![Kodi logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xbmc/xbmc-forum/master/xbmc/images/logo-sbs-black.png) # Kodi Home Theater Software ## Contents This branch contains a certain category of add-ons from which our back-end script creates .zip files which are made available to each Kodi client. * Plugins ## How to submit your add-on and subsequent updates ## Your add-on must follow our strict repository rules to be considered for inclusion. Please consult the [Add-on rules] (http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_Rules) wiki page for further details. Please review these rules carefull before submitting your add-on. Should you have any questions regarding them please start a forum thread in one of the following locations * [Python add-ons] (http://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=26) * [Skins] (http://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) After you have read the repository guidelines and made sure your addon is compliant with them, you may begin the submission process. By forking this repository and creating a pull-request to the correct repository branch you ask permissing to included you add-on to the official Kodi repository. Subsequent updates can be done in a similar way by updating the code and creating a new pull-request again. Make sure that your local git clone is always rebased before send a pull-request. * Fork this repository * Create a branch * Commit your new add-on or any subsequent update in a single commit * Push the branch to your own forked repository * Create pull request * Await commments if any changes are deemed necessary A short guide on forking and creating a pull request can be found here: [contributing] (https://github.com/xbmc/repo-plugins/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Keep in mind that add-ons in the official repository should be considered stable. This means that they should be well-tested before you submit them for inclusion. Because they are for stable users, they should avoid being updated too often. Too often is of course subjective. If your add-on is in rapid development, and features are constantly being added, hold off until you have hit a good stopping point and tested the current version. This means that you should not submit a request every time you change your code. If you are submitting updates more than once per week something is wrong. Once or twice per month is probably a better goal, barring unforeseen conditions (like a content source changing its paths). With good reasons provided we will of course make exceptions as we strive to prove the best user experience. ## Compatibility This branch is used for add-ons that are coded for Kodi v16 Jarvis builds and higher only. From these code repositories and branches our back-end uploades .zip files of the compatible add-ons to our main mirror server. * [Mirror of Kodi v16 Jarvis compatible add-ons] (http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/jarvis/) ## Status * New add-on additions: **Accepted** * Updating already present add-ons: **Accepted** ## Disclaimer ## The contents of this repository mainly consist of add-on created by third party developers. Team Kodi holds no responsibility for it's contents. Team Kodi reserves the right to update or remove add-ons at any time as we deem necessary. ## Quick Kodi development links * [Add-on rules] (https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) * [Submitting an add-on details] (http://kodi.wiki/view/Submitting_Add-ons) * [Code guidelines] (http://kodi.wiki/view/Official:Code_guidelines_and_formatting_conventions) * [Kodi development] (http://kodi.wiki/view/Development) ## Other useful links * [Kodi wiki] (http://kodi.wiki/) * [Kodi bug tracker] (http://trac.kodi.tv) * [Kodi community forums] (http://forum.kodi.tv/) * [Kodi website] (http://kodi.tv) **Enjoy Kodi and help us improve it today. :)**