.TH GENZAPTELCONF 8 "July 18th, 2005" "Xorcom Rapid Asterisk" "Linux Programmer's Manual" .SH "NAME" .B genzaptelconf -- generates zaptel configuration (TDM adaptors) .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B genzaptelconf [-sdv] [-c ] [-r |-e ] [ -F ] .B genzaptelconf [-sdv] -l -- only list to standard output .B genzaptelconf -su -- only unload zaptel modules .B genzaptelconf -h -- Help screen .SH DESCRIPTION .B genzaptelconf is a script to detect zaptel devices (currently mostly TDM cards are supported). It generates both .I /etc/zaptel.conf and .I /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf .I PRI and .I BRI (HFC, with ZapBRI) cards are basically identified as well. However the span configiration is a default that I only hope is sane. Looking for feedback .SH OPTIONS .B -c .I country_code .RS A two-letter country code. Sets the country-code for the zonezone entries in .I zaptel.conf , The default is the value of .I lc_country from .I /etc/default/zaptel and failing that, "us". .RE .B -d .RS Also try to detect modules. Unloads all zaptel modules and loads them one by one. Considers a module useful if it loaded successfully and if loading it has generated at least one zapata channel. The list of detected modules is written as the value of .I ZAPTEL_MODS in .I /etc/default/zaptel .RE .B -e .I base_exten_num .RS Configure channel .I i as extension .I exten_num + .I i . This is mostly for the caller-id values. Crude, but may be good enough. See also .I -r .RE .B -F .RS Disable writing FXS extensions in zapata.conf .RE .B -l .RS Only list deceted channels and their signalling. Don't write configuration files. Note, however that .I -ld will still rewrite the modules line in .I /etc/default/zaptel (see .I -d above). .RE .B -M .RS Update .I /etc/modules with a list of our modules, thereby triggers their loading via modprobe on the next boot. This triggers the .I -d option as well. .RE .B -r .RS Try to guess a useful .I zapata-channels configuration for Xorcom Rapid . .RE .B -s .RS Stop asterisk for the duration of the test. The detection will only work if nobody uses the zaptel channels: * To allow unloading of modules * to allow reading configuration files. By default the script will check if asterisk is running and alert if so. This option tells the script to stop asterisk (if it was running) and to try to start it after the end of the test. .RE .B -v .RS Be verbose. lists the detected modules if .I -d is used. Lists detected channls. In the end tries to connect to asterisk to get a list of configured zaptel channels. .RE .SH FILES .I /etc/zaptel.conf .RS The configuration file used by .I ztcfg to configure zaptel devices. re-written by .I genzaptelconf .RE .I /etc/zaptel.conf.bak .RS When .I zaptel.conf The original zaptel.conf .RE .I /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf .RS The configuration file of Asterisk's .I chan_zap. Not modified directly by .I genzaptelconf. If you want genzaptelconf's setting to take effect, add the following line at the end of .I zapata.conf: .RS #include "zapata-channels.conf" .RE .RE .I /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf .RS This is the snippet of .I chan_zap configuration file that .I genzaptelconf generates. .RE .I /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf.bak .RS The backup copy of .I zapata-channels.conf .RE .I /etc/default/zaptel .RS This file holds configuration for both .I genzaptelconf and .I /etc/init.d/zaptel . It is sourced by both scripts and can thus be used to override settings of variables from those scripts. Some of the variables that can be set in /etc/default/zaptel and affect genzaptelconf: .I lc_country .RS The default country. Can be also overriden by the option -c .RE .I base_exten .RS The base number used for automatic numbering .RE .I context_manual .RS If set to 'yes', no context changes are made in zapata-channels.conf .RE .I context_lines .RS The context into which calls will go from zaptel trunks. .RE .I context_phones .RS The context into which calls will go from zaptel phones. .RE .I context_manual .RS If set to 'yes', no group settings are made in zapata-channels.conf .RE .I group_lines .RS The group number for zaptel trunks. .RE .I group_phones .RS The group number for zaptel phones. .RE .I ALL_MODULES .RS modules list. Used for unloading and modules detection. The order of modules is the same for both. .RE .RE .I /etc/modules .RS A debian-specific list of kernel modules to be loaded by modprobe at boot time. When the option .I -d (detect) is used, genzaptelconf will write in this file zaptel modules to be loaded. If you want to use a different file, set .I MOD_FILELIST .RE .I /etc/modules.bak .RS The backup copy of .I /etc/modules .RE .SH "SEE ALSO" ztcfg(8) asterisk(8). .SH "AUTHOR" This manual page was written by Tzafrir Cohen Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.