# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Leo Moll # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # -- Imports ------------------------------------------------ from __future__ import unicode_literals # ,absolute_import, division # from future import standard_library # from builtins import * # standard_library.install_aliases() import io,os,re,sys,urlparse,datetime,string,urllib,urllib2 import xbmc,xbmcplugin,xbmcgui,xbmcaddon,xbmcvfs from de.yeasoft.kodi.KodiAddon import KodiPlugin from de.yeasoft.kodi.KodiUI import KodiBGDialog from classes.store import Store from classes.notifier import Notifier from classes.settings import Settings from classes.filmui import FilmUI from classes.channelui import ChannelUI from classes.initialui import InitialUI from classes.showui import ShowUI from classes.updater import MediathekViewUpdater from classes.ttml2srt import ttml2srt # -- Classes ------------------------------------------------ class MediathekView( KodiPlugin ): def __init__( self ): super( MediathekView, self ).__init__() self.settings = Settings() self.notifier = Notifier() self.db = Store( self.getNewLogger( 'Store' ), self.notifier, self.settings ) def __del__( self ): del self.db def showMainMenu( self ): # Search self.addFolderItem( 30901, { 'mode': "search" } ) # Search all self.addFolderItem( 30902, { 'mode': "searchall" } ) # Browse livestreams self.addFolderItem( 30903, { 'mode': "livestreams" } ) # Browse recently added self.addFolderItem( 30904, { 'mode': "recent", 'channel': 0 } ) # Browse recently added by channel self.addFolderItem( 30905, { 'mode': "recentchannels" } ) # Browse by Initial->Show self.addFolderItem( 30906, { 'mode': "initial", 'channel': 0 } ) # Browse by Channel->Initial->Shows self.addFolderItem( 30907, { 'mode': "channels" } ) # Database Information self.addActionItem( 30908, { 'mode': "action-dbinfo" } ) self.endOfDirectory() def showSearch( self ): searchText = self.notifier.GetEnteredText( '', self.language( 30901 ).decode( 'UTF-8' ) ) if len( searchText ) > 2: self.db.Search( searchText, FilmUI( self ) ) else: self.endOfDirectory( False, cacheToDisc = True ) # self.showMainMenu() def showSearchAll( self ): searchText = self.notifier.GetEnteredText( '', self.language( 30902 ).decode( 'UTF-8' ) ) if len( searchText ) > 2: self.db.SearchFull( searchText, FilmUI( self ) ) else: self.endOfDirectory( False, cacheToDisc = True ) # self.showMainMenu() def showDbInfo( self ): info = self.db.GetStatus() heading = self.language( 30907 ) infostr = self.language( { 'NONE': 30941, 'UNINIT': 30942, 'IDLE': 30943, 'UPDATING': 30944, 'ABORTED': 30945 }.get( info['status'], 30941 ) ) infostr = self.language( 30965 ) % infostr totinfo = self.language( 30971 ) % ( info['tot_chn'], info['tot_shw'], info['tot_mov'] ) updatetype = self.language( 30972 if info['fullupdate'] > 0 else 30973 ) if info['status'] == 'UPDATING' and info['filmupdate'] > 0: updinfo = self.language( 30967 ) % ( updatetype, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( info['filmupdate'] ).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), info['add_chn'], info['add_shw'], info['add_mov'] ) elif info['status'] == 'UPDATING': updinfo = self.language( 30968 ) % ( updatetype, info['add_chn'], info['add_shw'], info['add_mov'] ) elif info['lastupdate'] > 0 and info['filmupdate'] > 0: updinfo = self.language( 30969 ) % ( updatetype, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( info['lastupdate'] ).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( info['filmupdate'] ).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), info['add_chn'], info['add_shw'], info['add_mov'], info['del_chn'], info['del_shw'], info['del_mov'] ) elif info['lastupdate'] > 0: updinfo = self.language( 30970 ) % ( updatetype, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( info['lastupdate'] ).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), info['add_chn'], info['add_shw'], info['add_mov'], info['del_chn'], info['del_shw'], info['del_mov'] ) else: updinfo = self.language( 30966 ) xbmcgui.Dialog().textviewer( heading, infostr + '\n\n' + totinfo + '\n\n' + updinfo ) def doDownloadFilm( self, filmid, quality ): if self.settings.downloadpath: film = self.db.RetrieveFilmInfo( filmid ) if film is None: # film not found - should never happen return # check if the download path is reachable if not xbmcvfs.exists( self.settings.downloadpath ): self.notifier.ShowError( self.language( 30952 ), self.language( 30979 ) ) return # get the best url if quality == '0' and film.url_video_sd: videourl = film.url_video_sd elif quality == '2' and film.url_video_hd: videourl = film.url_video_hd else: videourl = film.url_video # prepare names showname = self._cleanup_filename( film.show )[:64] filestem = self._cleanup_filename( film.title )[:64] extension = os.path.splitext( videourl )[1] if not extension: extension = u'.mp4' if not filestem: filestem = u'Film-{}'.format( film.id ) if not showname: showname = filestem # prepare download directory and determine episode number dirname = self.settings.downloadpath + showname + '/' episode = 1 if xbmcvfs.exists( dirname ): ( dirs, epfiles, ) = xbmcvfs.listdir( dirname ) for epfile in epfiles: match = re.search( '^.* [eE][pP]([0-9]*)\.