# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division import os import sys import re import datetime import time import json from operator import itemgetter from ipwww_common import translation, AddMenuEntry, OpenURL, \ CheckLogin, CreateBaseDirectory, GetCookieJar, \ ParseImageUrl, download_subtitles import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcplugin import xbmcaddon from random import randint ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.iplayerwww') def RedButtonDialog(): if ADDON.getSetting('redbutton_warning') == 'true': dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret = dialog.yesno(translation(30405), translation(30406), '', translation(30407), translation(30409), translation(30408)) if ret: ListRedButton() else: ListRedButton() def ListRedButton(): channel_list = [ ('sport_stream_01', 'BBC Red Button 1'), ('sport_stream_02', 'BBC Red Button 2'), ('sport_stream_03', 'BBC Red Button 3'), ('sport_stream_04', 'BBC Red Button 4'), ('sport_stream_05', 'BBC Red Button 5'), ('sport_stream_06', 'BBC Red Button 6'), ('sport_stream_07', 'BBC Red Button 7'), ('sport_stream_08', 'BBC Red Button 8'), ('sport_stream_09', 'BBC Red Button 9'), ('sport_stream_10', 'BBC Red Button 10'), ('sport_stream_11', 'BBC Red Button 11'), ('sport_stream_12', 'BBC Red Button 12'), ('sport_stream_13', 'BBC Red Button 13'), ('sport_stream_14', 'BBC Red Button 14'), ('sport_stream_15', 'BBC Red Button 15'), ('sport_stream_16', 'BBC Red Button 16'), ('sport_stream_17', 'BBC Red Button 17'), ('sport_stream_18', 'BBC Red Button 18'), ('sport_stream_19', 'BBC Red Button 19'), ('sport_stream_20', 'BBC Red Button 20'), ('sport_stream_21', 'BBC Red Button 21'), ('sport_stream_22', 'BBC Red Button 22'), ('sport_stream_23', 'BBC Red Button 23'), ('sport_stream_24', 'BBC Red Button 24'), ('sport_stream_01b', 'BBC Red Button 1b'), ('sport_stream_02b', 'BBC Red Button 2b'), ('sport_stream_03b', 'BBC Red Button 3b'), ('sport_stream_04b', 'BBC Red Button 4b'), ('sport_stream_05b', 'BBC Red Button 5b'), ('sport_stream_06b', 'BBC Red Button 6b'), ('sport_stream_07b', 'BBC Red Button 7b'), ('sport_stream_08b', 'BBC Red Button 8b'), ('sport_stream_09b', 'BBC Red Button 9b'), ('sport_stream_10b', 'BBC Red Button 10b'), ('sport_stream_11b', 'BBC Red Button 11b'), ('sport_stream_12b', 'BBC Red Button 12b'), ('sport_stream_13b', 'BBC Red Button 13b'), ('sport_stream_14b', 'BBC Red Button 14b'), ('sport_stream_15b', 'BBC Red Button 15b'), ('sport_stream_16b', 'BBC Red Button 16b'), ('sport_stream_17b', 'BBC Red Button 17b'), ('sport_stream_18b', 'BBC Red Button 18b'), ('sport_stream_19b', 'BBC Red Button 19b'), ('sport_stream_20b', 'BBC Red Button 20b'), ('sport_stream_21b', 'BBC Red Button 21b'), ('sport_stream_22b', 'BBC Red Button 22b'), ('sport_stream_23b', 'BBC Red Button 23b'), ('sport_stream_24b', 'BBC Red Button 24b'), ] iconimage = xbmc.translatePath('special://home/addons/plugin.video.iplayerwww/media/red_button.png') for id, name in channel_list: if ADDON.getSetting('streams_autoplay') == 'true': AddMenuEntry(name, id, 203, iconimage, '', '') else: AddMenuEntry(name, id, 123, iconimage, '', '') # ListLive creates menu entries for all live channels. def ListLive(): channel_list = [ ('bbc_one_hd', 'BBC One'), ('bbc_two_hd', 'BBC Two'), ('bbc_four_hd', 'BBC Four'), ('cbbc_hd', 'CBBC'), ('cbeebies_hd', 'CBeebies'), ('bbc_news24', 'BBC News Channel'), ('bbc_parliament', 'BBC Parliament'), ('bbc_alba', 'Alba'), ('s4cpbs', 'S4C'), ('bbc_one_london', 'BBC One London'), ('bbc_one_scotland_hd', 'BBC One Scotland'), ('bbc_one_northern_ireland_hd', 'BBC One Northern Ireland'), ('bbc_one_wales_hd', 'BBC One Wales'), ('bbc_two_scotland', 'BBC Two Scotland'), ('bbc_two_northern_ireland_digital', 'BBC Two Northern Ireland'), ('bbc_two_wales_digital', 'BBC Two Wales'), ('bbc_two_england', 'BBC Two England',), ('bbc_one_cambridge', 'BBC One Cambridge',), ('bbc_one_channel_islands', 'BBC One Channel Islands',), ('bbc_one_east', 'BBC One East',), ('bbc_one_east_midlands', 'BBC One East Midlands',), ('bbc_one_east_yorkshire', 'BBC One East Yorkshire',), ('bbc_one_north_east', 'BBC One North East',), ('bbc_one_north_west', 'BBC One North West',), ('bbc_one_oxford', 'BBC One Oxford',), ('bbc_one_south', 'BBC One South',), ('bbc_one_south_east', 'BBC One South East',), ('bbc_one_south_west', 'BBC One South West',), ('bbc_one_west', 'BBC One West',), ('bbc_one_west_midlands', 'BBC One West Midlands',), ('bbc_one_yorks', 'BBC One Yorks',), ] for id, name in channel_list: iconimage = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join('special://home/addons/plugin.video.iplayerwww/media', id + '.png')) if ADDON.getSetting('streams_autoplay') == 'true': AddMenuEntry(name, id, 203, iconimage, '', '') else: AddMenuEntry(name, id, 123, iconimage, '', '') def ListAtoZ(): """List programmes based on alphabetical order. Only creates the corresponding directories for each character. """ characters = [ ('A', 'a'), ('B', 'b'), ('C', 'c'), ('D', 'd'), ('E', 'e'), ('F', 