&dhfirstname; &dhsurname; 2006 &dhusername; &dhdate;
git-buildpackage &dhsection; &git-buildpackage; Build Debian packages from a Git repository &git-buildpackage; DESCRIPTION &git-buildpackage; is used to build Debian source and .deb packages from a GIT repository. &git-buildpackage; will, in order: Verify that it is being executed from the proper location. Call debuild (1) (or the application specified via --git-builder) with arguments instructing it to ignore Git meta-data in the diff.gz, passing along all arguments given to &git-buildpackage; that don't start with --git-. OPTIONS Build the .diff.gz and debian package although there are uncommitted changes in the source tree. Add a git tag after a successfull build. Use BUILD_CMD instead of debuild Verbose execution SEE ALSO git-import-dsc (1), git-import-orig (1), debuild (1), git (1) AUTHOR &dhusername; &dhemail;