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diff --git a/documentation/magic-methods.html b/documentation/magic-methods.html
index 17c6356..4803631 100644
--- a/documentation/magic-methods.html
+++ b/documentation/magic-methods.html
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ unset($user->email);
is used <i>as if</i> it was a function. This can be compared with overloading
the operator () in a C++ class. By implementing the __invoke() method, scripts
from PHP user space can create an object, and then use it as a function.
<pre class="language-c++"><code>
#include &lt;phpcpp.h&gt;
@@ -343,3 +344,99 @@ whatever a b
invoke parameter passed to invoke
+<h2>__toString and other casting methods</h2>
+ In PHP you can add a __toString() method to a class. This method is automatically
+ called when you cast an object to a string. And of course, PHP-CPP also supports
+ this __toString() method. But there is more. Internally, the Zend engine
+ also has methods for casting objects to integers, booleans and floating point
+ values. For one reason or the other, only the casting to a string (__toString)
+ method is offered to user space PHP scripts. But with the PHP-CPP library you
+ can implement all these casting functions.
+<pre class="language-c++"><code>
+#include &lt;phpcpp.h&gt;
+ * A sample class, with methods to cast objects to scalars
+ */
+class MyClass : public Php::Base
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor and C++ destructpr
+ */
+ MyClass() {}
+ virtual ~MyClass() {}
+ /**
+ * Cast to a string
+ * @return Value
+ */
+ virtual Php::Value __toString() override
+ {
+ return "abcd";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cast to a integer
+ * @return long
+ */
+ virtual long __toInteger() override
+ {
+ return 1234;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cast to a floating point number
+ * @return double
+ */
+ virtual double __toFloat() override
+ {
+ return 88.88;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cast to a boolean
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ virtual bool __toBool() override
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ * Switch to C context to ensure that the get_module() function
+ * is callable by C programs (which the Zend engine is)
+ */
+extern "C" {
+ /**
+ * Startup function that is called by the Zend engine
+ * to retrieve all information about the extension
+ * @return void*
+ */
+ PHPCPP_EXPORT void *get_module() {
+ // extension object
+ static Php::Extension myExtension("my_extension", "1.0");
+ // description of the class so that PHP knows
+ // which methods are accessible
+ Php::Class&lt;MyClass&gt; myClass("MyClass");
+ // add the class to the extension
+ myExtension.add(std::move(myClass));
+ // return the extension
+ return myExtension;
+ }
+ The magic __toInteger(), __toFloat() and __toBool() methods are special
+ methods added by the PHP-CPP library, and are not available in regular
+ PHP scripts.