#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # Written by Oron Peled # Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom # This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # $Id:$ # use strict; BEGIN { my $dir = $0; $dir =~ s:/[^/]+$::; unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/zconf"); } use Zaptel; use Zaptel::Span; use Zaptel::Xpp; use Zaptel::Xpp::Xbus; use Zaptel::Hardware; sub usage { die "Usage: $0\n"; } @ARGV == 0 or usage; my @hardware = Zaptel::Hardware->devices; my @spans = Zaptel::spans; sub show_xbus($) { my $xbus = shift or die; my @xpds = $xbus->xpds; my $connector = ($xbus->status eq 'CONNECTED') ? $xbus->connector : "MISSING"; $connector = "(" . $connector . ")"; printf "%-20s\n", $connector; foreach my $xpd (sort { $a->num <=> $b->num } @xpds) { my $reg = $xpd->zt_registration; my $span; my $spanstr; if($reg && @spans) { ($span) = grep { $_->name eq $xpd->fqn } @spans; $spanstr = ($span) ? ("Span " . $span->num) : ""; } else { $spanstr = "Unregistered"; } my $master = ''; $master = "XPP-SYNC" if $xpd->is_sync_master; $master .= " ZAPTEL-SYNC" if defined($span) && $span->is_zaptel_sync_master; printf "\t%-10s: %-8s %s %s\n", $xpd->fqn, $xpd->type, $spanstr, $master; } } my %seen; my $format = "%-20s\t%4s:%4s %-12s "; foreach my $dev (@hardware) { my $xbus = $dev->xbus; my $driver = $dev->driver || ""; $driver = "[$driver]"; printf $format, $dev->hardware_name, $dev->vendor, $dev->product, $driver; if(!$xbus) { printf "\n"; next; } $seen{$xbus->name} = 1; show_xbus($xbus); } my $notified_lost = 0; foreach my $xbus (Zaptel::Xpp::xbuses('SORT_CONNECTOR')) { if(!$seen{$xbus->name}) { print "----------- XPP Spans with disconnected hardware -----------\n" unless $notified_lost++; printf $format, $xbus->name, '', '', "NO HARDWARE"; show_xbus($xbus); } } __END__ =head1 NAME zaptel_hardware - Shows Zaptel hardware devices. =head1 SYNOPSIS zaptel_hardware =head1 DESCRIPTION Show all zaptel hardware devices, both used and unused.