/* Important constants for tuning mec2 echo can */ #ifndef _MEC2_CONST_H #define _MEC2_CONST_H /* Convergence speed -- higher means slower */ #define DEFAULT_BETA1_I 2048 #define DEFAULT_SIGMA_LY_I 7 #define DEFAULT_SIGMA_LU_I 7 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA_ST_I 5 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA_YT_I 5 #define DEFAULT_CUTOFF_I 128 #define DEFAULT_HANGT 600 #define DEFAULT_SUPPR_I 16 #define MIN_UPDATE_THRESH_I 4096 #define DEFAULT_M 16 #define SUPPR_FLOOR -64 #define SUPPR_CEIL -24 #define RES_SUPR_FACTOR -20 #define AGGRESSIVE_HCNTR 160 /* 20ms */ /* Only use agressive echo cancellation for this amount of time then go back to normal cancelation */ /* #define AGGRESSIVE_TIMELIMIT 150000 */ /* 8 = 1ms */ #endif /* _MEC2_CONST_H */