'f'), ('G', 'g'), ('H', 'h'), ('I', 'i'), ('J', 'j'), ('K', 'k'), ('L', 'l'), ('M', 'm'), ('N', 'n'), ('O', 'o'), ('P', 'p'), ('Q', 'q'), ('R', 'r'), ('S', 's'), ('T', 't'), ('U', 'u'), ('V', 'v'), ('W', 'w'), ('X', 'x'), ('Y', 'y'), ('Z', 'z'), ('0-9', '0-9')] if int(ADDON.getSetting('scrape_atoz')) == 1: pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() pDialog.create(translation(30319)) page = 1 total_pages = len(characters) for name, url in characters: GetAtoZPage(url) percent = int(100*page/total_pages) pDialog.update(percent,translation(30319),name) page += 1 pDialog.close() else: for name, url in characters: AddMenuEntry(name, url, 124, '', '', '') def ListChannelAtoZ(): """List programmes for each channel based on alphabetical order. Only creates the corresponding directories for each channel. """ channel_list = [ ('bbcone', 'bbc_one_hd', 'BBC One'), ('bbctwo', 'bbc_two_hd', 'BBC Two'), ('tv/bbcthree', 'bbc_three_hd', 'BBC Three'), ('bbcfour', 'bbc_four_hd', 'BBC Four'), ('tv/cbbc', 'cbbc_hd', 'CBBC'), ('tv/cbeebies', 'cbeebies_hd', 'CBeebies'), ('tv/bbcnews', 'bbc_news24', 'BBC News Channel'), ('tv/bbcparliament', 'bbc_parliament', 'BBC Parliament'), ('tv/bbcalba', 'bbc_alba', 'Alba'), ('tv/s4c', 's4cpbs', 'S4C'), ] for id, img, name in channel_list: iconimage = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join('special://home/addons/plugin.video.iplayerwww/media', img + '.png')) url = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/%s/a-z" % id AddMenuEntry(name, url, 128, iconimage, '', '') def GetAtoZPage(url): """Allows to list programmes based on alphabetical order. Creates the list of programmes for one character. """ link = OpenURL('http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/a-z/%s' % url) match = re.compile( '(.+?)', re.DOTALL).findall(link) for programme_id, name in match: AddMenuEntry(name, programme_id, 121, '', '', '') def ParseAired(aired): """Parses a string format %d %b %Y to %d/%n/%Y otherwise empty string.""" if aired: try: # Need to use equivelent for datetime.strptime() due to weird TypeError. return datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(aired[0], '%d %b %Y')[0:6])).strftime('%d/%m/%Y') except ValueError: pass return '' def FirstShownToAired(first_shown): """Converts the 'First shown' tag to %Y %m %d format.""" release_parts = first_shown.split(' ') if len(release_parts) == 1: month = '01' day = '01' year = first_shown else: year = release_parts[-1] month = release_parts[-2] monthDict={ 'Jan':'01', 'Feb':'02', 'Mar':'03', 'Apr':'04', 'May':'05', 'Jun':'06', 'Jul':'07', 'Aug':'08', 'Sep':'09', 'Oct':'10', 'Nov':'11', 'Dec':'12'} if month in monthDict: month = monthDict[month] day = release_parts[-3].rjust(2,'0') else: month = '01' day = '01' aired = year + '-' + month + '-' + day return aired def GetEpisodes(url): new_url = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/%s' % url ScrapeEpisodes(new_url) def GetGroup(url): new_url = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/group/%s" % url ScrapeEpisodes(new_url) def ScrapeEpisodes(page_url): """Creates a list of programmes on one standard HTML page. ScrapeEpisodes contains a number of special treatments, which are only needed for specific pages, e.g. Search, but allows to use a single function for all kinds of pages. """ pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() pDialog.create(translation(30319)) html = OpenURL(page_url) total_pages = 1 current_page = 1 page_range = range(1) paginate = re.search(r'
.+?href="(.*?page=)(.*?)"', paginate.group(0), re.DOTALL) if next_page_match: page_base_url = next_page_match.group(1) next_page = int(next_page_match.group(2)) else: next_page = current_page page_range = range(current_page, current_page+1) else: pages = re.findall(r'
  • current_page: page_url = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk' + page_base_url + str(page) html = OpenURL(page_url) # NOTE remove inner li to match outer li #
  • html = re.compile(r'
  • ', flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)).sub('', html) #
  • list_items = re.findall(r'
  • unavailable_match = re.search( 'data-timeliness-type="unavailable"', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if unavailable_match: continue #
  • search_group = False search_group_match = re.search( '
  • ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if url_match: url = url_match.group(1) if url: main_url = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk' + url name = '' title = '' #
    World of Difference
    title_match = re.search( r'
    ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if title_match: title = title_match.group(1) name = title subtitle = None #
    The Models
    subtitle_match = re.search( r'
    ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if subtitle_match: subtitle = subtitle_match.group(1) if subtitle: name = name + " - " + subtitle icon = '' # #
    image_match = re.search( r'
    What was it like to be a top fashion model 30 years ago? (1978)

