video Catch-Up TV & More : Replay TV et bien plus encore. Catch-Up TV & More regroupe dans un même plugin Kodi l'ensemble des vidéos des différents services et chaînes de Replay TV (rattrapage TV). De plus, cette extension vous permet d'accéder rapidement aux vidéos et contenus proposés par certains sites internet. Retours de bugs, propositions d'améliorations ou d'ajout de contenus sont les bienvenue ! GitHub ou e-mail. Catch-Up TV & More: It's all in the title. Catch-Up TV & More brings together in one Kodi plugin all the videos of the various services and channels of catch-up TV. Furthermore, this addon allows you to quickly access the videos and content offered by certain websites. Bug reports, suggestions for improvements or content additions are welcome! GitHub or e-mail. fr all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 [AT] gmail [DOT] com [Improvement] Choose video quality with DIALOG setting for compatible channels (wwark) [Add live TV] TF1 group (wwark) [Bug] TF1 group: Fix wrong Video URL format [Improvement] TF1 group: Add missing date and duration for videos [Add channel] Tfou — MyTF1 (wwark) [Add channel] Xtra — MyTF1 (wwark) [Add channel] LCI (wwark) [Add Live TV] Pluzz — France Télévision (wwark) [Add channel] La 1ère — Outre-Mer (wwark) [Add channel] France Info (wwark) [Add Live TV] Canal + group (wwark) [Add channel] Stories — 6play (wwark) [Add channel] Bruce — 6play (wwark) [Add channel] Crazy Kitchen — 6play (wwark) [Add channel] Home Time — 6play (wwark) [Add channel] Sixième Style — 6play (wwark) [Add channel] Comic — 6play (wwark) [Add Live TV] Arte (wwark) [Add Live TV] BFM TV (wwark) [Add channel — Live TV] BFM Business (wwark) [Add channel — Live TV] RMC (wwark) [Add channel] 01Net TV (wwark) [Add channel — Live TV] RMC Découverte (wwark) [Add Live TV] Gulli (wwark) [Add Live TV] L'Équipe (wwark) [Add Live TV] Numéro 23 (wwark) [Add channel — Live TV] LCP Assemblée Nationale (wwark) [Add channel — Live TV] France 24 (wwark) [Add channel — Live TV] Public Sénat (wwark) [Add Live TV] Euronews (wwark) [Improvement] Add download mode on multiple channels (wwark) icon.png fanart.jpg resources/screenshots/screenshot-01.jpg resources/screenshots/screenshot-02.jpg resources/screenshots/screenshot-03.jpg resources/screenshots/screenshot-04.jpg resources/screenshots/screenshot-05.jpg