# Gnu General Public License - see LICENSE.TXT import xbmcaddon import xbmcgui import xbmcplugin import xbmc import re import encodings import string import random import urllib import json import httplib import base64 import sys import binascii from downloadutils import DownloadUtils from simple_logging import SimpleLogging from clientinfo import ClientInformation from json_rpc import json_rpc from translation import i18n from datamanager import DataManager # define our global download utils downloadUtils = DownloadUtils() log = SimpleLogging(__name__) ########################################################################### class PlayUtils(): def getPlayUrl(self, id, media_source, force_transcode, play_session_id): log.debug("getPlayUrl") addonSettings = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.embycon') playback_type = addonSettings.getSetting("playback_type") server = downloadUtils.getServer() log.debug("playback_type: {0}", playback_type) if force_transcode: log.debug("playback_type: FORCED_TRANSCODE") playurl = None log.debug("play_session_id: {0}", play_session_id) media_source_id = media_source.get("Id") log.debug("media_source_id: {0}", media_source_id) is_h265 = False streams = media_source.get("MediaStreams", []) for stream in streams: if stream.get("Type", "") == "Video" and stream.get("Codec", "") in ["hevc", "h265"]: is_h265 = True break if is_h265: log.debug("H265_IS_TRUE") h265_action = addonSettings.getSetting("h265_action") if h265_action == "1": log.debug("H265 override play action: setting to Direct Streaming") playback_type = "1" elif h265_action == "2": log.debug("H265 override play action: setting to Transcode Streaming") playback_type = "2" if force_transcode: playback_type = "2" # transcode if playback_type == "2": playback_bitrate = addonSettings.getSetting("playback_bitrate") log.debug("playback_bitrate: {0}", playback_bitrate) playback_max_width = addonSettings.getSetting("playback_max_width") playback_video_force_8 = addonSettings.getSetting("playback_video_force_8") == "true" clientInfo = ClientInformation() deviceId = clientInfo.getDeviceId() bitrate = int(playback_bitrate) * 1000 user_token = downloadUtils.authenticate() playurl = ("%s/emby/Videos/%s/master.m3u8" + "?MediaSourceId=%s" + "&PlaySessionId=%s" + "&VideoCodec=h264" + "&AudioCodec=ac3" + "&MaxAudioChannels=6" + "&deviceId=%s" + "&VideoBitrate=%s" + "&maxWidth=%s") playurl = playurl % (server, id, media_source_id, play_session_id, deviceId, bitrate, playback_max_width) if playback_video_force_8: playurl = playurl + "&MaxVideoBitDepth=8" playurl = playurl + "&api_key=" + user_token # do direct path playback elif playback_type == "0": playurl = media_source.get("Path") # handle DVD structure if (media_source.get("VideoType") == "Dvd"): playurl = playurl + "/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO" elif (media_source.get("VideoType") == "BluRay"): playurl = playurl + "/BDMV/index.bdmv" smb_username = addonSettings.getSetting('smbusername') smb_password = addonSettings.getSetting('smbpassword') # add smb creds if smb_username == '': playurl = playurl.replace("\\\\", "smb://") else: playurl = playurl.replace("\\\\", "smb://" + smb_username + ':' + smb_password + '@') playurl = playurl.replace("\\", "/") # do direct http streaming playback elif playback_type == "1": playurl = ("%s/emby/Videos/%s/stream" + "?static=true" + "&PlaySessionId=%s" + "&MediaSourceId=%s") playurl = playurl % (server, id, play_session_id, media_source_id) user_token = downloadUtils.authenticate() playurl = playurl + "&api_key=" + user_token log.debug("Playback URL: {0}", playurl) return playurl, playback_type def getStrmDetails(self, media_source): playurl = None listitem_props = [] contents = media_source.get('Path').encode('utf-8') # contains contents of strm file with linebreaks line_break = '\r' if '\r\n' in contents: line_break = '\r\n' elif '\n' in contents: line_break = '\n' lines = contents.split(line_break) for line in lines: line = line.strip() log.debug("STRM Line: {0}", line) if line.startswith('#KODIPROP:'): match = re.search('#KODIPROP:(?P[^=]+?)=(?P.