    synopsis_match = re.search( r'


    ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if synopsis_match: synopsis = synopsis_match.group(1) aired = '' # \nFirst shown: 8 Jun 1967\n release_match = re.search( r'.*?First shown:\s*(.*?)\n.*?', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if release_match: release = release_match.group(1) if release: aired = FirstShownToAired(release) episodes = None #
    # episodes_match = re.search( r'27 more_match = re.search( r'(.*?)', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if more_match: more = more_match.group(1) if episodes: episodes_url = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk' + episodes if search_group: AddMenuEntry('[B]%s[/B] - %s' % (title, translation(30318)), episodes_url, 128, icon, '', '') else: AddMenuEntry('[B]%s[/B] - %s %s' % (title, more, translation(30313)), episodes_url, 128, icon, '', '') elif more: AddMenuEntry('[B]%s[/B] - %s %s' % (title, more, translation(30313)), main_url, 128, icon, '', '') if type != "group": CheckAutoplay(name , main_url, icon, synopsis, aired) percent = int(100*(page+list_item_num/len(list_items))/total_pages) pDialog.update(percent,translation(30319),name) list_item_num += 1 percent = int(100*page/total_pages) pDialog.update(percent,translation(30319)) if int(ADDON.getSetting('paginate_episodes')) == 0: if current_page < next_page: page_url = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk' + page_base_url + str(next_page) AddMenuEntry(" [COLOR ffffa500]%s >>[/COLOR]" % translation(30320), page_url, 128, '', '', '') xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_TITLE) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED) pDialog.close() def ScrapeMarkup(markup): """Creates a list of programmes of a markup response. """ pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() pDialog.create(translation(30319)) #
  • list_items = re.findall(r'
  • ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if url_match: main_url = url_match.group(1) name = '' title = '' #
    World of Difference
    title_match = re.search( r'
    ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if title_match: title = title_match.group(1) name = title subtitle = None #
    The Models
    subtitle_match = re.search( r'
    ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if subtitle_match: subtitle = subtitle_match.group(1) if subtitle: name = name + " - " + subtitle icon = '' type = None #
    image_match = re.search( r'srcset="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/.*?/(.*?).jpg"', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if image_match: image = image_match.group(1) if image: icon = "https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/832x468/" + image + ".jpg" synopsis = '' #

    What was it like to be a top fashion model 30 years ago? (1978)

    synopsis_match = re.search( r'


    ', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if synopsis_match: synopsis = synopsis_match.group(1) # There is no aired date available aired = '' episodes_url = None #
    # episodes_match = re.search( r'27 more_match = re.search( r'(.*?)', li, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if more_match: more = more_match.group(1) if episodes_url: AddMenuEntry('[B]%s[/B] - %s %s' % (title, more, translation(30313)), episodes_url, 128, icon, '', '') elif more: AddMenuEntry('[B]%s[/B] - %s %s' % (title, more, translation(30313)), main_url, 128, icon, '', '') if type != "group": CheckAutoplay(name , main_url, icon, synopsis, aired) percent = int(100*(list_item_num/len(list_items))) pDialog.update(percent,translation(30319),name) list_item_num += 1 xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_TITLE) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED) pDialog.close() def ListCategories(): """Parses the available categories and creates directories for selecting one of them. The category names are scraped from the website. """ html = OpenURL('http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer') match = re.compile( '(.+?)' ).findall(html) for url, name in match: AddMenuEntry(name, url, 125, '', '', '') def ListCategoryFilters(url): """Parses the available category filters (if available) and creates directories for selcting them. If there are no filters available, all programmes will be listed using GetFilteredCategory. """ NEW_URL = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/categories/%s/all?sort=atoz' % url # Read selected category's page. html = OpenURL(NEW_URL) # Some categories offer filters, we want to provide these filters as options. match1 = re.findall( '
  • (.+?)', html, re.DOTALL) if match1: AddMenuEntry('All', url, 126, '', '', '') for url, name in match1: AddMenuEntry(name, url, 126, '', '', '') else: GetFilteredCategory(url) def GetFilteredCategory(url): """Parses the programmes available in the category view.""" NEW_URL = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/categories/%s/all?sort=atoz' % url ScrapeEpisodes(NEW_URL) def ListChannelHighlights(): """Creates a list directories linked to the highlights section of each channel.""" channel_list = [ ('bbcone', 'bbc_one_hd', 'BBC One'), ('bbctwo', 'bbc_two_hd', 'BBC Two'), ('tv/bbcthree', 'bbc_three_hd', 'BBC Three'), ('bbcfour', 'bbc_four_hd', 'BBC Four'), ('tv/cbbc', 'cbbc_hd', 'CBBC'), ('tv/cbeebies', 'cbeebies_hd', 'CBeebies'), ('tv/bbcnews', 'bbc_news24', 'BBC News Channel'), ('tv/bbcparliament', 'bbc_parliament', 'BBC Parliament'), ('tv/bbcalba', 'bbc_alba', 'Alba'), ('tv/s4c', 's4cpbs', 'S4C'), ] for id, img, name in channel_list: iconimage = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join('special://home/addons/plugin.video.iplayerwww/media', img + '.png')) AddMenuEntry(name, id, 106, iconimage, '', '') def ListHighlights(highlights_url): """Creates a list of the programmes in the highlights section. """ html = OpenURL('http://www.bbc.co.uk/%s' % highlights_url) inner_anchors = re.findall(r'',html,flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) # First find all groups as we need to store some properties of groups for later reuse. group_properties = [] # NOTE find episode count first episode_count = dict() groups = [a for a in inner_anchors if re.match( r'View all ([0-9]*).*?', group, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if count_match: count = count_match.group(1) episode_count[href] = count groups = [a for a in inner_anchors if re.match( r'(.*?)', group, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if name_match: name = name_match.group(1) count = '' if href in episode_count: count = episode_count[href] url = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk' + href # Unfortunately, the group type is not inside the links, so we need to search the whole HTML. group_type = '' group_type_match = re.search( r'data-group-name="'+name+'".+?data-group-type="(.+?)"', html, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if group_type_match: group_type = group_type_match.group(1) position = '' position_match = re.search( r'data-object-position="(.+?)-ALL"', group, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if position_match: group_properties.append( [position_match.group(1), name, group_type]) AddMenuEntry('[B]%s: %s[/B] - %s %s' % (translation(30314), name, count, translation(30315)), url, 128, '', '', '') # Some programmes show up twice in HTML, once inside the groups, once outside. # We need to parse both to avoid duplicates and to make sure we get all of them. episodelist = [] # # EastEnders

    title_match = re.search( r'<.*?class="grouped-items__title.*?(.*?)', listed, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if title_match: name = title_match.group(1) name = re.compile(r'<.*?>', flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)).sub('', name) #


    subtitle_match = re.search( r'<.*?class="grouped-items__subtitle.*?>(.*?)<', listed, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if subtitle_match: name = name + ' - ' + subtitle_match.group(1) # Assign correct group based on the position of the episode position = '' position_match = re.search( r'data-object-position="(.+?)"', listed, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if position_match: for n,i in enumerate(group_properties): if re.match(i[0], position_match.group(1), flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)): position = i[1] # For series-catchup groups, we need to modify the title. if i[2] == 'series-catchup': name = i[1]+': '+name episodelist.append( [episode_id, name, "%s %s" % (translation(30316), position), 'DefaultVideo.png', ''] ) # < a\nhref="/iplayer/episode/p036gq3z/bbc-music-introducing-from-buddhist-monk-to-rock-star"\n # class="single-item stat" singles = [a for a in inner_anchors if re.search( r'class="thumbnail-item', a, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE))] for single in singles: object_type = '' # data-object-type="episode-backfill" data_object_type = re.search( r'data-object-type="(.*?)"', single, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if data_object_type: object_type = data_object_type.group(1) if object_type == "episode-backfill": if (highlights_url not in ['tv/bbcnews', 'tv/bbcparliament', 'tv/s4c']): continue episode_id = '' url = '' # BBC Music Introducing title_match = re.search( r'<.*?class="thumbnail-item__title.*?(.*?)', single, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if title_match: name = title_match.group(1) name = re.compile(r'<.*?>', flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)).sub('', name) #

    From Buddhist Monk to Rock Star

    subtitle_match = re.search( r'<.*?class="thumbnail-item__subtitle.*?>(.*?)<', single, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if subtitle_match: name = name + ' - ' + subtitle_match.group(1) icon = '' #
    # # # # # # # # #
    image_match = re.search( r'.*?srcset="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/.*?/(.*?)\.jpg', single, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if image_match: image = image_match.group(1) if image: icon = "http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/832x468/" + image + ".jpg" desc = '' #

    # A hospital visit reveals devastating news for Jasmin and Dev. #

    desc_match = re.search( r'<.*?class="overlay__text__inner.*?>(.*?)<', single, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if desc_match: desc = desc_match.group(1) aired = '' #