[^/]*$', epfile ) if match and len( match.groups() ) > 0: if episode <= int( match.group(1) ): episode = int( match.group(1) ) + 1 else: xbmcvfs.mkdir( dirname ) # prepare resulting filenames fileepi = filestem + u' - EP%04d' % episode movname = dirname + fileepi + extension srtname = dirname + fileepi + u'.srt' ttmname = dirname + fileepi + u'.ttml' nfoname = dirname + fileepi + u'.nfo' # download video bgd = KodiBGDialog() bgd.Create( self.language( 30974 ), fileepi + extension ) try: bgd.Update( 0 ) result = self._url_retrieve( videourl, movname, bgd.UrlRetrieveHook ) bgd.Close() if result is not None: self.notifier.ShowNotification( self.language( 30960 ), self.language( 30976 ).format( videourl ) ) except Exception as err: bgd.Close() self.error( 'Failure downloading {}: {}', videourl, err ) self.notifier.ShowError( self.language( 30952 ), self.language( 30975 ).format( videourl, err ) ) # download subtitles if film.url_sub: bgd = KodiBGDialog() bgd.Create( self.language( 30978 ), fileepi + u'.ttml' ) try: bgd.Update( 0 ) result = self._url_retrieve( film.url_sub, ttmname, bgd.UrlRetrieveHook ) try: ttml2srt( xbmcvfs.File( ttmname, 'r' ), xbmcvfs.File( srtname, 'w' ) ) except Exception as err: self.info( 'Failed to convert to srt: {}', err ) bgd.Close() except Exception as err: bgd.Close() self.error( 'Failure downloading {}: {}', film.url_sub, err ) # create NFO Files self._make_nfo_files( film, episode, dirname, nfoname, videourl ) else: self.notifier.ShowError( self.language( 30952 ), self.language( 30958 ) ) def doEnqueueFilm( self, filmid ): self.info( 'Enqueue {}', filmid ) def _cleanup_filename( self, val ): cset = string.letters + string.digits + u' _-#äöüÄÖÜßáàâéèêíìîóòôúùûÁÀÉÈÍÌÓÒÚÙçÇœ' search = ''.join( [ c for c in val if c in cset ] ) return search.strip() def _make_nfo_files( self, film, episode, dirname, filename, videourl ): # create NFO files if not xbmcvfs.exists( dirname + 'tvshow.nfo' ): try: file = xbmcvfs.File( dirname + 'tvshow.nfo', 'w' ) file.write( bytearray( '\n', 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\n', 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( film.show ), 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( film.show ), 'utf-8' ) ) # file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( 2018 ), 'utf-8' ) ) # XXX TODO: That might be incorrect! file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( film.channel ), 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\n', 'utf-8' ) ) file.close() except Exception as err: self.error( 'Failure creating show NFO file for {}: {}', videourl, err ) try: file = xbmcvfs.File( filename, 'w' ) file.write( bytearray( '\n', 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( film.title ), 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t1\n', 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( episode ), 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( film.show ), 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( film.description ), 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( film.aired ), 'utf-8' ) ) if film.seconds > 60: file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n'.format( int( film.seconds / 60 ) ), 'utf-8' ) ) file.write( bytearray( '\t{}\n', 'utf-8' ) ) file.close() except Exception as err: self.error( 'Failure creating episode NFO file for {}: {}', videourl, err ) def _url_retrieve( self, videourl, filename, reporthook, chunk_size = 8192 ): f = xbmcvfs.File( filename, 'wb' ) u = urllib2.urlopen( videourl ) total_size = int( u.info().getheader( 'Content-Length' ).strip() ) if u.info() and u.info().getheader( 'Content-Length' ) else 0 total_chunks = 0 while True: reporthook( total_chunks, chunk_size, total_size ) chunk = u.read( chunk_size ) if not chunk: break f.write( chunk ) total_chunks += 1 f.close() return ( filename, [], ) def Init( self ): self.args = urlparse.parse_qs( sys.argv[2][1:] ) self.db.Init() if self.settings.HandleFirstRun(): # TODO: Implement Issue #16 pass if MediathekViewUpdater( self.getNewLogger( 'Updater' ), self.notifier, self.settings ).PrerequisitesMissing(): self.setSetting( 'updenabled', 'false' ) self.settings.Reload() xbmcgui.Dialog().textviewer( self.language( 30963 ), self.language( 30964 ) ) def Do( self ): mode = self.args.get( 'mode', None ) if mode is None: self.showMainMenu() elif mode[0] == 'search': self.showSearch() elif mode[0] == 'searchall': self.showSearchAll() elif mode[0] == 'livestreams': self.db.GetLiveStreams( FilmUI( self, [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL ] ) ) elif mode[0] == 'recent': channel = self.args.get( 'channel', [0] ) self.db.GetRecents( channel[0], FilmUI( self ) ) elif mode[0] == 'recentchannels': self.db.GetRecentChannels( ChannelUI( self.addon_handle, next = 'recent' ) ) elif mode[0] == 'channels': self.db.GetChannels( ChannelUI( self.addon_handle ) ) elif mode[0] == 'action-dbinfo': self.showDbInfo() elif mode[0] == 'initial': channel = self.args.get( 'channel', [0] ) self.db.GetInitials( channel[0], InitialUI( self.addon_handle ) ) elif mode[0] == 'shows': channel = self.args.get( 'channel', [0] ) initial = self.args.get( 'initial', [None] ) self.db.GetShows( channel[0], initial[0], ShowUI( self.addon_handle ) ) elif mode[0] == 'films': show = self.args.get( 'show', [0] ) self.db.GetFilms( show[0], FilmUI( self ) ) elif mode[0] == 'download': filmid = self.args.get( 'id', [0] ) quality = self.args.get( 'quality', [1] ) self.doDownloadFilm( filmid[0], quality[0] ) elif mode[0] == 'enqueue': self.doEnqueueFilm( self.args.get( 'id', [0] )[0] ) def Exit( self ): self.db.Exit() # -- Main Code ---------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': addon = MediathekView() addon.Init() addon.Do() addon.Exit() del addon