1/dvr/play', form_data={'token':self.token,'key':self.passkey,'scheduleid':channel['scheduleid']}, headers=self.buildHeader()).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'pr': u'll', u'domain': u'',u'stream': u'',
- u'streamname': u'0B64AWHTMUSTVNOW', u'tr': u'', u'up': 1, u'pd': 0, u'pl': u'vjs'}'''
- if URL_TYPE == 'm3u8':
- stream = urllink['stream']
- else:
- stream = (urllink['stream'].replace('smil:','mp4:').replace('USTVNOW','USTVNOW%d'%URL_QUALITY))
- log('resolveURL, url = ' + stream)
- return stream
- except Exception,e:
- if channel and channel['scheduleid']:
- self.replaceToken(url, dvr)
- else:
- for channel in self.channels:
- if url == CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']]:
- try:
- urllink = json.loads( + 'stream/1/live/view', form_data={'token':self.token,'key':self.passkey,'scode':channel['scode']}, headers=self.buildHeader()).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''{u'pr': u'll', u'domain': u'',u'stream': u'',
- u'streamname': u'0B64AWHTMUSTVNOW', u'tr': u'', u'up': 1, u'pd': 0, u'pl': u'vjs'}'''
- if URL_TYPE == 'm3u8':
- stream = urllink['stream']
- else:
- stream = (urllink['stream'].replace('smil:','mp4:').replace('USTVNOW','USTVNOW%d'%URL_QUALITY))
- log('resolveURL, stream = ' + stream)
- return stream
- except Exception,e:
- if channel and channel['scode']:
- self.replaceToken(url, dvr)
- def replaceToken(self, url, dvr):
- #generate alternative token using website endpoint rather then googletv.
- try:
- #get CSRF Token
- responce = urllib2.urlopen(BASEWEB + "account/signin").read()
- CSRF = re.findall(r'var csrf_value = "(.*?)"', responce, re.DOTALL)[0]
- #get WEB Token
- responce = ( + 'account/login', form_data={'csrf_ustvnow': CSRF, 'signin_email': USER_EMAIL, 'signin_password':PASSWORD, 'signin_remember':'1'}).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- altToken = re.findall(r'var token(.*?)= "(.*?)";', responce, re.DOTALL)[0][1]
- if altToken and altToken != 'null':
- self.token = altToken
- log('replaceToken, replacing existing token')
- REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('User_Token',altToken)
- self.resolveURL(url, dvr)
- except Exception,e:
- log('replaceToken, Unable to login ' + str(e), xbmc.LOGERROR)
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30005), ICON, 4000)
- raise SystemExit
- def setRecording(self, name, url, remove=False, recurring=False):
- log('setRecording, name = ' + name + ', url = ' + url + ', remove = ' + str(remove))
- if remove == True:
- setlink = ( + 'gtv/1/dvr/updatedvr', form_data={'scheduleid':url,'token':self.token,'action':'remove'}, headers=self.buildHeader()).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- else:
- if int(REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_DVRpoints')) <= 1:
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30019), ICON, 4000)
- return
- opt = name.split('@')#lazy solution rather then create additional url parameters for this single function.
- if recurring == True:
- setlink = ( + 'gtv/1/dvr/updatedvrtimer', form_data={'connectorid':url,'prgsvcid':opt[0],'eventtime':opt[1],'token':self.token,'action':'add'}, headers=self.buildHeader()).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- else:
- setlink = ( + 'gtv/1/dvr/updatedvr' , form_data={'scheduleid':url,'token':self.token,'action':'add'}, headers=self.buildHeader()).content.encode("utf-8").rstrip())
- '''<result><status>failure</status><action>add</action></result>'''
- action = re.findall(r'<action>(.*?)</action>', setlink, re.DOTALL)[0]
- status = re.findall(r'<status>(.*?)</status>', setlink, re.DOTALL)[0]
- log('setRecording, action = ' + action + ', status = ' + status)
- if status == 'failure':
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30023)%action.title(), ICON, 4000)
- return
- xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE(30024)%action.title(), ICON, 4000)
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- def playVideo(self, url, dvr=False):
- log('playVideo, url = ' + url + ', dvr = ' + str(dvr))
- if dvr:
- label, path, liz = self.buildRecordedListItem(url)
- else:
- label, path, liz = self.buildChannelListItem(url)
- liz.setPath(self.resolveURL(url,dvr))
- xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz)
- def addLink(self, name, u, mode, liz, total=0):
- log('addLink, name = ' + name)
- u=sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(u)+"&mode="+str(mode)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(uni(name))
- xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]),url=u,listitem=liz,totalItems=total)
- def addDir(self, name, u, mode, infoList=False, infoArt=False):
- log('addDir, name = ' + name)
- liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name)
- liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'false')
- if infoList == False:
- liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"mediatype":"video","label":name,"title":name} )
- else:
- liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels=infoList)
- if infoArt == False:
- liz.setArt({'thumb':ICON,'fanart':FANART})
- else:
- liz.setArt(infoArt)
- u=sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(u)+"&mode="+str(mode)+"&name="+urllib.quote_plus(uni(name))
- xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]),url=u,listitem=liz,isFolder=True)
- def uEPG(self):
- log('uEPG')
- #support for upcoming uEPG universal epg framework module, module will be available from the Kodi repository.