    First shown: 4 Nov 2015

    release_match = re.search( r'<.*?class="single-item__overlay__subtitle">First shown: (.*?)<', single, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) if release_match: release = release_match.group(1) if release: aired = FirstShownToAired(release) add_entry = True for n,i in enumerate(episodelist): if i[0]==episode_id: episodelist[n][2]=desc episodelist[n][3]=icon episodelist[n][4]=aired add_entry = False if add_entry: if object_type == "editorial-promo": if episode_id: AddMenuEntry('[B]%s[/B]' % (name), episode_id, 128, icon, '', '') else: if url: CheckAutoplay(name, url, icon, desc, aired) # Finally add all programmes which have been identified as part of a group before. for episode in episodelist: episode_url = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/%s" % episode[0] if ((ADDON.getSetting('suppress_incomplete') == 'false') or (not episode[4] == '')): if episode[0]: CheckAutoplay(episode[1], episode_url, episode[3], episode[2], episode[4]) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_TITLE) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED) def ListMostPopular(): """Scrapes all episodes of the most popular page.""" ScrapeEpisodes("http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/group/most-popular") def AddAvailableStreamItem(name, url, iconimage, description): """Play a streamm based on settings for preferred catchup source and bitrate.""" stream_ids = ScrapeAvailableStreams(url) if stream_ids['stream_id_ad']: streams_all = ParseStreamsHLSDASH(stream_ids['stream_id_ad']) elif stream_ids['stream_id_sl']: streams_all = ParseStreamsHLSDASH(stream_ids['stream_id_sl']) else: streams_all = ParseStreamsHLSDASH(stream_ids['stream_id_st']) if streams_all[1]: # print "Setting subtitles URL" subtitles_url = streams_all[1][0] # print subtitles_url else: subtitles_url = '' streams = streams_all[0] source = int(ADDON.getSetting('catchup_source')) bitrate = int(ADDON.getSetting('catchup_bitrate')) # print "Selected source is %s"%source # print "Selected bitrate is %s"%bitrate # print streams if source > 0: if bitrate > 0: # Case 1: Selected source and selected bitrate match = [x for x in streams if ((x[0] == source) and (x[1] == bitrate))] if len(match) == 0: # Fallback: Use same bitrate but different supplier. match = [x for x in streams if (x[1] == bitrate)] if len(match) == 0: # Second Fallback: Use any lower bitrate from selected source. match = [x for x in streams if (x[0] == source) and (x[1] in range(1, bitrate))] match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if len(match) == 0: # Third Fallback: Use any lower bitrate from any source. match = [x for x in streams if (x[1] in range(1, bitrate))] match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: # Case 2: Selected source and any bitrate match = [x for x in streams if (x[0] == source)] if len(match) == 0: # Fallback: Use any source and any bitrate match = streams match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: if bitrate > 0: # Case 3: Any source and selected bitrate match = [x for x in streams if (x[1] == bitrate)] if len(match) == 0: # Fallback: Use any source and any lower bitrate match = streams match = [x for x in streams if (x[1] in range(1, bitrate))] match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: # Case 4: Any source and any bitrate # Play highest available bitrate match = streams match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) PlayStream(name, match[0][2], iconimage, description, subtitles_url) def GetAvailableStreams(name, url, iconimage, description): """Calls AddAvailableStreamsDirectory based on user settings""" #print url stream_ids = ScrapeAvailableStreams(url) AddAvailableStreamsDirectory(name, stream_ids['stream_id_st'], iconimage, description) # If we searched for Audio Described programmes and they have been found, append them to the list. if stream_ids['stream_id_ad']: AddAvailableStreamsDirectory(name + ' - (Audio Described)', stream_ids['stream_id_ad'], iconimage, description) # If we search for Signed programmes and they have been found, append them to the list. if stream_ids['stream_id_sl']: AddAvailableStreamsDirectory(name + ' - (Signed)', stream_ids['stream_id_sl'], iconimage, description) def Search(search_entered): """Simply calls the online search function. The search is then evaluated in EvaluateSearch.""" if search_entered is None: keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', 'Search iPlayer') keyboard.doModal() if keyboard.isConfirmed(): search_entered = keyboard.getText() .replace(' ', '%20') # sometimes you need to replace spaces with + or %20 if search_entered is None: return False NEW_URL = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/search?q=%s' % search_entered ScrapeEpisodes(NEW_URL) def AddAvailableLiveStreamItemSelector(name, channelname, iconimage): if ((int(ADDON.getSetting('stream_protocol')) == 1) or (channelname.startswith('sport_stream_'))): return AddAvailableLiveStreamItem(name, channelname, iconimage) elif int(ADDON.getSetting('stream_protocol')) == 0: return AddAvailableLiveDASHStreamItem(name, channelname, iconimage) def AddAvailableLiveDASHStreamItem(name, channelname, iconimage): streams = ParseLiveDASHStreams(channelname) source = int(ADDON.getSetting('live_source')) if source > 0: match = [x for x in streams if (x[0] == source)] if len(match) == 0: match = [x for x in streams if (x[1] in range(1, bitrate))] match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: match = streams match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) PlayStream(name, match[0][2], iconimage, '', '') def AddAvailableLiveStreamItem(name, channelname, iconimage): """Play a live stream based on settings for preferred live source and bitrate.""" stream_bitrates = [9999, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 1.8, 3.1, 5.5] if int(ADDON.getSetting('live_source')) == 1: providers = [('ak', 'Akamai')] elif int(ADDON.getSetting('live_source')) == 2: providers = [('llnw', 'Limelight')] else: providers = [('ak', 'Akamai'), ('llnw', 'Limelight')] bitrate_selected = int(ADDON.getSetting('live_bitrate')) if bitrate_selected > len(stream_bitrates) - 1: bitrate_selected = 0 ADDON.setSetting('live_bitrate', str(bitrate_selected)) streams_available = ParseLiveStreams(channelname, providers) # print streams_available # Play the prefered option if bitrate_selected > 0: match = [x for x in streams_available if (x[1] == stream_bitrates[bitrate_selected])] if len(match) == 0: # Fallback: Use any bitrate lower than the selected from any source. match = [x for x in streams_available if (x[1] <= stream_bitrates[bitrate_selected] )] match.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if len(match) == 0: # Fallback: Selected bitrate is too low. Use lowest available bitrate. match = sorted(streams_available, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False) # print "Selected bitrate is %s"%stream_bitrates[bitrate_selected] # print match # print "Playing %s from %s with bitrate %s"%(name, match[0][4], match [0][1]) if len(match) > 0: #TODO error message PlayStream(name, match[0][4], iconimage, '', '') # Play the fastest available stream of the preferred provider else: PlayStream(name, streams_available[0][4], iconimage, '', '') def AddAvailableLiveStreamsDirectory(name, channelname, iconimage): """Retrieves the available live streams for a channel Args: name: only used for displaying the channel. iconimage: only used for displaying the channel. channelname: determines which channel is queried. """ if ((int(ADDON.getSetting('stream_protocol')) == 1) or (channelname.startswith('sport_stream_'))): streams = ParseLiveStreams(channelname, '') # Add each stream to the Kodi selection menu. for id, bitrate, codecs, resolution, url, provider_name in streams: # For easier selection use colors to indicate high and low bitrate streams if bitrate > 2.1: color = 'ff008000' elif bitrate > 1.0: color = 'ffffff00' elif bitrate > 0.6: color = 'ffffa500' else: color = 'ffff0000' title = name + ' - [I][COLOR %s]%0.1f Mbps[/COLOR] [COLOR fff1f1f1]%s[/COLOR][/I]' % ( color, bitrate, provider_name) # Finally add them to the selection menu. AddMenuEntry(title, url, 201, iconimage, '', '') elif int(ADDON.getSetting('stream_protocol')) == 0: streams = ParseLiveDASHStreams(channelname) suppliers = ['', 'Akamai', 'Limelight', 'Bidi'] for supplier, bitrate, url, resolution in streams: title = name + ' - [I][COLOR fff1f1f1]%s[/COLOR][/I]' % (suppliers[supplier]) AddMenuEntry(title, url, 201, iconimage, '', '') def ListWatching(logged_in): if(CheckLogin(logged_in) == False): CreateBaseDirectory('video') return cookie_jar = None cookie_jar = GetCookieJar() url = "https://component.iplayer.api.bbc.co.uk/v1/user/lists/watching" html = OpenURL(url) json_data = json.loads(html) markup = json_data.get('markup') ScrapeMarkup(markup) def ListFavourites(logged_in): if(CheckLogin(logged_in) == False): CreateBaseDirectory('video') return cookie_jar = None cookie_jar = GetCookieJar() url = "https://component.iplayer.api.bbc.co.uk/v1/user/lists/added" html = OpenURL(url) json_data = json.loads(html) markup = json_data.get('markup') ScrapeMarkup(markup) def PlayStream(name, url, iconimage, description, subtitles_url): if iconimage == '': iconimage = 'DefaultVideo.png' html = OpenURL(url) check_geo = re.search( '