+)', line) if match: item_property = match.group('item_property') property_value = match.group('property_value') log.debug("STRM property found: {0} value: {1}", item_property, property_value) listitem_props.append((item_property, property_value)) else: log.debug("STRM #KODIPROP incorrect format") elif line.startswith('#'): # unrecognized, treat as comment log.debug("STRM unrecognized line identifier, ignored") elif line != '': playurl = line log.debug("STRM playback url found") log.debug("Playback URL: {0} ListItem Properties: {1}", playurl, listitem_props) return playurl, listitem_props def getChecksum(item): userdata = item['UserData'] checksum = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % ( item['Etag'], userdata['Played'], userdata['IsFavorite'], userdata.get('Likes', "-"), userdata['PlaybackPositionTicks'], userdata.get('UnplayedItemCount', "-"), userdata.get("PlayedPercentage", "-") ) return checksum def getArt(item, server, widget=False): art = { 'thumb': '', 'fanart': '', 'poster': '', 'banner': '', 'clearlogo': '', 'clearart': '', 'discart': '', 'landscape': '', 'tvshow.fanart': '', 'tvshow.poster': '', 'tvshow.clearart': '', 'tvshow.clearlogo': '', 'tvshow.banner': '', 'tvshow.landscape': '' } item_id = item["Id"] image_id = item_id imageTags = item["ImageTags"] if imageTags is not None and imageTags["Primary"] is not None: image_tag = imageTags["Primary"] if widget: art['thumb'] = downloadUtils.imageUrl(image_id, "Primary", 0, 400, 400, image_tag, server=server) else: art['thumb'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Primary", server=server) item_type = item["Type"] if item_type == "Episode" or item_type == "Season": art['tvshow.poster'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Primary", parent=True, server=server) art['tvshow.clearart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Art", parent=True, server=server) art['tvshow.clearlogo'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Logo", parent=True, server=server) art['tvshow.banner'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Banner", parent=True, server=server) art['tvshow.landscape'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Thumb", parent=True, server=server) art['tvshow.fanart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Backdrop", parent=True, server=server) elif item_type == "Series": art['tvshow.poster'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Primary", parent=False, server=server) art['tvshow.clearart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Art", parent=False, server=server) art['tvshow.clearlogo'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Logo", parent=False, server=server) art['tvshow.banner'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Banner", parent=False, server=server) art['tvshow.landscape'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Thumb", parent=False, server=server) art['tvshow.fanart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Backdrop", parent=False, server=server) if item_type == "Episode": art['landscape'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Thumb", parent=True, server=server) else: art['poster'] = art['thumb'] art['fanart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Backdrop", server=server) if not art['fanart']: art['fanart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Backdrop", parent=True, server=server) if not art['landscape']: art['landscape'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Thumb", server=server) if not art['landscape']: art['landscape'] = art['fanart'] if not art['thumb']: art['thumb'] = art['landscape'] art['banner'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Banner", server=server) art['clearlogo'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Logo", server=server) art['clearart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Art", server=server) art['discart'] = downloadUtils.getArtwork(item, "Disc", server=server) return art def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) def cache_artwork(): log.debug("cache_artwork") xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), cacheToDisc=False) # is the web server enabled web_query = {"setting": "services.webserver"} result = json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue').execute(web_query) xbmc_webserver_enabled = result['result']['value'] if not xbmc_webserver_enabled: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(i18n('notice'), i18n('http_control')) return # get the port web_port = {"setting": "services.webserverport"} result = json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue').execute(web_port) xbmc_port = result['result']['value'] log.debug("xbmc_port: {0}", xbmc_port) # get the user web_user = {"setting": "services.webserverusername"} result = json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue').execute(web_user) xbmc_username = result['result']['value'] log.debug("xbmc_username: {0}", xbmc_username) # get the password web_pass = {"setting": "services.webserverpassword"} result = json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue').execute(web_pass) xbmc_password = result['result']['value'] # ask to delete all textures question_result = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(i18n('delete'), i18n('delete_existing')) if question_result: pdialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pdialog.create(i18n('deleting_textures'), "") index = 0 json_result = json_rpc('Textures.GetTextures').execute() textures = json_result.get("result", {}).get("textures", []) log.debug("texture ids: {0}", textures) total = len(textures) for texture in textures: texture_id = texture["textureid"] params = {"textureid": int(texture_id)} json_result = json_rpc('Textures.RemoveTexture').execute(params) percentage = int((float(index) / float(total)) * 100) message = "%s of %s" % (index, total) pdialog.update(percentage, "%s" % (message)) index += 1 if pdialog.iscanceled(): break del textures del pdialog question_result = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(i18n('cache_all_textures_title'), i18n('cache_all_textures')) if not question_result: return params = {"properties": ["url"]} json_result = json_rpc('Textures.GetTextures').execute(params) textures = json_result.get("result", {}).get("textures", []) texture_urls = set() for texture in textures: url = texture.get("url") url = urllib.unquote(url) url = url.replace("image://", "") url = url[0:-1] texture_urls.add(url) del textures del json_result url = ('{server}/emby/Users/{userid}/Items?' + '&Recursive=true' + '&IncludeItemTypes=Movie,Series,Episode,BoxSet' + '&ImageTypeLimit=1' + '&format=json') data_manager = DataManager() results = data_manager.GetContent(url) if results is None: results = [] if isinstance(results, dict): results = results.get("Items") server = downloadUtils.getServer() missing_texture_urls = set() image_types = ["thumb", "poster", "banner", "clearlogo", "tvshow.poster", "tvshow.banner", "tvshow.landscape"] for item in results: art = getArt(item, server) for image_type in image_types: image_url = art[image_type] if image_url not in texture_urls and not image_url.endswith("&Tag=") and len(image_url) > 0: missing_texture_urls.add(image_url) log.debug("texture_urls: {0}", texture_urls) log.debug("missing_texture_urls: {0}", missing_texture_urls) log.debug("Number of existing textures: {0}", len(texture_urls)) log.debug("Number of missing textures: {0}", len(missing_texture_urls)) kodi_http_server = "localhost:" + str(xbmc_port) headers = {} if xbmc_password: auth = "%s:%s" % (xbmc_username, xbmc_password) headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(auth)} pdialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pdialog.create(i18n('caching_textures'), "") total = len(missing_texture_urls) index = 1 count_done = 0 for get_url in missing_texture_urls: log.debug("texture_url: {0}", get_url) url = double_urlencode(get_url) kodi_texture_url = ("/image/image://%s" % url) log.debug("kodi_texture_url: {0}", kodi_texture_url) percentage = int((float(index) / float(total)) * 100) message = "%s of %s" % (index, total) pdialog.update(percentage, "%s" % (message)) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(kodi_http_server, timeout=20) conn.request(method="GET", url=kodi_texture_url, headers=headers) data = conn.getresponse() if data.status == 200: count_done += 1 log.debug("Get Image Result: {0}", data.status) index += 1 if pdialog.iscanceled(): break pdialog.close() del pdialog report_text = i18n('existing_textures') + str(len(texture_urls)) + "\n" report_text += i18n('missing_textures') + str(len(missing_texture_urls)) + "\n" report_text += i18n('loaded_textures') + str(count_done) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(i18n('done'), report_text) def double_urlencode(text): text = single_urlencode(text) text = single_urlencode(text) return text def single_urlencode(text): # urlencode needs a utf- string text = urllib.urlencode({'blahblahblah': text.encode('utf-8')}) text = text[13:] return text.decode('utf-8') #return the result again as unicode def send_event_notification(method, data): next_data = json.dumps(data) source_id = "embycon" data = '\\"[\\"{0}\\"]\\"'.format(binascii.hexlify(next_data)) command = 'XBMC.NotifyAll({0}.SIGNAL,{1},{2})'.format(source_id, method, data) log.debug("Sending notification event data: {0}", command) xbmc.executebuiltin(command)