# coding=utf-8 import os, sys, shutil, unicodedata, re, types from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint import xbmc, xbmcaddon, xbmcplugin, xbmcgui, xbmcvfs import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmltree import urllib from unidecode import unidecode from urlparse import parse_qs from traceback import print_exc import json ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon() ADDONID = ADDON.getAddonInfo('id').decode( 'utf-8' ) ADDONVERSION = ADDON.getAddonInfo('version') LANGUAGE = ADDON.getLocalizedString CWD = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path').decode("utf-8") ADDONNAME = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name').decode("utf-8") RESOURCE = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( CWD, 'resources', 'lib' ) ).decode("utf-8") DATAPATH = xbmc.translatePath(xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo('profile')).decode('utf-8') sys.path.append(RESOURCE) # character entity reference CHAR_ENTITY_REXP = re.compile('&(%s);' % '|'.join(name2codepoint)) # decimal character reference DECIMAL_REXP = re.compile('&#(\d+);') # hexadecimal character reference HEX_REXP = re.compile('&#x([\da-fA-F]+);') REPLACE1_REXP = re.compile(r'[\']+') REPLACE2_REXP = re.compile(r'[^-a-z0-9]+') REMOVE_REXP = re.compile('-{2,}') def log(txt): if isinstance (txt,str): txt = txt.decode('utf-8') message = u'%s: %s' % (ADDONID, txt) xbmc.log(msg=message.encode('utf-8'), level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG) class Main: # MAIN ENTRY POINT def __init__(self): self._parse_argv() # If there are no custom library nodes in the profile directory, copy them from the Kodi install targetDir = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile".decode('utf-8') ), "library", ltype ) if True: if not os.path.exists( targetDir ): xbmcvfs.mkdirs( targetDir ) originDir = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://xbmc".decode( "utf-8" ) ), "system", "library", ltype ) dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir( originDir ) self.copyNode( dirs, files, targetDir, originDir ) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(ADDONNAME, LANGUAGE( 30400 ) ) print_exc xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1])) return # Create data if not exists if not os.path.exists(DATAPATH): xbmcvfs.mkdir(DATAPATH) if "type" in self.PARAMS: # We're performing a specific action if self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "delete": message = LANGUAGE( 30401 ) if self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] == targetDir: # Ask the user is they want to reset all nodes message = LANGUAGE( 30402 ) result = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(ADDONNAME, message ) if result: if self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ].endswith( ".xml" ): # Delete single file xbmcvfs.delete( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] ) else: # Delete folder RULE.deleteAllNodeRules( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] ) shutil.rmtree( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] ) else: return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "deletenode": result = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(ADDONNAME, LANGUAGE( 30403 ) ) if result: self.changeViewElement( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "node" ], "" ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editlabel": if self.PARAMS[ "label" ].isdigit(): label = xbmc.getLocalizedString( int( self.PARAMS[ "label" ] ) ) else: label = self.PARAMS[ "label" ] # Get new label from keyboard dialog keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard( label, LANGUAGE( 30300 ), False ) keyboard.doModal() if ( keyboard.isConfirmed() ): newlabel = keyboard.getText().decode( "utf-8" ) if newlabel != "" and newlabel != label: # We've got a new label, update the xml file self.changeViewElement( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], "label", newlabel ) else: return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editvisibility": currentVisibility = self.getRootAttrib( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], "visible" ) # Get new visibility from keyboard dialog keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard( currentVisibility, LANGUAGE( 30301 ), False ) keyboard.doModal() if ( keyboard.isConfirmed() ): newVisibility = keyboard.getText() if newVisibility != currentVisibility: # We've got a new label, update the xml file self.changeRootAttrib( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], "visible", newVisibility ) else: return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editorder": currentOrder = self.getRootAttrib( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], "order" ) # Get new label from keyboard dialog neworder = xbmcgui.Dialog().numeric( 0, LANGUAGE( 30302 ), currentOrder ) if neworder != "" and neworder != currentOrder: # We've got a new label, update the xml file self.changeRootAttrib( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], "order", neworder ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "newView": # Get new view name from keyboard dialog keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard( "", LANGUAGE( 30316 ), False ) keyboard.doModal() if ( keyboard.isConfirmed() ): newView = keyboard.getText().decode( "utf-8" ) if newView != "": # Ensure filename is unique filename = self.slugify( newView.lower().replace( " ", "" ) ) if os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], filename + ".xml" ) ): count = 0 while os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], filename + "-" + str( count ) + ".xml" ) ): count += 1 filename = filename + "-" + str( count ) # Create a new xml file tree = xmltree.ElementTree( xmltree.Element( "node" ) ) root = tree.getroot() subtree = xmltree.SubElement( root, "label" ).text = newView # Add any node rules RULE.addAllNodeRules( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], root ) # Write the xml file self.indent( root ) tree.write( os.path.join( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], filename + ".xml" ), encoding="UTF-8" ) else: return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "newNode": # Get new node name from the keyboard dialog keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard( "", LANGUAGE( 30303 ), False ) keyboard.doModal() if ( keyboard.isConfirmed() ): newNode = keyboard.getText().decode( "utf8" ) if newNode == "": return # Ensure foldername is unique foldername = self.slugify( newNode.lower().replace( " ", "" ) ) if os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], foldername + os.pathsep ) ): count = 0 while os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], foldername + "-" + str( count ) + os.pathsep ) ): count += 1 foldername = foldername + "-" + str( count ) foldername = os.path.join( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], foldername ) # Create new node folder xbmcvfs.mkdir( foldername ) # Create a new xml file tree = xmltree.ElementTree( xmltree.Element( "node" ) ) root = tree.getroot() subtree = xmltree.SubElement( root, "label" ).text = newNode # Ask user if they want to import defaults if ltype.startswith( "video" ): defaultNames = [ xbmc.getLocalizedString( 231 ), xbmc.getLocalizedString( 342 ), xbmc.getLocalizedString( 20343 ), xbmc.getLocalizedString( 20389 ) ] defaultValues = [ "", "movies", "tvshows", "musicvideos" ] selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select( LANGUAGE( 30304 ), defaultNames ) else: selected = 0 # If the user selected some defaults... if selected != -1 and selected != 0: try: # Copy those defaults across originDir = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://xbmc".decode( "utf-8" ) ), "system", "library", ltype, defaultValues[ selected ] ) dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir( originDir ) for file in files: if file != "index.xml": xbmcvfs.copy( os.path.join( originDir, file), os.path.join( foldername, file ) ) # Open index.xml and copy values across index = xmltree.parse( os.path.join( originDir, "index.xml" ) ).getroot() if "visible" in index.attrib: root.set( "visible", index.attrib.get( "visible" ) ) icon = index.find( "icon" ) if icon is not None: xmltree.SubElement( root, "icon" ).text = icon.text except: print_exc() # Write the xml file self.indent( root ) tree.write( os.path.join( foldername, "index.xml" ), encoding="UTF-8" ) else: return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "rule": # Display list of all elements of a rule RULE.displayRule( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PATH, self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editMatch": # Editing the field the rule is matched against RULE.editMatch( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "rule" ], self.PARAMS[ "content"], self.PARAMS[ "default" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editOperator": # Editing the operator of a rule RULE.editOperator( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "rule" ], self.PARAMS[ "group" ], self.PARAMS[ "default" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editValue": # Editing the value of a rule RULE.editValue( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "browseValue": # Browse for the new value of a rule RULE.browse( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "rule" ], self.PARAMS[ "match" ], self.PARAMS[ "content" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "deleteRule": # Delete a rule RULE.deleteRule( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editRulesMatch": # Editing whether any or all rules must match ATTRIB.editMatch( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] ) # --- Edit order-by --- elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "orderby": # Display all elements of order by ORDERBY.displayOrderBy( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] ) return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editOrderBy": ORDERBY.editOrderBy( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "content" ], self.PARAMS[ "default" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editOrderByDirection": ORDERBY.editDirection( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "default" ] ) # --- Edit paths --- elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "addPath": ATTRIB.addPath( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editPath": ATTRIB.editPath( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "value" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "pathRule": PATHRULE.displayRule( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], int( self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) ) return elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "deletePathRule": ATTRIB.deletePathRule( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], int( self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editPathMatch": # Editing the field the rule is matched against PATHRULE.editMatch( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], int( self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editPathValue": # Editing the value of a rule PATHRULE.editValue( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], int( self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "browsePathValue": # Browse for the new value of a rule PATHRULE.browse( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], int( self.PARAMS[ "rule" ] ) ) # --- Edit other attribute of view --- # > Content elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editContent": ATTRIB.editContent( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], "" ) # No default to pass, yet! # > Grouping elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editGroup": ATTRIB.editGroup( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "content" ], "" ) # > Limit elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editLimit": ATTRIB.editLimit( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "value" ] ) # > Icon (also for node) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "editIcon": ATTRIB.editIcon( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ], self.PARAMS[ "value" ] ) elif self.PARAMS[ "type" ] == "browseIcon": ATTRIB.browseIcon( self.PARAMS[ "actionPath" ] ) # Refresh the listings and exit xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh") return if self.PATH.endswith( ".xml" ): self.RulesList() else: self.NodesList(targetDir) def NodesList( self, targetDir ): # List nodes and views nodes = {} self.indexCounter = -1 if self.PATH != "": self.listNodes( self.PATH, nodes ) else: self.listNodes( targetDir, nodes ) self.PATH = urllib.quote( self.PATH ) for key in sorted( nodes ): # 0 = Label # 1 = Icon # 2 = Path # 3 = Type # 4 = Order # Localize the label if nodes[ key ][ 0 ].isdigit(): label = xbmc.getLocalizedString( int( nodes[ key ][ 0 ] ) ) else: label = nodes[ key ][ 0 ] # Create the listitem if nodes[ key ][ 3 ] == "folder": listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="(%s) %s >" % ( nodes[ key ][ 4 ], label ), label2=nodes[ key ][ 4 ], iconImage=nodes[ key ][ 1 ] ) else: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="(%s) %s" % ( nodes[ key ][ 4 ], label ), label2=nodes[ key ][ 4 ], iconImage=nodes[ key ][ 1 ] ) # Add context menu items commands = [] commandsNode = [] commandsView = [] commandsNode.append( ( LANGUAGE(30101), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editlabel&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( nodes[ key ][ 2 ], "index.xml" ) + "&label=" + nodes[ key ][ 0 ] + ")" ) ) commandsNode.append( ( LANGUAGE(30102), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editIcon&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( nodes[ key ][ 2 ], "index.xml" ) + "&value=" + nodes[ key ][ 1 ] + ")" ) ) commandsNode.append( ( LANGUAGE(30103), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=browseIcon&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( nodes [ key ][ 2 ], "index.xml" ) + ")" ) ) commandsNode.append( ( LANGUAGE(30104), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editorder&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( nodes[ key ][ 2 ], "index.xml" ) + ")" ) ) commandsNode.append( ( LANGUAGE(30105), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editvisibility&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( nodes[ key ][ 2 ], "index.xml" ) + ")" ) ) commandsNode.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=delete&actionPath=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ] + ")" ) ) commandsView.append( ( LANGUAGE(30101), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editlabel&actionPath=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ] + "&label=" + nodes[ key ][ 0 ] + ")" ) ) commandsView.append( ( LANGUAGE(30102), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editIcon&actionPath=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ] + "&value=" + nodes[ key ][ 1 ] + ")" ) ) commandsView.append( ( LANGUAGE(30103), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=browseIcon&actionPath=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ] + ")" ) ) commandsView.append( ( LANGUAGE(30104), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editorder&actionPath=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ] + ")" ) ) commandsView.append( ( LANGUAGE(30105), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editvisibility&actionPath=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ] + ")" ) ) commandsView.