package Client; import java.lang.NumberFormatException; import java.util.Hashtable; public class ParsedLine { private String line; private Hashtable dict; /** constructor, returning dictionary. * @param text line * for example input: " 352 tzafrir #chat-dor ~tzafrir localhost" * output: a dictionary with the following entries: * - server: * - command: 352 * - nick: tzafrir * - message: #chat-dor ~tzafrir localhost */ public ParsedLine(String line) { this.line = line; this.dict = new Hashtable (); String[] parsed = this.line.split("[ \t]", 3); int messageCode = -1; try { messageCode = Integer.getInteger(parsed[1], 10); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}; if (parsed[1].compareTo("PRIVMSG") == 0) { dict.put("user", RemoveFirst(parsed[0])); String[] parsedUser = dict.get("user").split("!", 2); dict.put("nick", parsedUser[0]); dict.put("command", parsed[1]); String[] parsedArgs = parsed[2].split("[ \t]", 2); dict.put("channel", parsedArgs[0]); dict.put("message",RemoveFirst(parsedArgs[1])); } else if (parsed[1].compareTo("NICK") == 0) { dict.put("user", RemoveFirst(parsed[0])); String[] parsedUser = dict.get("user").split("!", 2); dict.put("nick", parsedUser[0]); dict.put("command", parsed[1]); dict.put("newnick", RemoveFirst(parsed[2])); } else if (parsed[1].compareTo("JOIN") == 0) { dict.put("user", RemoveFirst(parsed[0])); String[] parsedUser = dict.get("user").split("!", 2); dict.put("nick", parsedUser[0]); dict.put("command", parsed[1]); dict.put("channel", parsed[2]); } else if (parsed[0].compareTo("PING") == 0) { dict.put("server", RemoveFirst(parsed[1])); dict.put("command", parsed[0]); } else if (messageCode > 0) { dict.put("server", RemoveFirst(parsed[0])); dict.put("command", parsed[1]); String[] parsedArgs = parsed[2].split("[ \t]", 2); dict.put("nick", parsedArgs[0]); dict.put("message", parsedArgs[1]); // FIXME: remove ":". starts at various places for various codes } else System.err.println("Notice: failed to parse message message: [" + line + "]"); } /** getting the results from the dictionary @param property */ public String get(String property) { return dict.get(property); } /** Remove the first char from the input (this char is irelevant). TODO: move to Common.*/ public static String RemoveFirst(String st) { return st.substring(1 , st.length()); } }