&dhfirstname; &dhsurname;
gbp.conf &dhconfsection; &gbp.conf; Gbp configuration file /etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf system wide ~/.gbp.conf per user .gbp.conf per branch, can be published with the repository (deprecated) debian/gbp.conf per branch, can be published with the repository .git/gbp.conf per repository DESCRIPTION The gbp.conf provides default global options and specific options for &gbp; commands. All have the same format and are parsed in the above order. The file consists of several sections, one for each command. Comments start with a hash sign (). The generic file syntax is: [DEFAULT] # This is section for global settings. Affects all commands key = value [<command>] # Specific sections for each command, like &gbp-buildpackage; key = value [remote-config <name>] # Specific sections for a remote configuration. This can be used several # times to set up remote configuration for gbp-create-remote-repo key = value For backwards compatibility sections starting with git- or gbp- are still supported. pairs of the command sections reflect the command line options and their settings. For example manualpage contains the =diirectory option which can be turned into configuration file setting by dropping the prefix with: [buildpackage] export-dir = directory Notice that some option are actually repeatable, or take Python lists. For example the commmand has the =pattern option which can be truned into a configuration file option like this: [import-orig] filter = .svn filter = .hg An alternative way is to write it using Python list syntax: [import-orig] filter = [ '.svn', '.hg' ] Boolean options can bei either or . For example ; has the and options which translate to: [import-orig] pristine-tar = True and [import-orig] pristine-tar = False respectively. To see the current set of values that would be applied after parsing the configuration files run the command with and check it's output. gbp import-dscs and git-pbuilder can't be configured via gbp.conf. can additionally parse remote site configurations from gbp.conf. For example a configration like: [remote-config pkg-libvirt] # Location of the repository remote-url-pattern = ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-libvirt/%(pkg)s # Template dir to passed to git-init template-dir = /srv/alioth.debian.org/chroot/home/groups/pkg-libvirt/git-template Can be used to create remote repositories for the pkg-libvirt project using: gbp-create-remote-repo --remote-config=pkg-libvirt This can be useful if you're often creating new remote repositores for different projects. EXAMPLES An example set up for packaging work: # $HOME/gbp.conf [DEFAULT] pristine-tar = True cleaner = fakeroot debian/rules clean [buildpackage] export-dir = ../build-area/ [import-orig] dch = False filter = .svn filter = .hg filter = .bzr filter = CVS filter = debian/* filter = */debian/* filter-pristine-tar = True [import-dsc] filter = [ 'CVS', '.cvsignore', '.hg', '.hgignore' '.bzr', '.bzrignore', '.gitignore' ] # End of file ENVIRONMENT GBP_CONF_FILES Colon separated list of files to parse. The default is the above list of configuration files. FILES See See /etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf for an example. SEE ALSO gbp-clone 1 , gbp-create-remote-repo 1 , gbp-pq 1 gbp-pull 1 , gbp-dch 1 , gbp-import-dsc 1 , gbp-import-orig 1 , gbp-buildpackage 1 , The Git-Buildpackage Manual AUTHORS &dhusername; &dhemail; This manual page is based on a POD version by Jari Aalto jari.aalto@cante.net. Released under license GNU GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later. version.