#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # Written by Oron Peled # Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom # This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # $Id$ # use strict; use File::Basename; BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/zconf"); } use Getopt::Std; use Zaptel; use Zaptel::Xpp; use Zaptel::Config::Gen; use Zaptel::Config::Params; my $version = '1'; # Functionality version (integer) my $revision = '$Revision$'; my %opts; sub set_defaults { my $default_file = $ENV{GENCONF_PARAMETERS} || "/etc/genconf_parameters"; my $params = Zaptel::Config::Params->new($default_file); #$params->dump; if($opts{v}) { print "Default parameters from ", $params->{GENCONF_FILE}, "\n"; } my $gconfig = Zaptel::Config::Gen->new($params); #$gconfig->dump; return $gconfig; } sub spans_prep($@) { my $gconfig = shift || die; my @spans = @_; foreach my $span (@spans) { if($span->is_pri) { $span->pri_set_fromconfig($gconfig); } } } sub generator_list($) { my $gconfig = shift || die; my @genlist; if (@ARGV) { for my $gen (@ARGV) { push @genlist, $gen; } } else { # No files given. Use the defaults. @genlist = ('zaptel', 'zapata'); if($gconfig->{'pri_connection_type'} eq 'R2') { push @genlist, 'unicall'; } } return @genlist; } sub parse_genopts($) { my $optstr = shift; my %genopts; $optstr = '' unless defined $optstr; foreach my $o (split(/,/, $optstr)) { my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $o, 2); $v = 1 unless defined $v and $v; $genopts{$k} = $v; } return %genopts; } sub generate_files($@) { my $gconfig = shift || die; my @spans = @_; my @generators = generator_list($gconfig); for my $gen (@generators) { my ($name, $optstr) = split(/=/, $gen, 2); die "Illegal name '$name'\n" unless $name =~ /^\w+$/; $name =~ s/(.)(.*)/\u$1\L$2/; my %genopts = parse_genopts($optstr); $genopts{'freepbx'} = 'yes' if $opts{'F'}; if(defined $opts{'v'}) { $genopts{'verbose'} = $opts{v}; } $gconfig->run_generator($name, \%genopts, @spans); } } getopts('vVF', \%opts) || die "$0: Bad option\n"; if($opts{'V'}) { my $revstr = $revision; $revstr =~ s/[^$]*\$[^:]+:\s*//; $revstr =~ s/\s*\$.*//; print "$0: version=$version revision=$revstr\n"; exit 0; } my $gconfig = set_defaults; my @spans = Zaptel::spans(); spans_prep($gconfig, @spans); generate_files($gconfig, @spans); __END__ =head1 NAME zapconf - Generate configuration for zaptel channels. =head1 SYNOPSIS zapconf [options] [generator...] =head1 DESCRIPTION This script generate configuration files for Zaptel hardware. It uses two information sources: =over 4 =item Hardware The actual zaptel hardware is automatically detected on the host. =item /etc/genconf_params A configuration file that supplements the hardware information. Its location may be overriden via the C environment variable. =back The zapconf script can generate various kinds of configuration files as specificed by the generator arguments. Each generator is a perl classes in Zaptel::Config::Gen namespace. The generator names on the command line are the class names in lowercase. The following generators are currently implemented: zaptel, zapata, unicall, users. For further documentation on each, please user perldoc on the relevant class. E.g: C Each generator on the command line may be passed custom options by assigning a comma separated list of options to the generator name. E.g: zapconf zaptel zapata=verbose unicall =head2 Global options: =over 4 =item -V Version -- print version string and exit. =item -v Verbose -- sets the C<'verbose'> option for all generators. =item -F Freepbx -- sets the C<'freepbx'> option for all generators. Currently, zapata is affected. =back =head2 Implementation notes: =over 4 =item * F parsing is done via C. An object representing the parsed data is instanciated by: Cnew()>. The C method of this object contains all the hard coded defaults of the configuration directives. =item * A configuration object is instanciated by Cnew($params)>. The mapping of configuration directives into semantic configuration is done in the constructor. =item * A single generator is run via the the C method of the configuration object. =back