# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from kodiswift import Plugin, actions from kodiswift import xbmc, xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import requests import copy import platform import os # Global vars plugin = Plugin() addon = plugin.addon USER_AGENT = "Kodi ("+platform.system() + ") hearthis.at-Plugin/" + addon.getAddonInfo('version') HEARTHIS = 'hearthis.at' API_BASE_URL = "https://api-v2.hearthis.at/" USER = plugin.get_storage('user_data') ADDON_PATH = xbmc.translatePath(addon.getAddonInfo('path')).decode('utf-8') STRINGS = { 'genres' : 30000, 'playlists' : 30001, 'show_artist' : 30002, 'recently_added': 30003, 'search' : 30004, 'search_artist' : 30005, 'next' : 30006, 'likes' : 30007, 'popular' : 30008, 'search_track' : 30009, 'previous' : 30010, 'no_elements' : 30011, 'add_like' : 30012, 'rm_like' : 30013, 'my_likes' : 30014, 'following' : 30015, 'add_follow' : 30016, 'rm_follow' : 30017, 'tracks' : 30018, 'reshared' : 30019, 'add_reshared' : 30020, 'rm_reshared' : 30021, 'login_failed' : 30022 } def get_image(img): return os.path.join(ADDON_PATH,'resources','images', img) def _(string): tstring = STRINGS.get(string) if tstring == None: return None else: return addon.getLocalizedString(tstring) def api_call(path, params=None, rtype='GET', data=None, json=True): if logged_in(): if params == None: params = {} params['key'] = USER['data']['key'] params['secret'] = USER['data']['secret'] url = API_BASE_URL+path headers = {'user-agent': USER_AGENT} plugin.log.info('api-call: %s with data %s' % (url, str(data))) if rtype == 'GET': r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) else: plugin.log.info("doing post") r = requests.post(url, params=params, data=data, headers=headers) if json: return r.json() else: return r.text def list_users(userlist, pagination = None, first=False, pre=[], post=[]): if isinstance(userlist, dict) or len(userlist) == 0: plugin.notify(_('no_elements')) return None items = pre items.append(pn_button(pagination, -1, len(userlist))) for u in userlist: items.append({'label': '%s%s (%s %s)' % ((u'[\u2665] ' if u.get('following', False) else u''), u['username'], str(u['track_count']), _('tracks')), 'icon': u['avatar_url'], 'context_menu': [ context_item_toggle('follow', u['following'], {'user': u['permalink']}) ], 'path': plugin.url_for('show_user_first', user=u['permalink'], page=1, first=True)}) items = items + post items.append(pn_button(pagination, 1, len(userlist))) #only skip history if turning pages, not if opening first page initially if pagination != None and first != 'True': ul=True else: ul=False return plugin.finish(items, update_listing=ul) def list_tracks(tracklist, pagination = None, first=False, pre=[], post=[]): if isinstance(tracklist, dict) or len(tracklist) == 0: plugin.notify(_('no_elements')) return None items = pre items.append(pn_button(pagination, -1, len(tracklist))) for t in tracklist: plugin.log.info('fav: '+str(t['permalink'])+str(type(t['favorited']))+'/'+str(t['favorited']) ) like_res = '' if t.get('favorited', False): like_res += u'\u2665' if t.get('reshared', False): like_res += u' \u00bb' items.append({ 'label': u'%s%s - %s' % ((u'[%s] ' % (like_res) if like_res != '' else u''), t['user']['username'], t['title']), 'icon': t['artwork_url'], 'thumbnail': t['artwork_url'], 'info_type': 'music', 'info': { 'duration': t.get('duration', None), 'date': t.get('created_at', None), 'artist': t['user']['username'], 'title': t['title'], 'genre': t.get('genre', None), 'playcount': int(t.get('playback_count', None)) }, 'context_menu': show_user_context_item(t['user']['permalink']) + context_item_toggle('like', t['favorited'], {'user':t['user']['permalink'], 'trackid': t['permalink']}) + context_item_toggle('reshared', t['reshared'], {'user':t['user']['permalink'], 'trackid': t['permalink']}) , 'path': plugin.url_for('play_track', trackid=t['permalink'], user=t['user']['permalink']), 'is_playable': True }) items = items + post items.append(pn_button(pagination, 1, len(tracklist))) #only skip