package Dahdi::Config::Gen::Users; use strict; use File::Basename; use Dahdi::Config::Gen qw(is_true); sub new($$$) { my $pack = shift || die; my $gconfig = shift || die; my $genopts = shift || die; my $file = $ENV{USERS_FILE} || "/etc/asterisk/users.conf"; my $self = { FILE => $file, GCONFIG => $gconfig, GENOPTS => $genopts, }; bless $self, $pack; return $self; } sub gen_channel($) { my $self = shift || die; my $chan = shift || die; my $gconfig = $self->{GCONFIG}; my $type = $chan->type; my $num = $chan->num; die "channel $num type $type is not an analog channel\n" if $chan->span->is_digital(); my $exten = $gconfig->{'base_exten'} + $num; my $sig = $gconfig->{'chan_dahdi_signalling'}{$type}; my $full_name = "$type $num"; die "missing default_chan_dahdi_signalling for chan #$num type $type" unless $sig; print << "EOF"; [$exten] callwaiting = yes context = numberplan-custom-1 fullname = $full_name cid_number = $exten hasagent = no hasdirectory = no hasiax = no hasmanager = no hassip = no hasvoicemail = yes host = dynamic mailbox = $exten threewaycalling = yes vmsecret = 1234 secret = 1234 signalling = $sig dahdichan = $num registeriax = no registersip = no canreinvite = no nat = no dtmfmode = rfc2833 disallow = all allow = all EOF } # generate users.conf . The specific users.conf is strictly oriented # towards using with the asterisk-gui . # # This code could have generated a much simpler and smaller # configuration file, had there been minimal level of support for # configuration templates in the asterisk configuration rewriting. Right # now Asterisk's configuration rewriting simply freaks out in the face # of templates: . sub generate($) { my $self = shift || die; my $file = $self->{FILE}; my $gconfig = $self->{GCONFIG}; my $genopts = $self->{GENOPTS}; #Dahdi::Config::Gen::show_gconfig($gconfig); my @spans = @_; warn "Empty configuration -- no spans\n" unless @spans; rename "$file", "$file.bak" or $! == 2 # ENOENT (No dependency on or die "Failed to backup old config: $!\n"; print "Generating $file\n" if $genopts->{verbose}; open(F, ">$file") || die "$0: Failed to open $file: $!\n"; my $old = select F; print <<"HEAD"; ;! ;! Automatically generated configuration file ;! Filename: @{[basename($file)]} ($file) ;! Generator: $0 ;! Creation Date: @{[scalar(localtime)]} ;! [general] ; ; Full name of a user ; fullname = New User ; ; Starting point of allocation of extensions ; userbase = @{[$gconfig->{'base_exten'}+1]} ; ; Create voicemail mailbox and use use macro-stdexten ; hasvoicemail = yes ; ; Set voicemail mailbox @{[$gconfig->{'base_exten'}+1]} password to 1234 ; vmsecret = 1234 ; ; Create SIP Peer ; hassip = no ; ; Create IAX friend ; hasiax = no ; ; Create Agent friend ; hasagent = no ; ; Create H.323 friend ; ;hash323 = yes ; ; Create manager entry ; hasmanager = no ; ; Remaining options are not specific to users.conf entries but are general. ; callwaiting = yes threewaycalling = yes callwaitingcallerid = yes transfer = yes canpark = yes cancallforward = yes callreturn = yes callgroup = 1 pickupgroup = 1 localextenlength = @{[length($gconfig->{'base_exten'})]} HEAD foreach my $span (@spans) { next unless grep { $_ eq $span->type} ( 'FXS', 'IN', 'OUT' ); printf "; Span %d: %s %s\n", $span->num, $span->name, $span->description; foreach my $chan ($span->chans()) { $self->gen_channel($chan); } print "\n"; } close F; select $old; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME users - Generate configuration for users.conf. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Dahdi::Config::Gen::Users; my $cfg = new Dahdi::Config::Gen::Users(\%global_config, \%genopts); $cfg->generate(@span_list); =head1 DESCRIPTION Generate the F which is used by asterisk(1) and AsteriskGUI. Its location may be overriden via the environment variable F.