import json from entities.snaks import * from entities.basic_entity import BasicEntity class Person(BasicEntity): def __init__(self, name, date_of_birth, date_of_death, name_in_langs, bio_data, comments_list, profession, viaf, national_lib_id): """ :param name: :param date_of_birth: :param name_in_langs: Mapping of the persons's name in various languages, as a dictionary. For example: { "latin": "George" "heb": "[george in hebrew]" } """ = name dob = [date_of_birth] dod = [date_of_death] self.name_in_langs = name_in_langs self.national_lib_id = national_lib_id bio_data_dict = dict() struct_bio_data = dict() for elem in bio_data: elem_splitted = elem.split(":") if len(elem_splitted) == 2: bio_data_key = elem_splitted[0].strip() bio_data_value = elem_splitted[1].strip() if bio_data_key.startswith(u"תאריך לידה: "): dob.append(bio_data_value) elif bio_data_key.startswith(u"תאריך פטירה: "): dod.append(bio_data_value) elif bio_data_key.startswith(u"מקצוע: ") or bio_data_key.startswith(u"מיקצוע: "): profession.append(bio_data_value) else: struct_bio_data[bio_data_key] = bio_data_value if bio_data_key in bio_data_dict: bio_data_dict.get(bio_data_key).append(bio_data_value) else: bio_data_dict.update( {bio_data_key: [bio_data_value]} ) else: bio_data_dict.update({elem: ''}) self.bio_data = bio_data_dict self.comments_list = comments_list self.profession = profession self.viaf = viaf self.date_of_birth = dob self.date_of_death = dod self.struct_bio_data = struct_bio_data # CSV_FIELDS = ["name", "biodata", "comments", "viaf"] CSV_FIELDS = ["678 - biodata", "001 - national lib id"] TYPE = 'PERSON' # CSV_FIELDS = ["viaf", "name", "biodata", "comments"] CSV_FIELDS = ["viaf", "national_lib_id", "name", "date_of_birth", "date_of_death", "name_in_langs", "bio_data", "struct_bio_data", "comments_list", "profession"] TYPE = 'PERSON' def print_entity(self): print("Name = " + print("Birth year = " + self.date_of_birth) print("Death year = " + self.date_of_death) print("Names in langs = " + str(self.name_in_langs)) print("Bio Data = " + json.dumps(self.bio_data)) print("Comments = " + json.dumps(self.comments_list)) print("Profession = " + json.dumps(self.profession)) def to_csv_dict(self): return {'viaf': self.viaf, 'name':, 'biodata': self.bio_data, 'comments': json.dumps(self.comments_list, ensure_ascii=False)} def to_wd_claims(self): claims = [] if self.date_of_birth: claims.append({ "type": "claim", "mainsnak": TimeSnak(property='P569', date=self.date_of_birth[0]).to_json() }) if self.date_of_death: claims.append({ "type": "claim", "mainsnak": TimeSnak(property='P570', date=self.date_of_death[0]).to_json() }) if self.profession: for elem in self.profession: claims.append({ "type": "claim", "mainsnak": StringSnak(property='P106', value=elem).to_json() }) if self.viaf: claims.append({ "type": "claim", "mainsnak": StringSnak(property='P214', value=self.viaf).to_json() }) if self.struc_bio_data: for bio_key, bio_value in self.struc_bio_data.items(): if bio_key.startswith(u"מקום לידה"): claims.append({ "type": "claim", "mainsnak": StringSnak(property='P19', value=bio_value).to_json() }) if bio_key.startswith(u"מקום פטירה"): claims.append({ "type": "claim", "mainsnak": StringSnak(property='p20', value=bio_value).to_json() }) return claims