path: root/third_party/resample/src/windowfilter.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/resample/src/windowfilter.c b/third_party/resample/src/windowfilter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b2b67690..00000000
--- a/third_party/resample/src/windowfilter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* makefilter.c */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "stdefs.h"
-#include "filterkit.h"
-#include "resample.h"
-#define MAXNWING 8192 /* FIXME: flush */
-/* LIBRARIES needed:
- *
- * 1. filterkit
- * makeFilter() - designs a Kaiser-windowed low-pass filter
- * writeFilter() - writes a filter to a standard filter file
- * GetUShort() - prompt user for a UHWORD with help
- * GetDouble() - prompt user for a double with help
- *
- * 2. math
- */
-char NmultHelp[] =
- "\n Nmult is the length of the symmetric FIR lowpass filter used"
- "\n by the sampling rate converter. It must be odd."
- "\n This is the number of multiplies per output sample for"
- "\n up-conversions (Factor>1), and is the number of multiplies"
- "\n per input sample for down-conversions (Factor<1). Thus if"
- "\n the rate conversion is Srate2 = Factor*Srate1, then you have"
- "\n Nmult*Srate1*MAXof(Factor,1) multiplies per second of real time."
- "\n Naturally, higher Nmult gives better lowpass-filtering at the"
- "\n expense of longer compute times. Nmult should be odd because"
- "\n it is the length of a symmetric FIR filter, and the current"
- "\n implementation requires a coefficient at the time origin.\n";
-char FrollHelp[] =
- "\n Froll determines the frequency at which the lowpass filter begins to"
- "\n roll-off. If Froll=1, then there is no 'guard zone' and the filter"
- "\n roll-off region will be aliased. If Froll is 0.90, for example, then"
- "\n the filter begins rolling off at 0.90*Srate/2, so that by Srate/2,"
- "\n the filter is well down and aliasing is reduced. Since aliasing"
- "\n distortion is typically worse than loss of the high-frequency spectral"
- "\n amplitude, Froll<1 is highly recommended. The default of 0.90"
- "\n sacrifices the upper 10 percent of the spectrum as an anti-aliasing"
- "\n guard zone.\n";
-char BetaHelp[] =
- "\n Beta trades the rejection of the lowpass filter against the"
- "\n transition width from passband to stopband. Larger Beta means"
- "\n a slower transition and greater stopband rejection. See Rabiner"
- "\n and Gold (Th. and App. of DSP) under Kaiser windows for more about"
- "\n Beta. The following table from Rabiner and Gold (p. 101) gives some"
- "\n feel for the effect of Beta:"
- "\n"
- "\n 2.120 1.50 +-0.27 -30"
- "\n 3.384 2.23 0.0864 -40"
- "\n 4.538 2.93 0.0274 -50"
- "\n 5.658 3.62 0.00868 -60"
- "\n 6.764 4.32 0.00275 -70"
- "\n 7.865 5.0 0.000868 -80"
- "\n 8.960 5.7 0.000275 -90"
- "\n 10.056 6.4 0.000087 -100"
- "\n"
- "\n Above, ripples are in dB, and the transition band width is "
- "\n approximately D*Fs/N, where Fs = sampling rate, "
- "\n and N = window length. PB = 'pass band' and SB = 'stop band'."
- "\n Alternatively, D is the transition widths in bins given a"
- "\n length N DFT (i.e. a window transform with no zero padding."
- "\n";
-int main(void)
- HWORD Imp[MAXNWING]; /* Filter coefficients */
- HWORD ImpD[MAXNWING]; /* ImpD[i] = ImpD[i+1] - ImpD[i] */
- double Froll, Beta;
- UHWORD Nmult, Nwing, LpScl;
- int err;
- Froll = 0.90;
- Beta = 9;
- Nmult = 65;
- while (1)
- {
- Froll = GetDouble("Normalized Roll-off freq (0<Froll<=1)",
- Froll, FrollHelp);
- Beta = GetDouble("Beta", Beta, BetaHelp);
- Nmult = GetUHWORD("Odd filter length 'Nmult'", Nmult, NmultHelp);
- if ((Nmult&1) == 0) {
- Nmult++;
- printf("Filter length increased to %d to make it odd.\n",Nmult);
- }
- Nwing = Npc*(Nmult-1)/2; /* # of filter coeffs in right wing */
- printf("\n");
- if (!(Nmult % 2))
- printf("Error: Nmult must be odd and greater than zero\n");
- else if ((err = makeFilter(Imp, ImpD, &LpScl, Nwing, Froll, Beta))) {
- printf("*** Error: Unable to make filter.\n");
- if (err == 1)
- printf("\tNmult=%d too large for MAXNWING=%d\n",Nmult,MAXNWING);
- else if (err == 2)
- printf("\tNormalized roll-off freq Froll must be between 0 and 1\n");
- else if (err == 3)
- printf("\tHeisenberg says Beta must be greater or equal to 1\n");
- else if (err == 4) {
- printf("\tUnity-gain scale factor overflows 16-bit half-word\n");
- printf("\tFilter design was probably way off. Try relaxing specs.\n");
- }
- } else if ((err = writeFilter(Imp, ImpD, LpScl, Nmult, Nwing)))
- printf("Error: Unable to write filter, err=%d\n", err);
- else
- break;
- }
- return(0);