/** * Call.h * * This file holds a function to call a PHP function * * @author Emiel Bruijntjes * @copyright 2014 Copernica BV */ /** * Set up namespace */ namespace Php { /** * Call a function in PHP * @param name Name of the function to call * @param params Variable number of parameters * @return Value */ template Value call(const char *name, Params&&... params) { // the name can be turned into a Php::Value object, which implements // the operator () method to call it Value function(name); // invoke the operator () return function(std::forward(params)...); } /** * Long list of simply-forwarded function calls * * Most functions in this list are forwarded to the call() method described * above, which of course is slower than necessary, because they will have to * pass the entire zend engine to look up the actual implementation, while a * direct call the C implementation was possible too. The reason for this is * that we are lazy - if you feel like looking up the actual implementation for * each function in the PHP source, your support is more than welcome. * * But since it is a stupid idea to call a PHP function from your extension * anyway (that's what people write extension for: to get away from PHP and * make the code run on the highway), it is not expected that these functions * are going to be used very often anyway. */ inline Value array_key_exists(const Value &key, const Value &array) { return array.contains(key); } inline Value array_key_exists(int key, const Value &array) { return array.contains(key); } inline Value array_key_exists(const char *key, const Value &array) { return array.contains(key); } inline Value array_key_exists(const std::string &key, const Value &array) { return array.contains(key); } inline Value array_keys(const Value &value) { return call("array_keys", value); } inline Value array_values(const Value &value) { return call("array_values", value); } inline Value count(const Value &value) { return call("count", value); } inline Value echo(const char *input) { out << input; return nullptr; } inline Value echo(const std::string &input) { out << input; return nullptr; } inline Value empty(const Value &value) { return value.isNull() || !value.boolValue(); } inline Value empty(const HashMember &member) { return !member.exists() || empty(member.value()); } inline Value empty(const HashMember &member) { return !member.exists() || empty(member.value()); } inline Value ini_get(const Value &value) { return call("ini_get", value); } inline Value is_array(const Value &value) { return value.isArray(); } inline Value strlen(const Value &value) { return call("strlen", value); } inline void unset(const HashMember &member) { member.unset(); } inline void unset(const HashMember &member) { member.unset(); } inline void unset(const HashMember &member) { member.unset(); } /** * The isset function conflicts with the 'isset' macro defined by the Zend engine */ #pragma push_macro("isset"); #undef isset /** * Define the isset function */ inline Value isset(const Value &value) { return call("isset", value); } inline Value isset(const HashMember &member) { return member.exists() && isset(member.value()); } inline Value isset(const HashMember &member) { return member.exists() && isset(member.value()); } inline Value isset(const HashMember &member) { return member.exists() && isset(member.value()); } /** * Re-install the ISSET macro */ #pragma pop_macro("isset"); /** * End of namespace */ }