    Access Denied

    ', html) if check_geo or not html: # print "Geoblock detected, raising error message" dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(translation(30400), translation(30401)) raise liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage='DefaultVideo.png', thumbnailImage=iconimage) liz.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels={'Title': name}) liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") liz.setPath(url) if subtitles_url and ADDON.getSetting('subtitles') == 'true': subtitles_file = download_subtitles(subtitles_url) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) if subtitles_url and ADDON.getSetting('subtitles') == 'true': # Successfully started playing something? while True: if xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): break else: xbmc.sleep(500) xbmc.Player().setSubtitles(subtitles_file) def AddAvailableStreamsDirectory(name, stream_id, iconimage, description): """Will create one menu entry for each available stream of a particular stream_id""" # print "Stream ID: %s"%stream_id streams = ParseStreamsHLSDASH(stream_id) # print streams if streams[1]: # print "Setting subtitles URL" subtitles_url = streams[1][0] # print subtitles_url else: subtitles_url = '' suppliers = ['', 'Akamai', 'Limelight', 'Bidi'] bitrates = [0, 800, 1012, 1500, 1800, 2400, 3116, 5510] for supplier, bitrate, url, resolution in sorted(streams[0], key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True): if bitrate in (5, 7): color = 'ff008000' elif bitrate == 6: color = 'ff0084ff' elif bitrate in (3, 4): color = 'ffffff00' else: color = 'ffffa500' if int(ADDON.getSetting('stream_protocol')) == 1: title = name + ' - [I][COLOR %s]%0.1f Mbps[/COLOR] [COLOR ffd3d3d3]%s[/COLOR][/I]' % ( color, bitrates[bitrate] / 1000, suppliers[supplier]) else: title = name + ' - [I][COLOR ffd3d3d3]%s[/COLOR][/I]' % (suppliers[supplier]) AddMenuEntry(title, url, 201, iconimage, description, subtitles_url, resolution=resolution) def ParseStreamsHLSDASH(stream_id): if int(ADDON.getSetting('stream_protocol')) == 1: return ParseStreams(stream_id) elif int(ADDON.getSetting('stream_protocol')) == 0: return ParseDASHStreams(stream_id) def ParseStreams(stream_id): retlist = [] # print "Parsing streams for PID: %s"%stream_id[0] # Open the page with the actual strem information and display the various available streams. NEW_URL = "http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/iptv-all/vpid/%s" % stream_id[0] html = OpenURL(NEW_URL) # Parse the different streams and add them as new directory entries. match = re.compile( 'connection authExpires=".+?href="(.+?)".+?supplier="mf_(.+?)".+?transferFormat="(.+?)"' ).findall(html) for m3u8_url, supplier, transfer_format in match: tmp_sup = 0 tmp_br = 0 if transfer_format == 'hls': if supplier == 'akamai_uk_hls': tmp_sup = 1 elif supplier == 'limelight_uk_hls': tmp_sup = 2 elif supplier == 'bidi_uk_hls': tmp_sup = 3 m3u8_breakdown = re.compile('(.+?)iptv.+?m3u8(.+?)$').findall(m3u8_url) #print m3u8_breakdown # print m3u8_url m3u8_html = OpenURL(m3u8_url) m3u8_match = re.compile('BANDWIDTH=(.+?),.+?RESOLUTION=(.+?)(?:,.+?\n|\n)(.+?)\n').findall(m3u8_html) for bandwidth, resolution, stream in m3u8_match: # print bandwidth # print resolution #print stream url = "%s%s%s" % (m3u8_breakdown[0][0], stream, m3u8_breakdown[0][1]) #print url if 1000000 <= int(bandwidth) <= 1100000: tmp_br = 2 elif 1790000 <= int(bandwidth) <= 1800000: tmp_br = 4 elif 3100000 <= int(bandwidth) <= 3120000: tmp_br = 6 elif int(bandwidth) >= 5500000: tmp_br = 7 retlist.append((tmp_sup, tmp_br, url, resolution)) # It may be useful to parse these additional streams as a default as they offer additional bandwidths. match = re.compile( 'kind="video".+?connection href="(.+?)".+?supplier="(.+?)".+?transferFormat="(.+?)"' ).findall(html) # print match unique = [] [unique.append(item) for item in match if item not in unique] # print unique for m3u8_url, supplier, transfer_format in unique: tmp_sup = 0 tmp_br = 0 if transfer_format == 'hls': if supplier == 'akamai_hls_open': tmp_sup = 1 elif supplier == 'limelight_hls_open': tmp_sup = 2 m3u8_breakdown = re.compile('.+?master.m3u8(.+?)$').findall(m3u8_url) # print m3u8_url # print m3u8_breakdown m3u8_html = OpenURL(m3u8_url) # print m3u8_html m3u8_match = re.compile('BANDWIDTH=(.+?),RESOLUTION=(.+?),.+?\n(.+?)\n').findall(m3u8_html) # print m3u8_match for bandwidth, resolution, stream in m3u8_match: # print bandwidth # print resolution # print stream url = "%s%s" % (stream, m3u8_breakdown[0][0]) # This is not entirely correct, displayed bandwidth may be higher or lower than actual bandwidth. if int(bandwidth) <= 801000: tmp_br = 1 elif int(bandwidth) <= 1510000: tmp_br = 3 elif int(bandwidth) <= 2410000: tmp_br = 5 retlist.append((tmp_sup, tmp_br, url, resolution)) # Some events have special live streams which show up as normal programmes. # They need to be parsed separately. match = re.compile( 'connection.+?href="(.+?)".+?supplier="(.+?)".+?transferFormat="(.