history if turning pages, not if opening first page initially if pagination != None and first != 'True': ul=True else: ul=False return plugin.finish(items, update_listing=ul) def pn_button(pagination, direction, length): page = pagination['args']['page'] if pagination != None : args = copy.deepcopy(pagination['args']) args['page'] += direction if direction == -1: if page <= 1: return None lbl=_("previous") else: if length < int(addon.getSetting('page_count')): return None lbl=_("next") return {'label': '[%s ...]' % (lbl), 'path': plugin.url_for(pagination['call'], **args)} else: return None def add_pp(obj, page): obj['page'] = int(page) obj['count'] = int(addon.getSetting('page_count')) return obj def login(): if addon.getSetting('login_enabled') == 'false': if logged_in(): result = api_call('logout/') USER['data'] = None plugin.log.info("Logging out: "+str(result)) return password = addon.getSetting('password') email = addon.getSetting('email') if logged_in(): return result = api_call('login/', rtype='POST', data={'email': email, 'password': password}) plugin.log.info("res: "+str(result)) if result.get('success', True): plugin.log.info("login successful") USER['data'] = result else: plugin.notify(_('login_failed')) def logged_in(): return USER.get('data', None) != None def context_item_toggle(prop, state, parms): if logged_in(): if state: lbl = 'rm_'+prop else: lbl = 'add_'+prop parms['prop'] = prop ar_follow = [( _(lbl), actions.update_view(plugin.url_for('toggle_prop', **parms)))] else: ar_follow = [] return ar_follow def show_user_context_item(user): show_user_url = plugin.url_for('show_user_first', user=user, page=1, first='True') return [ ( _('show_artist'), actions.update_view(show_user_url)) ] @plugin.route('/') def main_menu(): login() items1 = [ {'label': _('recently_added'), 'icon': get_image('new.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_feed_first', ftype='new')}, {'label': _('popular'), 'icon': get_image('popular.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_feed_first', ftype='popular')}, {'label': _('genres'), 'icon': get_image('genres.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_genres')}, ] if logged_in(): items_private = [ {'label': _('my_likes'), 'icon': get_image('likes.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_users_likes_first', user=USER['data']['permalink'])}, {'label': _('following'), 'icon': get_image('following.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_following_first', user=USER['data']['permalink'])}, {'label': _('reshared'), 'icon': get_image('reshared.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_reshared_first', user=USER['data']['permalink'])}, ] else: items_private = [] items2 = [ {'label': _('search'), 'icon': get_image('search.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('search')} ] return plugin.finish(items1 + items_private + items2) @plugin.route('/playlist/') def show_playlist(plink): plist = api_call('set/'+plink) return list_tracks(plist) @plugin.route('/user//playlists', name='show_users_playlists_first', options={'page': '1', 'first': 'True'}) @plugin.route('/user//playlists/') def show_users_playlists(user, page, first=False): results = api_call(user, add_pp({'type': 'playlists'}, page)) items = [] for l in results: items.append({'label': l['title'], 'path': plugin.url_for('show_playlist', plink=l['permalink'])}) pagination={'call': 'show_users_playlists', 'args':{'user': user, 'page': int(page)}} return list_tracks(results, pagination, first) @plugin.route('/user//likes', name='show_users_likes_first', options={'page': '1', 'first': 'True'}) @plugin.route('/user//likes/') def show_users_likes(user, page, first=False): results = api_call(user, add_pp({'type': 'likes'}, page)) pagination={'call': 'show_users_likes', 'args':{'user': user, 'page': int(page)}} return list_tracks(results, pagination, first) @plugin.route('/user//reshared', name='show_reshared_first', options={'page': '1', 'first': 'True'}) @plugin.route('/user//reshared/') def show_reshared(user, page, first=False): results = api_call(user, add_pp({'type': 'reshares'}, page)) pagination={'call': 'show_reshared', 'args':{'user': user, 'page': int(page)}} return list_tracks(results, pagination, first) @plugin.route('/user//following', name='show_following_first', options={'page': '1', 'first': 'True'}) @plugin.route('/user//following/') def show_following(user, page, first=False): results = api_call(user+'/following', add_pp({}, page)) pagination={'call': 'show_following', 'args':{'user': user, 'page': int(page)}} return list_users(results, pagination, first) @plugin.route('/user///', name='show_user_first', options={'page': '1', 'first': 'True'}) @plugin.route('/user//') def show_user(user, page, first=False): u = api_call(user) results = api_call(user, add_pp({'type': 'tracks'}, page)) pagination={'call': 'show_user', 'args':{'user': user, 'page': int(page)}} selectors = [ {'label': '%s (%s)' % (_('playlists'), str(u['playlist_count'])), 'icon': get_image('playlist.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_users_playlists_first', user=user)}, {'label': '%s (%s)' % (_('likes'), str(u['likes_count'])), 'icon': get_image('likes.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_users_likes_first', user=user)}, {'label': _('reshared'), 'icon': get_image('reshared.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('show_reshared_first', user=user)} ] return list_tracks(results, pagination, first, pre=selectors) @plugin.route('/genres') def show_genres(): results = api_call('categories') items = [] for g in results: items.append({ 'label': g['name'], 'path': plugin.url_for('show_genre_first', genre=g['id']) }) return plugin.finish(items) @plugin.route('/feeds///', name='show_feed_first', options={'page': '1', 'first': 'True'}) @plugin.route('/feeds//') def show_feed(ftype, page, first=False): results = api_call('feed', add_pp({'type': ftype}, page)) pagination={'call': 'show_feed', 'args':{'ftype': ftype, 'page': int(page)}} return list_tracks(results, pagination, first) @plugin.route('/genre///', name='show_genre_first', options={'page': '1', 'first': 'True'}) @plugin.route('/genre//') def show_genre(genre, page, first=False): results = api_call('categories/'+genre, add_pp({}, page)) pagination={'call': 'show_genre', 'args':{'genre': genre, 'page': int(page)}} return list_tracks(results, pagination, first) @plugin.route('/search_for////', name='search_for_first') @plugin.route('/search_for///') def search_for(stype, skey, page, first=False): results = api_call('search', add_pp({'type': stype, 't': skey}, page)) pagination={'call': 'search_for', 'args':{'stype': stype, 'skey': skey, 'page': int(page)}} if stype == 'tracks': return list_tracks(results, pagination, first) elif stype == 'user': return list_users(results, pagination, first) @plugin.route('/search') def search(): kb = xbmc.Keyboard ('', _('Search'), False) kb.doModal() if kb.isConfirmed(): skey = kb.getText() else: return None selectors = [ {'label': _('search_artist'), 'icon': get_image('search_artist.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('search_for_first', stype='user', skey=skey, page=1, first='True')}, {'label': _('search_track'), 'icon': get_image('search_track.png'), 'path': plugin.url_for('search_for_first', stype='tracks', skey=skey, page=1, first='True')} ] return plugin.finish(selectors) @plugin.route('/play//') def play_track(user, trackid): playurl='https://hearthis.at/'+user+'/'+trackid+'/listen' plugin.log.info('Playing: %s' % playurl) return plugin.set_resolved_url(playurl) @plugin.route('/logged_in/toggle/') def toggle_prop(prop): parms = plugin.request.args if prop == 'like': results = api_call(parms['user'][0]+'/'+parms['trackid'][0]+'/like') r = results['liked'] elif prop == 'follow': results = api_call(parms['user'][0]+'/follow') r = results['follow'] elif prop == 'reshared': results = api_call(parms['user'][0]+'/'+parms['trackid'][0]+'/reshare') plugin.log.info(str(results)) #plugin.notify('set' if r else 'reset') return None if __name__ == '__main__': plugin.run()