- #
- isFree = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('User_isFree') == "True"
- collect = []
- for channel in self.channels:
- try:
- name = CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']]
- if isFree == True and name not in FREE_CHANS:
- continue
- collect.append(name)
- except:
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- channelNum = 0
- channelList = []
- counter = collections.Counter(collect)
- for key, value in sorted(counter.iteritems()):
- guidedata = []
- newChannel = {}
- channelName = key
- channelNum = channelNum + 1
- newChannel['channelname'] = channelName
- newChannel['channelnumber'] = channelNum
- for channel in self.channels:
- try:
- name = CHAN_NAMES[channel['stream_code']]
- if isFree == True and name not in FREE_CHANS:
- continue
- if name == channelName:
- tmpdata = {}
- mediatype = (channel.get('mediatype','') or (channel.get('connectorid',''))[:2] or (channel.get('content_id',''))[:2] or 'SP')
- mtype = MEDIA_TYPES[mediatype.upper()]
- thumb = IMG_HTTP + str(channel['srsid']) + '&cs=' + channel['callsign'] + '&tid=' + mediatype
- logo = (os.path.join(IMG_PATH,'%s.png'%name) or ICON)
- for key, value in channel.iteritems():
- try:
- tmpdata[uEPG_PARAMS[key]] = unescape(value)
- except:
- tmpdata[key] = unescape(value)
- tmpdata['art'] = {"thumb":thumb,"logo":logo}
- tmpdata['mediatype'] = mtype
- tmpdata['url'] = sys.argv[0]+'?mode=9&name=%s'%name
- guidedata.append(tmpdata)
- except:
- pass
- newChannel['guidedata'] = guidedata
- channelList.append(newChannel)
- return channelList
- url=urllib.unquote_plus(params["url"])
- url=None
- name=urllib.unquote_plus(params["name"])
- name=None
- mode=int(params["mode"])
- mode=None
-log("Mode: "+str(mode))
-log("URL : "+str(url))
-log("Name: "+str(name))
-if mode==None: USTVnow().mainMenu()
-elif mode == 0: USTVnow().browseLive()
-elif mode == 1: USTVnow().browseRecordings()
-elif mode == 2: USTVnow().browseRecordings(recorded=True)
-elif mode == 3: USTVnow().browseGuide()
-elif mode == 4: USTVnow().browseGuide(name)
-elif mode == 5: USTVnow().browseFeatured()
-elif mode == 6: USTVnow().setRecording(name,url)
-elif mode == 7: USTVnow().setRecording(name,url,recurring=True)
-elif mode == 8: USTVnow().setRecording(name,url,remove=True)
-elif mode == 9: USTVnow().playVideo(url)
-elif mode == 10:USTVnow().playVideo(url,dvr=True)
-elif mode == 20:xbmc.executebuiltin("RunScript(script.module.uepg,json=%s&refresh_path=%s&refresh_interval=%s)"%(urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(USTVnow().uEPG())),urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(sys.argv[0]+"?mode=20")),urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps("hours=2"))))
-elif mode == 21:xbmc.executebuiltin("action(ContextMenu)")
-xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]) , xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
-xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]) , xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL )
-xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), cacheToDisc=True) \ No newline at end of file
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from resources.lib import ustvnow \ No newline at end of file