package Dahdi::Xpp; # # Written by Oron Peled # Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom # This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # $Id$ # use strict; use Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus; =head1 NAME Dahdi::Xpp - Perl interface to the Xorcom Astribank drivers. =head1 SYNOPSIS # Listing all Astribanks: use Dahdi::Xpp; # scans hardware: my @xbuses = Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses("SORT_CONNECTOR"); for my $xbus (@xbuses) { print $xbus->name." (".$xbus->label .", ". $xbus->connector .")\n"; for my $xpd ($xbus->xpds) { print " - ".$xpd->fqn,"\n"; } } =cut my $proc_base = "/proc/xpp"; our $sysfs_astribanks = "/sys/bus/astribanks/devices"; our $sysfs_xpds = "/sys/bus/xpds/devices"; our $sysfs_ab_driver = "/sys/bus/astribanks/drivers/xppdrv"; # Nominal sorters for xbuses sub by_name { return $a->name cmp $b->name; } sub by_connector { return $a->connector cmp $b->connector; } sub by_label { my $cmp = $a->label cmp $b->label; return $cmp if $cmp != 0; return $a->connector cmp $b->connector; } sub score_type { my $score; return 1 if grep(/\b[ETJ]1/, @_); return 2 if grep(/\bBRI/, @_); return 3 if grep(/\bFXO/, @_); return 4; # FXS } sub by_type { my @a_types = map { $_->type } $a->xpds(); my @b_types = map { $_->type } $b->xpds(); my $res; my $a_score = score_type(@a_types); my $b_score = score_type(@b_types); #printf STDERR "DEBUG-a: %s %s %s\n", $a->name, $a_score, join(',',@a_types); #printf STDERR "DEBUG-b: %s %s %s\n", $b->name, $b_score, join(',',@b_types); $res = $a_score <=> $b_score; $res = $a->connector cmp $b->connector if $res == 0; return $res; } =head1 xbuses([sort_order]) Scans system (/proc and /sys) and returns a list of Astribank (Xbus) objects. The optional parameter sort_order is the order in which the Astribanks will be returns: =head1 sorters([sort_order]) With no parameters, returns the names of built in sorters. With a single parameter, returns a reference to the requested built in sorter. Also, for convenience, a reference to a custom sorter function may be passed and returned as is. The built in sorters are: =over =item SORT_CONNECTOR Sort by the connector string. For USB this defines the "path" to get to the device through controllers, hubs etc. =item SORT_LABEL Sorts by the label of the Astribank. The label field is unique to the Astribank. It can also be viewed through 'lsusb -v' without the drivers loaded (the iSerial field in the Device Descriptor). This is normally relieble, but some older Astribanks have an empty label. =item SORT_NAME Sort by the "name". e.g: "XBUS-00". The order of Astribank names depends on the load order, and hence may change between different runs. =item SORT_TYPE Sort by XPD types. First Astribanks with E1/T1/J1 XPDs, then with BRI, then with FXO, then ones with only FXS ports. Within each type they are sorted by the connector field (as in SORT_CONNECTOR above). =item custom function Instead of using a predefined sorter, you can pass your own sorting function. See the example sorters in the code of this module. =back =cut sub sorters { my %sorter_table = ( SORT_CONNECTOR => \&by_connector, SORT_NAME => \&by_name, SORT_LABEL => \&by_label, SORT_TYPE => \&by_type, # Aliases connector => \&by_connector, name => \&by_name, label => \&by_label, type => \&by_type, ); my $which_sorter = shift || return sort keys %sorter_table; return $which_sorter if ref($which_sorter) eq 'CODE'; return $sorter_table{$which_sorter}; } sub xbuses { my $optsort = shift || 'SORT_CONNECTOR'; my @xbuses; opendir(D, $sysfs_astribanks) || return(); while(my $entry = readdir D) { next unless $entry =~ /xbus-(\d+)/; my $xbus = Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus->new($1); push(@xbuses, $xbus); } closedir D; my $sorter = sorters($optsort); die "Unknown optional sorter '$optsort'" unless defined $sorter; @xbuses = sort $sorter @xbuses; return @xbuses; } sub xpd_of_span($) { my $span = shift or die "Missing span parameter"; return undef unless defined $span; foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses('SORT_CONNECTOR')) { foreach my $xpd ($xbus->xpds()) { return $xpd if $xpd->fqn eq $span->name; } } return undef; } =head1 sync([new_sync_source]) Gets (and optionally sets) the internal Astribanks synchronization source. When used to set sync source, returns the original sync source. A synchronization source is a value valid writing into /proc/xpp/sync . For more information read that file and see README.Astribank . =cut sub sync_via_proc { my $newsync = shift; my $result; my $newapi = 0; my $file = "$proc_base/sync"; return '' unless -f $file; # First query open(F, "$file") or die "Failed to open $file for reading: $!"; while() { chomp; /SYNC=/ and $newapi = 1; s/#.*//; if(/\S/) { # First non-comment line s/^SYNC=\D*// if $newapi; $result = $_; last; } } close F; if(defined($newsync)) { # Now change $newsync =~ s/.*/\U$&/; if($newsync =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $newsync = ($newapi)? "SYNC=$1" : "$1 0"; } elsif($newsync ne 'DAHDI') { die "Bad sync parameter '$newsync'"; } open(F, ">$file") or die "Failed to open $file for writing: $!"; print F $newsync; close(F) or die "Failed in closing $file: $!"; } return $result; } sub sync { my ($newsync) = @_; my $result; my $file = "$sysfs_ab_driver/sync"; if(! -f $file) { # Old /proc interface return sync_via_proc(@_); } open(F, "$file") or die "Failed to open $file for reading: $!"; $result = ; close F; chomp $result; $result =~ s/^SYNC=\D*//; if(defined $newsync) { # Now change $newsync =~ s/.*/\U$&/; if($newsync =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $newsync = "SYNC=$1"; } elsif($newsync ne 'DAHDI') { die "Bad sync parameter '$newsync'"; } open(F, ">$file") or die "Failed to open $file for writing: $!"; print F $newsync; close(F) or die "Failed in closing $file: $!"; } return $result; } =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item L Xbus (Astribank) object. =item L XPD (the rough equivalent of a Dahdi span) object. =item L Object for a line: an analog port or a time-slot in a adapter. Equivalent of a channel in Dahdi. =item L General documentation in the master package. =back =cut 1;