+?)"' ).findall(html) # print match unique = [] [unique.append(item) for item in match if item not in unique] # print unique for m3u8_url, supplier, transfer_format in unique: tmp_sup = 0 tmp_br = 0 if transfer_format == 'hls': if supplier == 'akamai_hls_live': tmp_sup = 1 elif supplier == 'll_hls_live': tmp_sup = 2 else: # This is not a live stream, skip code to avoid unnecessary loading of playlists. continue html = OpenURL(m3u8_url) match = re.compile('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=(.+?),BANDWIDTH=(.+?),CODECS="(.*?)",RESOLUTION=(.+?)\s*(.+?.m3u8)').findall(html) for stream_id, bandwidth, codecs, resolution, url in match: # Note: This is not entirely correct as these bandwidths relate to live programmes, # not catchup. if int(bandwidth) <= 1000000: tmp_br = 1 elif int(bandwidth) <= 1100000: tmp_br = 2 elif 1700000 <= int(bandwidth) <= 1900000: tmp_br = 4 elif 3100000 <= int(bandwidth) <= 3120000: tmp_br = 6 elif int(bandwidth) >= 5500000: tmp_br = 7 retlist.append((tmp_sup, tmp_br, url, resolution)) match = re.compile('service="captions".+?connection href="(.+?)"').findall(html) # print "Subtitle URL: %s"%match # print retlist if not match: # print "No streams found" check_geo = re.search( '', html) if check_geo: # print "Geoblock detected, raising error message" dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(translation(30400), translation(30401)) raise return retlist, match def ParseDASHStreams(stream_id): retlist = [] # print "Parsing streams for PID: %s"%stream_id[0] # Open the page with the actual strem information and display the various available streams. NEW_URL = "http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/iptv-all/vpid/%s" % stream_id[0] html = OpenURL(NEW_URL) # Parse the different streams and add them as new directory entries. match = re.compile( 'connection authExpires=".+?href="(.+?)".+?supplier="mf_(.+?)".+?transferFormat="(.+?)"' ).findall(html) for mpd_url, supplier, transfer_format in match: tmp_sup = 0 tmp_br = 0 if transfer_format == 'dash': if supplier in ['akamai_uk_dash', 'akamai_uk_dash_https']: tmp_sup = 1 elif supplier in ['limelight_uk_dash', 'limelight_uk_dash_https']: tmp_sup = 2 elif supplier in ['bidi_uk_dash', 'bidi_uk_dash_https']: tmp_sup = 3 retlist.append((tmp_sup, 1, mpd_url, '1280x720')) match = re.compile('service="captions".+?connection href="(.+?)"').findall(html) # print "Subtitle URL: %s"%match # print retlist if not match: # print "No streams found" check_geo = re.search( '', html) if check_geo: # print "Geoblock detected, raising error message" dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(translation(30400), translation(30401)) raise return retlist, match def ParseLiveStreams(channelname, providers): if providers == '': providers = [('ak', 'Akamai'), ('llnw', 'Limelight')] streams = [] for provider_url, provider_name in providers: # First we query the available streams from this website if channelname in ['bbc_parliament', 'bbc_alba', 's4cpbs', 'bbc_one_london', 'bbc_two_wales_digital', 'bbc_two_northern_ireland_digital', 'bbc_two_scotland', 'bbc_one_cambridge', 'bbc_one_channel_islands', 'bbc_one_east', 'bbc_one_east_midlands', 'bbc_one_east_yorkshire', 'bbc_one_north_east', 'bbc_one_north_west', 'bbc_one_oxford', 'bbc_one_south', 'bbc_one_south_east', 'bbc_one_south_west', 'bbc_one_west', 'bbc_one_west_midlands', 'bbc_one_yorks']: device = 'hls_tablet' else: device = 'abr_hdtv' if channelname.startswith('sport_stream_'): cast = "webcast" else: cast = "simulcast" url = 'http://a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio_video/%s/hls/uk/%s/%s/%s.m3u8' \ % (cast, device, provider_url, channelname) html = OpenURL(url) match = re.compile('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=(.+?),BANDWIDTH=(.+?),CODECS="(.*?)",RESOLUTION=(.+?)\s*(.+?.m3u8)').findall(html) # Add provider name to the stream list. streams.extend([list(stream) + [provider_name] for stream in match]) # Convert bitrate to Mbps for further processing for i in range(len(streams)): streams[i][1] = round(int(streams[i][1])/1000000.0, 1) # Return list sorted by bitrate return sorted(streams, key=lambda x: (x[1]), reverse=True) def ParseLiveDASHStreams(channelname): streams = [] url = "http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/pc/vpid/%s" % channelname html = OpenURL(url) # Parse the different streams and add them as new directory entries. match = re.compile( 'connection.+?href="(.+?)".+?supplier="(.+?)_live".+?transferFormat="(.+?)"' ).findall(html) unique = [] [unique.append(item) for item in match if item not in unique] for mpd_url, supplier, transfer_format in unique: tmp_sup = 0 tmp_br = 0 if transfer_format == 'dash': if supplier in ['akamai_dash']: tmp_sup = 1 elif supplier in ['ll_dash']: tmp_sup = 2 streams.append((tmp_sup, 1, mpd_url, '1280x720')) return streams def ScrapeAvailableStreams(url): # Open page and retrieve the stream ID html = OpenURL(url) # Search for standard programmes. stream_id_st = re.compile('"vpid":"(.+?)"').findall(html) # Optionally, Signed programmes can be searched for. These have a different ID. if ADDON.getSetting('search_signed') == 'true': stream_id_sl = re.compile('data-download-sl="bbc-ipd:download/.+?/(.+?)/sd/').findall(html) else: stream_id_sl = [] # Optionally, Audio Described programmes can be searched for. These have a different ID. if ADDON.getSetting('search_ad') == 'true': url_ad = re.compile('