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=delete&actionPath=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ] + ")" ) ) if nodes[ key ][ 3 ] == "folder": listitem.addContextMenuItems( commandsNode, replaceItems = True ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&path=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ], listitem, isFolder=True ) else: listitem.addContextMenuItems( commandsView, replaceItems = True ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&path=" % ltype + nodes[ key ][ 2 ], listitem, isFolder=True ) if self.PATH != "": # Get any rules from the index.xml rules, nextRule = self.getRules( os.path.join( urllib.unquote( self.PATH ), "index.xml" ), True ) rulecount = 0 if rules is not None: for rule in rules: commands = [] if rule[ 0 ] == "rule": # 1 = field # 2 = operator # 3 = value (optional) if len(rule) == 3: translated = RULE.translateRule( [ rule[ 1 ], rule[ 2 ] ] ) else: translated = RULE.translateRule( [ rule[ 1 ], rule[ 2 ], rule[ 3 ] ] ) if len(translated) == 2: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30205), translated[ 0 ][ 0 ], translated[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) else: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s %s %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30205), translated[ 0 ][ 0 ], translated[ 1 ][ 0 ], translated[ 2 ][ 1 ] ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE( 30100 ), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deleteRule&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( self.PATH, "index.xml" ) + "&rule=" + str( rulecount ) + ")" ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=rule&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( self.PATH, "index.xml" ) + "&rule=" + str( rulecount ) rulecount += 1 listitem.addContextMenuItems( commands, replaceItems = True ) if rule[ 0 ] == "rule" or rule[ 0 ] == "order": xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), action, listitem, isFolder=True ) else: xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), action, listitem, isFolder=False ) # New rule xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=rule&actionPath=" % ltype + os.path.join( self.PATH, "index.xml" ) + "&rule=" + str( nextRule), xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30005) ), isFolder=True ) showReset = False if self.PATH == "": self.PATH = urllib.quote( targetDir ) showReset = True # New view and node xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=newView&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH, xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30006) ), isFolder=False ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=newNode&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH, xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30007) ), isFolder=False ) if showReset: xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=delete&actionPath=" % ltype + targetDir, xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30008) ), isFolder=False ) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'files') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1])) def RulesList( self ): # List rules for specific view rules, nextRule = self.getRules( self.PATH ) hasContent = False content = "" hasOrder = False hasGroup = False hasLimit = False hasPath = False splitPath = None rulecount = 0 self.PATH = self.PATH if rules is not None: for rule in rules: commands = [] if rule[ 0 ] == "content": # 1 = Content listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30200), ATTRIB.translateContent( rule[ 1 ] ) ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deletenode&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&node=content)" ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editContent&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH hasContent = True content = rule[ 1 ] elif rule[ 0 ] == "order": # 1 = orderby # 2 = direction (optional?) if len( rule ) == 3: translate = ORDERBY.translateOrderBy( [ rule[ 1 ], rule[ 2 ] ] ) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s (%s)" % ( LANGUAGE(30201), translate[ 0 ][ 0 ], translate[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) else: translate = ORDERBY.translateOrderBy( [ rule[ 1 ], "" ] ) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30201), translate[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deletenode&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&node=order)" ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=orderby&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH hasOrder = True elif rule[ 0 ] == "group": # 1 = group listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30202), ATTRIB.translateGroup( rule[ 1 ] ) ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deletenode&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&node=group)" ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editGroup&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&value=" + rule[ 1 ] + "&content=" + content hasGroup = True elif rule[ 0 ] == "limit": # 1 = limit listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30203), rule[ 1 ] ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deletenode&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&node=limit)" ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editLimit&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&value=" + rule[ 1 ] hasLimit = True elif rule[ 0 ] == "path": # 1 = path # Split the path into components splitPath = ATTRIB.splitPath( rule[ 1 ] ) # Add each element of the path to the list for x, component in enumerate( splitPath ): if x == 0: # library://path/ listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30204), ATTRIB.translatePath( component ) ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deletenode&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&node=path)" ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=addPath&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH # Get the rules rules = PATHRULE.getRulesForPath( splitPath[ 0 ] ) if x != 0: # Specific component # Add the listitem generated from the last component we processed listitem.addContextMenuItems( commands, replaceItems = True ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), action, listitem, isFolder=True ) commands = [] # Get the rule for this component componentRule = PATHRULE.getMatchingRule( component, rules ) translatedComponent = PATHRULE.translateComponent( componentRule, splitPath[ x ] ) translatedValue = PATHRULE.translateValue( componentRule, splitPath, x ) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s" % ( translatedComponent, translatedValue ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deletePathRule&actionPath=%s&rule=%d)" %( ltype, self.PATH, x ) ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=pathRule&actionPath=%s&rule=%d" % ( ltype, self.PATH, x ) hasPath = True elif rule[ 0 ] == "rule": # 1 = field # 2 = operator # 3 = value (optional) # 4 = ruleNum if len(rule) == 3: translated = RULE.translateRule( [ rule[ 1 ], rule[ 2 ] ] ) else: translated = RULE.translateRule( [ rule[ 1 ], rule[ 2 ], rule[ 3 ] ] ) if translated[ 2 ][ 0 ] == "|NONE|": listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30205), translated[ 0 ][ 0 ], translated[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) else: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s %s %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30205), translated[ 0 ][ 0 ], translated[ 1 ][ 0 ], translated[ 2 ][ 1 ] ) ) commands.append( ( LANGUAGE(30100), "XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=deleteRule&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&rule=" + str( rule[ 4 ] ) + ")" ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=rule&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&rule=" + str( rule[ 4 ] ) rulecount += 1 elif rule[ 0 ] == "match": # 1 = value listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label="%s: %s" % ( LANGUAGE(30206), ATTRIB.translateMatch( rule[ 1 ] ) ) ) action = "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editRulesMatch&actionPath=%s" %( ltype, self.PATH ) hasGroup = True listitem.addContextMenuItems( commands, replaceItems = True ) if rule[ 0 ] == "rule" or rule[ 0 ] == "order" or rule[ 0 ] == "path": xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), action, listitem, isFolder=True ) else: xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), action, listitem, isFolder=False ) if not hasContent and not hasPath: # Add content xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editContent&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH, xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30000) ) ) if not hasOrder and hasContent: # Add order xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=orderby&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH, xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30002) ), isFolder=True ) if not hasGroup and hasContent: # Add group xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editGroup&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&content=" + content, xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30004) ) ) if not hasLimit and hasContent: # Add limit xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editLimit&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&value=25", xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30003) ) ) if not hasPath and not hasContent: # Add path xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=addPath&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH, xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30001) ) ) if hasContent: # Add rule xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=rule&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&rule=" + str( nextRule ), xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30005) ), isFolder = True ) if hasPath: if "plugin://" not in splitPath[0][0]: # Add component xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=pathRule&actionPath=%s&rule=%d" % ( ltype, self.PATH, x + 1 ), xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30009) ), isFolder = True ) # Manually edit path xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s&type=editPath&actionPath=" % ltype + self.PATH + "&value=" + urllib.quote( rule[ 1 ] ), xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30010) ), isFolder = True ) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'files') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1])) def _parse_argv( self ): try: p = parse_qs(sys.argv[2][1:]) for i in p.keys(): p[i] = p[i][0].decode( "utf-8" ) self.PARAMS = p except: p = parse_qs(sys.argv[1]) for i in p.keys(): p[i] = p[i][0].decode( "utf-8" ) self.PARAMS = p if "path" in self.PARAMS: self.PATH = self.PARAMS[ "path" ] else: self.PATH = "" def getRules( self, actionPath, justRules = False ): returnVal = [] try: # Load the xml file tree = xmltree.parse( actionPath ) root = tree.getroot() if justRules == False: # Look for a 'content' content = root.find( "content" ) if content is not None: returnVal.append( ( "content", content.text.decode( "utf-8" ) ) ) # Look for an 'order' order = root.find( "order" ) if order is not None: if "direction" in order.attrib: returnVal.append( ( "order", order.text, order.attrib.get( "direction" ) ) ) else: returnVal.append( ( "order", order.text ) ) # Look for a 'group' group = root.find( "group" ) if group is not None: returnVal.append( ( "group", group.text ) ) # Look for a 'limit' limit = root.find( "limit" ) if limit is not None: returnVal.append( ( "limit", limit.text ) ) # Look for a 'path' path = root.find( "path" ) if path is not None: returnVal.append( ( "path", path.text ) ) # Save the current length of the returnVal - we'll insert Match here if there are two or more rules currentLen = len( returnVal ) # Look for any rules ruleNum = 0 if actionPath.endswith( "index.xml" ): # Load the rules from RULE module rules = RULE.getNodeRules( actionPath ) if rules is not None: for rule in rules: returnVal.append( ( "rule", rule[ 0 ], rule[ 1 ], rule[ 2 ], ruleNum ) ) ruleNum += 1 return returnVal, len( rules ) else: return returnVal, 0 else: rules = root.findall( "rule" ) # Process the rules if rules is not None: for rule in rules: value = rule.find( "value" ) if value is not None and value.text is not None: translated = RULE.translateRule( [ rule.attrib.get( "field" ), rule.attrib.get( "operator" ), value.text ] ) if not RULE.isNodeRule( translated, actionPath ): returnVal.append( ( "rule", rule.attrib.get( "field" ), rule.attrib.get( "operator" ), value.text, ruleNum ) ) else: translated = RULE.translateRule( [ rule.attrib.get( "field" ), rule.attrib.get( "operator" ), "" ] ) if not RULE.isNodeRule( translated, actionPath ): returnVal.append( ( "rule", rule.attrib.get( "field" ), rule.attrib.get( "operator" ), "", ruleNum ) ) ruleNum += 1 # Get any current match value if there are more than two rules # (if there's only one, the match value doesn't matter) if ruleNum >= 2: matchRules = "all" match = root.find( "match" ) if match is not None: matchRules = match.text returnVal.insert( currentLen, ( "match", matchRules ) ) return returnVal, len( rules ) return returnVal, 0 except: print_exc() def listNodes( self, targetDir, nodes ): dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir( targetDir ) for dir in dirs: self.parseNode( os.path.join( targetDir, dir ), nodes ) for file in files: self.parseItem( os.path.join( targetDir, file.decode( "utf-8" ) ), nodes ) def parseNode( self, node, nodes ): # If the folder we've been passed contains an index.xml, send that file to be processed if os.path.exists( os.path.join( node, "index.xml" ) ): # BETA2 ONLY CODE RULE.moveNodeRuleToAppdata( node, os.path.join( node, "index.xml" ) ) # /BETA2 ONLY CODE self.parseItem( os.path.join( node, "index.xml" ), nodes, True, node ) def parseItem( self, file, nodes, isFolder = False, origFolder = None ): if not isFolder and file.endswith( "index.xml" ): return try: # Load the xml file tree = xmltree.parse( file ) root = tree.getroot() # Get the item index if "order" in tree.getroot().attrib: index = tree.getroot().attrib.get( "order" ) origIndex = index while int( index ) in nodes: index = int( index ) index += 1 index = str( index ) else: self.indexCounter -= 1 index = str( self.indexCounter ) origIndex = "-" # Get label and icon label = root.find( "label" ).text icon = root.find( "icon" ) if icon is not None: icon = icon.text else: icon = "" # Add it to our list of nodes if isFolder: nodes[ int( index ) ] = [ label, icon, urllib.quote( origFolder.decode( "utf-8" ) ), "folder", origIndex ] else: nodes[ int( index ) ] = [ label, icon, file, "item", origIndex ] except: print_exc() def getViewElement( self, file, element, newvalue ): try: # Load the file tree = xmltree.parse( file ) root = tree.getroot() # Change the element node = root.find( element ) if node is not None: return node.text else: return "" except: print_exc() def changeViewElement( self, file, element, newvalue ): try: # Load the file tree = xmltree.parse( file ) root = tree.getroot() # If the element is content, we can only delete this if there are no # rules, limits, orders if element == "content": rule = root.find( "rule" ) order = root.find( "order" ) limit = root.find( "limit" ) if rule is not None or order is not None or limit is not None: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDONNAME, LANGUAGE( 30404 ) ) return # Find the element node = root.find( element ) if node is not None: # If we've been passed an empty value, delete the node if newvalue == "": root.remove( node ) else: node.text = newvalue else: # Add a new node if newvalue != "": xmltree.SubElement( root, element ).text = newvalue # Pretty print and save self.indent( root ) tree.write( file, encoding="UTF-8" ) except: print_exc() def getRootAttrib( self, file, attrib ): try: # Load the file tree = xmltree.parse( file ) root = tree.getroot() # Find the element if attrib in root.attrib: return root.attrib.get( attrib ) else: return "" except: print_exc() def changeRootAttrib( self, file, attrib, newvalue ): try: # Load the file tree = xmltree.parse( file ) root = tree.getroot() # If empty newvalue, delete the attribute if newvalue == "": if attrib in root.attrib: root.attrib.pop( attrib ) else: # Change or add the attribute root.set( attrib, newvalue ) # Pretty print and save self.indent( root ) tree.write( file, encoding="UTF-8" ) except: print_exc() def copyNode(self, dirs, files, target, origin): for file in files: success = xbmcvfs.copy( os.path.join( origin, file ), os.path.join( target, file ) ) for dir in dirs: nextDirs, nextFiles = xbmcvfs.listdir( os.path.join( origin, dir ) ) self.copyNode( nextDirs, nextFiles, os.path.join( target, dir ), os.path.join( origin, dir ) ) # in-place prettyprint formatter def indent( self, elem, level=0 ): i = "\n" + level*"\t" if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + "\t" if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: self.indent(elem, level+1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i # Slugify functions def smart_truncate(string, max_length=0, word_boundaries=False, separator=' '): string = string.strip(separator) if not max_length: return string if len(string) < max_length: return string if not word_boundaries: return string[:max_length].strip(separator) if separator not in string: return string[:max_length] truncated = '' for word in string.split(separator): if word: next_len = len(truncated) + len(word) + len(separator) if next_len <= max_length: truncated += '{0}{1}'.format(word, separator) if not truncated: truncated = string[:max_length] return truncated.strip(separator) def slugify(self, text, entities=True, decimal=True, hexadecimal=True, max_length=0, word_boundary=False, separator='-', convertInteger=False): # Handle integers if convertInteger and text.isdigit(): text = "NUM-" + text # text to unicode if type(text) != types.UnicodeType: text = unicode(text, 'utf-8', 'ignore') # decode unicode ( ??? = Ying Shi Ma) text = unidecode(text) # text back to unicode if type(text) != types.UnicodeType: text = unicode(text, 'utf-8', 'ignore') # character entity reference if entities: text = CHAR_ENTITY_REXP.sub(lambda m: unichr(name2codepoint[m.group(1)]), text) # decimal character reference if decimal: try: text = DECIMAL_REXP.sub(lambda m: unichr(int(m.group(1))), text) except: pass # hexadecimal character reference if hexadecimal: try: text = HEX_REXP.sub(lambda m: unichr(int(m.group(1), 16)), text) except: pass # translate text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text) if sys.version_info < (3,): text = text.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # replace unwanted characters text = REPLACE1_REXP.sub('', text.lower()) # replace ' with nothing instead with - text = REPLACE2_REXP.sub('-', text.lower()) # remove redundant - text = REMOVE_REXP.sub('-', text).strip('-') # smart truncate if requested if max_length > 0: text = smart_truncate(text, max_length, word_boundary, '-') if separator != '-': text = text.replace('-', separator) return text def getVideoLibraryLType(): json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "Settings.GetSettingValue", "params": {"setting": "myvideos.flatten"}}') json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') json_response = json.loads(json_query) if json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'].has_key('value'): if json_response['result']['value']: return "video_flat" return "video" if ( __name__ == "__main__" ): log('script version %s started' % ADDONVERSION) # Profiling #filename = os.path.join( DATAPATH, strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S",gmtime() ) + "-" + str( random.randrange(0,100000) ) + ".log" ) #cProfile.run( 'Main()', filename ) #stream = open( filename + ".txt", 'w') #p = pstats.Stats( filename, stream = stream ) #p.sort_stats( "cumulative" ) #p.print_stats() # No profiling ltype = '' if sys.argv[2] == '': videoltype = getVideoLibraryLType() xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=%s" %( videoltype ), xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30091) ), isFolder=True ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), "plugin://plugin.library.node.editor?ltype=music", xbmcgui.ListItem( label=LANGUAGE(30092) ), isFolder=True ) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'files') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1])) else: params = dict( arg.split( "=" ) for arg in sys.argv[ 2 ][1:].split( "&" ) ) ltype = params['ltype'] if ltype != '': import rules, pathrules, viewattrib, orderby RULE = rules.RuleFunctions() ATTRIB = viewattrib.ViewAttribFunctions() PATHRULE = pathrules.PathRuleFunctions() PATHRULE.ATTRIB = ATTRIB ORDERBY = orderby.OrderByFunctions() Main() log('script stopped')